告訴你一個真實的古巴/ An Authentic Cuba!
The pl ace Che use to live 哈瓦那 大學門外的街,據說有的是學生宿舍。
Out of the university, some of those buildings are dorms. 哈瓦那 大學, 圖中那座雕像即Alma Mater,直譯“有營養的母親”
University of Havana, the statue is Alma Mater. 1721年成立的大學還是很有歷史感的,1950年,菲德爾· 卡斯 特羅在這裡獲得了法學博士,也是這些革命領導人中學歷最高的,所以特別會演講,最著名的1960在聯合國大會,他一個人講了四個多小時。這個記錄至今無人能破。。。
University of Havana was built in 1721, which is the oldest university in Cuba.
1950, Fidel Castro got doctor degree of law. Also, he had the highest degree among all the leaders during the revolution time. So, he is really good at speech. In 1960, he gave a speech in UN for 4 hours!!!! 校園還是很小的
A small campus 校園裡慵懶的狗狗
A sleepy dog 課後討論的學生。
Students were discussing after class. 沒有科技的地方,課表就是這樣的
Where will you have next class? Check here. 這棟樓住著 哈瓦那 大學最優秀的50個學生。
The most talented 50 students live in this building. 非洲 藝術
African arts 抬頭看看 披薩的老闆
The boss of this pizza shop 明亮的色彩
So bright color What's this? 中國 製造
Made in China again 這是在 古巴 嗎?
Cuba? 排列整齊的人力車 十刀的午餐,超值
The pl ace Che use to live 哈瓦那 大學門外的街,據說有的是學生宿舍。
Out of the university, some of those buildings are dorms. 哈瓦那 大學, 圖中那座雕像即Alma Mater,直譯“有營養的母親”
University of Havana, the statue is Alma Mater. 1721年成立的大學還是很有歷史感的,1950年,菲德爾· 卡斯 特羅在這裡獲得了法學博士,也是這些革命領導人中學歷最高的,所以特別會演講,最著名的1960在聯合國大會,他一個人講了四個多小時。這個記錄至今無人能破。。。
University of Havana was built in 1721, which is the oldest university in Cuba.
1950, Fidel Castro got doctor degree of law. Also, he had the highest degree among all the leaders during the revolution time. So, he is really good at speech. In 1960, he gave a speech in UN for 4 hours!!!! 校園還是很小的
A small campus 校園裡慵懶的狗狗
A sleepy dog 課後討論的學生。
Students were discussing after class. 沒有科技的地方,課表就是這樣的
Where will you have next class? Check here. 這棟樓住著 哈瓦那 大學最優秀的50個學生。
The most talented 50 students live in this building. 非洲 藝術
African arts 抬頭看看 披薩的老闆
The boss of this pizza shop 明亮的色彩
So bright color What's this? 中國 製造
Made in China again 這是在 古巴 嗎?
Cuba? 排列整齊的人力車 十刀的午餐,超值