告訴你一個真實的古巴/ An Authentic Cuba!
1961年, 卡斯 特羅到訪 比尼亞萊斯 山谷,他就授意在山谷的斷壁上畫上恐龍、蝸牛和洞穴人之類的圖案,營造出史前巨畫的感覺,這幅巨大的壁畫也是 比尼亞萊斯 的標誌之一。
Mural de la Prehistoria
$3 for entrance 制衣廠
Clothing factory
The whole painting 降旗
Lowering of the flag 敬業的馬戲團表演
Circus performance, the entrance fee is only 1- peso. Kids loved it so much! NINE-第九天
拼車的是一 加拿大 野人,這哥們就在 古巴 山裡住了兩星期,那才是最原生態的生活…一路上聊了他們 魁北克 法語區的獨立~~
他總結 古巴 很對:游客幫了政府,沒有幫到人民。
古巴 和 委內瑞拉 的關係很好,而 古巴 的醫學很好,遇到了大量的外國學生在那兒學習醫學,包括我們青旅工作人員的未婚妻。她是 美國 德州 人,在 古巴 讀醫學,6年,才完成學業。 委內瑞拉 和 古巴 也是交換, 委內瑞拉 給石油他們,而 古巴 幫 委內瑞拉 培養醫生。
The ninth day, I talked to the host of the casa. She told me how complicated and hard it is to have a business here. You need to pay the government to get a license and also you need to pay every month as well. They always check your documents and want get some grey money…..
Still, I car pooled to the airport. And I met a Canadian, who lived with local people for two weeks. He also had a great experience.
Living in an environment without Internet is another challenge for modern people. We only used the Internet to talk to our families to tell them that we are safe and it is good to enjoy quiet life there.
We both missed Cuba and we will be back someday!
Like our friend’s fiancé said, there are always people to help you. Even when some bad things happened, please believe there are some other people who will help you out. She is an American, she studied medicine in Cuba and she is engaged to a Cuban. She told me in Cuba, studying medicine is because you really have the passion to save people’s lives. In America, as a doctor, there are so many fears and law suits. However, in Cuba, people chose to be a doctor is because they want. Also, Cuban medicine has a lot of clinical professionals. Cuba used to learn from Russia, so it’s very practical rather than in America, which has a lot of labs. Also, Cuban medicine is open mind to other cultures, they take advantage of learning knowledge from other countries such as China.
Cuba offers medicine to Venezuela’s people in an exchange for oil. But these two countries do have a really good relationship with each other.
教皇方濟15年訪問 古巴 推動了 古巴 和美 國關係的改善。
Pure golden? 古巴 廣場舞
Cuban square dancing 給朋友寄明信片
Sending postcards to friend! Best of luck! Hope you can get it! 書展
Book market 婦女節的玫瑰花
Rose on Women's Day 好熱,人們都躲在桿子的陰影下。
It was soooo hot, people were hiding in the shadow of pole. Another lobster lunch! Just $5.
Mural de la Prehistoria
$3 for entrance 制衣廠
Clothing factory
The whole painting 降旗
Lowering of the flag 敬業的馬戲團表演
Circus performance, the entrance fee is only 1- peso. Kids loved it so much! NINE-第九天
拼車的是一 加拿大 野人,這哥們就在 古巴 山裡住了兩星期,那才是最原生態的生活…一路上聊了他們 魁北克 法語區的獨立~~
他總結 古巴 很對:游客幫了政府,沒有幫到人民。
古巴 和 委內瑞拉 的關係很好,而 古巴 的醫學很好,遇到了大量的外國學生在那兒學習醫學,包括我們青旅工作人員的未婚妻。她是 美國 德州 人,在 古巴 讀醫學,6年,才完成學業。 委內瑞拉 和 古巴 也是交換, 委內瑞拉 給石油他們,而 古巴 幫 委內瑞拉 培養醫生。
The ninth day, I talked to the host of the casa. She told me how complicated and hard it is to have a business here. You need to pay the government to get a license and also you need to pay every month as well. They always check your documents and want get some grey money…..
Still, I car pooled to the airport. And I met a Canadian, who lived with local people for two weeks. He also had a great experience.
Living in an environment without Internet is another challenge for modern people. We only used the Internet to talk to our families to tell them that we are safe and it is good to enjoy quiet life there.
We both missed Cuba and we will be back someday!
Like our friend’s fiancé said, there are always people to help you. Even when some bad things happened, please believe there are some other people who will help you out. She is an American, she studied medicine in Cuba and she is engaged to a Cuban. She told me in Cuba, studying medicine is because you really have the passion to save people’s lives. In America, as a doctor, there are so many fears and law suits. However, in Cuba, people chose to be a doctor is because they want. Also, Cuban medicine has a lot of clinical professionals. Cuba used to learn from Russia, so it’s very practical rather than in America, which has a lot of labs. Also, Cuban medicine is open mind to other cultures, they take advantage of learning knowledge from other countries such as China.
Cuba offers medicine to Venezuela’s people in an exchange for oil. But these two countries do have a really good relationship with each other.
教皇方濟15年訪問 古巴 推動了 古巴 和美 國關係的改善。
Pure golden? 古巴 廣場舞
Cuban square dancing 給朋友寄明信片
Sending postcards to friend! Best of luck! Hope you can get it! 書展
Book market 婦女節的玫瑰花
Rose on Women's Day 好熱,人們都躲在桿子的陰影下。
It was soooo hot, people were hiding in the shadow of pole. Another lobster lunch! Just $5.