告訴你一個真實的古巴/ An Authentic Cuba!
我用 古巴 市場做了一頓中餐,食材真的非常好。
I used Cuba's ingredients to make Chinese dinner for them and I was impressed by Cuba's authentic ingredients. 猜猜他們在乾什麼?
Guess what are they doing?
There was a man just passed away, their relatives were waiting to meet the last time. 貼在銀行門口的告示,告示已經退休的人們每個月的什麼時候來取退休金及金額。也就是200比索,很少,8美金而已。
This post in the bank told people when and how much for their retirement allowance, which is only 200 peso per month. That's around $8. 大片大片的甘蔗地,但是就是沒有一個人賣甘蔗汁
Sugar cane is everywhere in the country side, there there is no sugar cane juice. SIX-第六天第六天
回到cienfeagos,吃了中飯出發回 哈瓦那 ,路上遇到了另外一對 美國 旅行者,他們對我的一些經歷也深有同感…
回到青旅, 臺灣 女生和 英國 男生都不怎麼友善… 臺灣 女生和她 德國 男友在 哈瓦那 海灘搭帳篷,半夜被人割開偷走了兩個包,包括護照相機等等。 臺灣 自然在 古巴 沒有大使館,她得通過別的地方補辦護照。
The sixt h day, I went back to Havana, also car pooled with other people. We share some interesting experience as well.
Back to hostel, there was a girl from Taiwan, which was not very friendly to me. She and her boyfriend were camping on the beach. But they had been robbed in the middle of the night. Their two bags had been stolen which had their passports and cameras. So, even though Cuba looks safe, still make sure you aware of your surroundings.
又是一次挑戰,搭著卡車來到了soroa,其實有那麼一刻stressed out,畢竟不會西語,可是一路上都有人幫我,這個世界確實是好人多,儘管給騙了好幾次,我依然懷著善意和他們交流,他們中間也有對我很好的,無微不至,儘管完全靠字典交流。可是這一晚住在這麼簡陋的環境讓我對 古巴 底層人民的生活有了更為直接的感受……
去徒步,路並不會很難走,但是山路崎嶇。一路上卡車和馬車都讓我搭便車,特別友善,知道我是 中國 人,他們都說中古 友誼 好,一個勁兒地飆西語…很朴實的感情,真的很感動他們那些純真的笑容。
The seventh day, I took the truck (yes, truck!) to Soroa. That was a big challenge, because I know nothing about this pl ace and also I could not speak Spanish, they did not speak English either. However, there were always people trying to help me.
I went hiking and saw the small water fall. Such a small fall, but they charge you 3 CUC….
However, the mountains make it hard for hiking. People passing by always try to give me a ride. So many kind people in that small town. They don’t know how to speak English, but you can tell their sincere from their smile and emotion.
繁花似錦 我搭的卡車。
That's the truck I took. I know it's beyond your imagination, however, it's so cheap. I only spent $2 from Havana to Soroa, and it took me more than one hour. 給我搭便車的 古巴 老漢,我當時坐在最左邊穿紅衣男孩的位置上,他一直在講 古巴 和 中國 ,可是我都聽不懂。
These Cuba people gave me a horse ride. 古巴 鄉村生活
Cuba countryside life 給我搭便車的卡車
These guys gave me another ride 這也叫瀑布。。
a waterfall.... $3 for entrance... 某酒店旁邊的污水
Dirty water 理髮店
"salon" 鄉村的晚餐,還是給了我很多肉,不過為了不浪費,我只吃了一小片。
Even though the meat is not enough, they gave me two big pieces. I could not finish, so I had only one piece. EIGHT-第八天第八天
離開,在路上等車許久,都是 古巴 人在幫我攔車,最終 成功 ,可惜這司機老爺爺並不簡單,後來說送我去 哈瓦那 時 獅子 大開口…反正今天遇到的 古巴 人,沒有特別好,不騙我算好的了…
租車 ,這人不僅想騙錢還騙色,我去過不少游客爆棚的地方,但沒有見過風氣這麼糟糕的…
之前問過,為什麼那些 古巴 男人就一直對著女游客索吻,問要不要 古巴 男朋友。他們是一直這樣還是只對游客這樣?朋友說,其實 古巴 人並不會這樣,這是因為有游客到 古巴 來是為了尋求某種東西,所以其實是游客帶壞了 古巴 人。想來也是,其實真正的 古巴 人還是很淳樸的。我們也覺得 古巴 人其實還蠻含蓄的,很多情侶或者夫妻在大街上都不牽手,而這在別的國家再正常不過了,但是他們見面行貼面禮,即使是陌生人,所以這一點也是蠻有趣的。
山和岩洞跟 桂林 很像,但沒有 桂林 美,雞肋一枚。
和 紐約 來的姑娘相談甚歡,一起吐槽這坑游客的行為。買東西明明是一個土幣,但是他知道你是游客,非得要一個紅幣,一氣之下,我不買了…
回住的地方時,看到有個門口很多人,我問她們在乾什麼,說是馬戲團,票價應該是人民幣三塊錢,一個半小時…於是我也跟著 古巴 人民看了一場表演,魔術,舞蹈等等,表演者們很敬業,雖然都是那些常見的魔術,但是還是覺得水平不錯。
今晚應該可以睡個好覺,明天回 芝加哥 了~~~
The eighth day, I did not sleep well due to the mosquitos. Also, they speak very loud…
I rented a bike to visit the painting in the mountain. It was not so surprising to me since I saw similar scenery in China.
But when I walked back to casa, there was a pl ace with crowded people. So I asked what’s going on. They said there was a circle, and the price is only 10 CUP. I bought a ticket and watched a fantastic show. The magic in the circle did not surprise me but I really liked their attitude and spirit.
建設社會主義國家 only $1 for this meal
I used Cuba's ingredients to make Chinese dinner for them and I was impressed by Cuba's authentic ingredients. 猜猜他們在乾什麼?
Guess what are they doing?
There was a man just passed away, their relatives were waiting to meet the last time. 貼在銀行門口的告示,告示已經退休的人們每個月的什麼時候來取退休金及金額。也就是200比索,很少,8美金而已。
This post in the bank told people when and how much for their retirement allowance, which is only 200 peso per month. That's around $8. 大片大片的甘蔗地,但是就是沒有一個人賣甘蔗汁
Sugar cane is everywhere in the country side, there there is no sugar cane juice. SIX-第六天第六天
回到cienfeagos,吃了中飯出發回 哈瓦那 ,路上遇到了另外一對 美國 旅行者,他們對我的一些經歷也深有同感…
回到青旅, 臺灣 女生和 英國 男生都不怎麼友善… 臺灣 女生和她 德國 男友在 哈瓦那 海灘搭帳篷,半夜被人割開偷走了兩個包,包括護照相機等等。 臺灣 自然在 古巴 沒有大使館,她得通過別的地方補辦護照。
The sixt h day, I went back to Havana, also car pooled with other people. We share some interesting experience as well.
Back to hostel, there was a girl from Taiwan, which was not very friendly to me. She and her boyfriend were camping on the beach. But they had been robbed in the middle of the night. Their two bags had been stolen which had their passports and cameras. So, even though Cuba looks safe, still make sure you aware of your surroundings.
又是一次挑戰,搭著卡車來到了soroa,其實有那麼一刻stressed out,畢竟不會西語,可是一路上都有人幫我,這個世界確實是好人多,儘管給騙了好幾次,我依然懷著善意和他們交流,他們中間也有對我很好的,無微不至,儘管完全靠字典交流。可是這一晚住在這麼簡陋的環境讓我對 古巴 底層人民的生活有了更為直接的感受……
去徒步,路並不會很難走,但是山路崎嶇。一路上卡車和馬車都讓我搭便車,特別友善,知道我是 中國 人,他們都說中古 友誼 好,一個勁兒地飆西語…很朴實的感情,真的很感動他們那些純真的笑容。
The seventh day, I took the truck (yes, truck!) to Soroa. That was a big challenge, because I know nothing about this pl ace and also I could not speak Spanish, they did not speak English either. However, there were always people trying to help me.
I went hiking and saw the small water fall. Such a small fall, but they charge you 3 CUC….
However, the mountains make it hard for hiking. People passing by always try to give me a ride. So many kind people in that small town. They don’t know how to speak English, but you can tell their sincere from their smile and emotion.
繁花似錦 我搭的卡車。
That's the truck I took. I know it's beyond your imagination, however, it's so cheap. I only spent $2 from Havana to Soroa, and it took me more than one hour. 給我搭便車的 古巴 老漢,我當時坐在最左邊穿紅衣男孩的位置上,他一直在講 古巴 和 中國 ,可是我都聽不懂。
These Cuba people gave me a horse ride. 古巴 鄉村生活
Cuba countryside life 給我搭便車的卡車
These guys gave me another ride 這也叫瀑布。。
a waterfall.... $3 for entrance... 某酒店旁邊的污水
Dirty water 理髮店
"salon" 鄉村的晚餐,還是給了我很多肉,不過為了不浪費,我只吃了一小片。
Even though the meat is not enough, they gave me two big pieces. I could not finish, so I had only one piece. EIGHT-第八天第八天
離開,在路上等車許久,都是 古巴 人在幫我攔車,最終 成功 ,可惜這司機老爺爺並不簡單,後來說送我去 哈瓦那 時 獅子 大開口…反正今天遇到的 古巴 人,沒有特別好,不騙我算好的了…
租車 ,這人不僅想騙錢還騙色,我去過不少游客爆棚的地方,但沒有見過風氣這麼糟糕的…
之前問過,為什麼那些 古巴 男人就一直對著女游客索吻,問要不要 古巴 男朋友。他們是一直這樣還是只對游客這樣?朋友說,其實 古巴 人並不會這樣,這是因為有游客到 古巴 來是為了尋求某種東西,所以其實是游客帶壞了 古巴 人。想來也是,其實真正的 古巴 人還是很淳樸的。我們也覺得 古巴 人其實還蠻含蓄的,很多情侶或者夫妻在大街上都不牽手,而這在別的國家再正常不過了,但是他們見面行貼面禮,即使是陌生人,所以這一點也是蠻有趣的。
山和岩洞跟 桂林 很像,但沒有 桂林 美,雞肋一枚。
和 紐約 來的姑娘相談甚歡,一起吐槽這坑游客的行為。買東西明明是一個土幣,但是他知道你是游客,非得要一個紅幣,一氣之下,我不買了…
回住的地方時,看到有個門口很多人,我問她們在乾什麼,說是馬戲團,票價應該是人民幣三塊錢,一個半小時…於是我也跟著 古巴 人民看了一場表演,魔術,舞蹈等等,表演者們很敬業,雖然都是那些常見的魔術,但是還是覺得水平不錯。
今晚應該可以睡個好覺,明天回 芝加哥 了~~~
The eighth day, I did not sleep well due to the mosquitos. Also, they speak very loud…
I rented a bike to visit the painting in the mountain. It was not so surprising to me since I saw similar scenery in China.
But when I walked back to casa, there was a pl ace with crowded people. So I asked what’s going on. They said there was a circle, and the price is only 10 CUP. I bought a ticket and watched a fantastic show. The magic in the circle did not surprise me but I really liked their attitude and spirit.
建設社會主義國家 only $1 for this meal