告訴你一個真實的古巴/ An Authentic Cuba!
背景/Background寫在前面:春假和朋友 貝卡 去了趟 古巴 ,去看到了一個真實的 古巴 。完全和想象中的不一樣,我以為可能是回到80年代的 中國 ,然而並不是。 古巴 到底是一個什麼樣的國家,我想你得自己去看看。以下的文字是當時旅行中用手機記錄的實時感受,回到 芝加哥 後補充了一些所思所感。
特此感謝我的好閨蜜 貝卡 同學和我一起旅行!周五晚上,我跟她吃飯,她說我可能可以和你一起去旅行,但是不知道簽證怎麼弄,我周末找找信息。周一晚上她說,我搞定簽證了,周二她截圖說和我定了一起出發的機票!這速度,有木有很贊!
During spring break, my bestie, Becca, and I travelled to Cuba and got the opportunity to see the authenticity of this incredible country. The feeling was totally different than how I had expected.
I also appreciate Becca for travelling with me. Her quick-minded and adventurous personality made the process even better. One Friday night, she told me she might go with me but she needed to figure out her visa. A few days later, she told me she could get visa from the Cuban embassy on next Monday night. She sent me the screenshot of her booked air ticket, which was the same as mine on Tuesday. I like her quick-mindedness!!!! Thank you so much my dear Becca!
文字部分比較長,因此會把主要的註意事項放在前面,如果有時間再讀我們的經歷。 基本註意事項/Tips關於攻略,馬蜂窩官網攻略倒是可以,但是裡面的價格全部已經上漲,有的甚至翻倍了。請留心最新的價格~~~
關於語言, 古巴 官方語言是 西班牙 語,只有少部分從事和旅行相關的人才會英語。不過也不用擔心,可以提前準備幾句簡單的日常會話。下載好離線的西班語字典,如我使用的SpanishDict,是英西互譯的,很好用。
Most Cuban people only speak Spanish, so if you know Spanish, that would be a great advantage, if not, don’t worry. There are always some people who can help you. Also, you can download an App called "SpanishDic" for offline using. It’s very helpful.
關於機票,在 美國 ,我一般使用kayak搜索,然後看哪個便宜定哪個,不過建議大家看看自己是否需要托運行李。有的廉價航空公司是沒有行李托運的,因此也要綜合考慮。我們購買的是spirit, 芝加哥 往返 哈瓦那 加行李都在300美金以下,非常便宜了,而且只提前了一個月購買。註意,spirit平時是要求提前印表機票的,但由於這個是國際航空,大家即使網上check in了,到機場也要打印,所以不用擔心,不會額外收費。另外,國內段他們 美國 機場也是有免費印表機,但是我們的都打印不出來,所以還是去櫃臺打印吧。
Using Kayak to search and find the cheapest flight, but make sure you consider your luggage since some air companies like Spirit do not including free check-in bags. Also, since it’s an international flight, you do not need to print out the ticket in advance. Even though you have to check in ahead, you still have to check your passport at the counter. For domestic flights at Spirit, you choose print out ticket online or through the machine by the counter. But sometimes, the machine does not work, so it’s better to stand in line and get the ticket from the counter because the layover time you would have transfer from flight to flight is relatively short.
關於簽證, 古巴 對很多國家免簽,購買旅游卡即可(別相信對 中國 游客不需要的鬼話)。可以從所乘坐的航空公司買,也可以提前購買。建議提前購買,便宜一些,我當場買的,花了100刀,真是流血。 美國 航空公司提供旅行卡的價格是不一樣的,提前查好,可別像我花了大本錢。
Cuba requires tourist visa, so if possible, make sure you purchase it in advance. If you purchase it in the airport, the price can be much higher. For example, I paid $100 in the airport while Becca paid $75 because she purchased through an agency before going.
The original price from Cuba embassy is only $25. Different agents have their own price, please double check.
關於貨幣兌換,如果你有 中國 境內銀行發行的銀行卡最好,可以選擇辦理境外取現不用手續費的銀行卡,這樣匯率最高。其次現金兌換,可以在國內或者 美國 換成歐元,因為如果美元兌換,要加收10%懲罰性稅率,畢竟 美國 和 古巴 關係不好。有的地方也接受刷卡,銀聯卡也是可以的,除美元外,其他貨幣都是3%,相對來說還是比較划算的。
古巴 的貨幣有兩種,游客用的CUC,當地居民用的CUP. 1 CUC = 1 USD, 1
Since they will charge 10% for U.S dollars, so it’s better convert to Euros. Or if you have a bank card from another country like me, the fee is 3%, which is much lower than using the U.S dollar.
There are two types of currencies in Cuba. One is CUC, which is for tourists. The other one is CUP, which is for local residents. 1CUC almost equals to 1 U.S. dollar. I CUC = 24 CUP.
關於住宿,大家完全不用擔心, 古巴 現在的旅游業已經很火爆,所以完全不用擔心找房子,可以提前訂一兩晚,到了再找說不定價格更便宜。 古巴 是沒有沙發客的,因為政府不允許當地人免費招待外國人。他們都是從政府那裡拿到許可經營的,一個帶有藍色類似⚓這個箭頭,大家就可以放心大膽的問了,這種住宿稱為casa。另外也可以通過aribnb來定。
另外,可以要求他們包含早餐,砍價也是可以的。均價一般30美金一晚,但是我們在 哈瓦那 住的是青旅房間,12美金一晚含早晚餐,便宜到爆。如果你住青旅床鋪,那才10美金一晚。當然條件不怎麼樣,住青旅可以認識不同的人,也容易獲得較多的信息。聯繫方式如下:
Whilmer: 52200967 (for Cuba)
Whilmer: 53916051(for international)
Email: wgtoledo@nauta.com.cu
You can book through Airbnb , or you can book after arrival. Since Cuba is such a popular tourist pl ace , there are tons of options for housing. The average price would be $30 per night. The hostel we lived in Havana is $10 including breakfast and dinner for one person.
The contact info is below:
Wilmer: 52200967 (for Cuba)
Whilmer: 53916051(for international)
Email: wgtoledo@nauta.com.cu
關於交通:機場到 哈瓦那 室內,20CUC,反正砍價吧。
Airport to Havana city, 20 CUC.
Between different cities, you can book the bus, but you need to book in advance if you go there during the peak season. However, the private car is also very easy to find and almost the same price. If you like to bargain, probably you can even get a cheaper price than the public bus.
For bus in the city, just 1 CUP (4 cent), which is almost freeeeeeeeeee.
The horse taxi is around 20 CUP (<$1) every time.
關於地圖,由於 古巴 的網絡不像我們那麼發達,建議大家提前下載好地圖,然後下載好所前往的國家或者地區,這個應用叫maps.me,非常非常好用。但是一定要提前下載,在 古巴 是沒有辦法下載應用程序的。
You can print out maps, but I would highly recommend you download "maps.me", and download Cuba’s map before you go since Cuba does not allow you download apps after you arrive.
關於網絡,到了 古巴 ,還是得給爸媽報個平安對吧。去制定的地點購買上網卡,1.5CUC一個小時,然後到較大的廣場或者酒店附近找信號。
Of course you can purchase wifi cards in the store, but you need to wait for a while and it is 1.5 CUC for one hour. Then, find a pl ace such as a plaza or big hotel where there is wifi connection.
關於雪茄和朗姆酒,雪茄可以在正規的國營商店買,一定是真的。不過本身價格就不便宜,但是 古巴 購買是最好的。
朗姆酒其實在離境過完安檢之後購買很划算,價格便宜。因為安檢完了,是可以上飛機的。如果要轉機,因為袋子密封, 美國 境內是可以的。我看到其他乘客是這樣做的,至於其他國際航空公司可不可以,可以和航空公司聯繫。不過提前托運也可以,我們的就是提前托運的。
About cigars and rum, you can purchase them in local government-owned store, which are often real. Also, you can purchase it in the duty-free store inside the airport, the price is the same actually. You can carry them to the airplane. Also, if you need to transfer, it seems they are still allowing you to carry to the airplane if the purchased bag is sealed.
中午十二點到了 哈瓦那 ,熱帶風情,高大的棕櫚樹,司機開吉利的汽車。老區各種破舊的房子,人們並沒有很在意這些,悠然自得。
下午在老城區轉轉,到處都是老爺車,看看 古巴 人民的生活,去喝mojito,是挺不錯的。
我們青旅的工作人員很熱心給我們做了午飯,還說房價包含早晚餐! 才12刀一晚,確實很便宜,條件當然不怎好,畢竟挺落後。
但是第一天就被騙了,非常不爽…去之前看到游客說要非常小心 古巴 男人,我們已經非常謹慎,結果被一女人騙了,換成美金沒有多少錢,但是對當地人民可是巨款。
站在陽臺上,看著晚上十點還有人在街上走,周邊的老房子全是破破爛爛,革命革命,是獨立了,到處都是 卡斯 特羅和切·格瓦拉的圖像及標語。還有他們最親密朋友 委內瑞拉 總統查韋斯的照片~~~
First story of our stay in Cuba:
The first day, we got cheated because we trusted a stranger. We were so cautious because people told us be careful with men, but this time, we got exploited by a woman.
Normally, they would first talk to you, introduce you to some bar, musical or historical pl ace s. At the end, they would lead you to a bar, order food or drinks. They would let you pay, however, the price was very high. We did not know that for the first day, so we paid $10 for a drink, and the next day, we had a great meal with that price.
Be very careful with some strangers, they just want to get money from you. Also, once they made friends with you, they would sell fake cigar to you as well. So, be careful!
飛機上俯瞰 古巴 ,第一印象。
The first impression of Cuba from airplane!
Government owned store
Farmer's market
Due to the high temperature, the produce are turning bad.
Everything is so cheap in local money!
He is preparing garlic!
Get coconut meat~~
漢堡 包等美式食物
American hamburger
Shampoo, conditioner and so on.
A small counter but offer some digital products.
We were asking whether they do business, they do, but when we told them where are we going, they always think it's too far. But when we arrived by walking, it was not that far. They are lazy!
Old car driving!
So many different kinds of cars!
仿照 美國 建的國會山
A "fake" capitol
After school
Colonial time
Old and new buildings
After school students are watching street solo.
Cats are everywhere, some of them probably are homeless.
很喜歡這種老建築,和 廣州 的騎樓很像。
This kind of building is similar to Cantonese arcade architecture.
Another taxi
In front of school, nothing special as a school.
Along the sea
特此感謝我的好閨蜜 貝卡 同學和我一起旅行!周五晚上,我跟她吃飯,她說我可能可以和你一起去旅行,但是不知道簽證怎麼弄,我周末找找信息。周一晚上她說,我搞定簽證了,周二她截圖說和我定了一起出發的機票!這速度,有木有很贊!
During spring break, my bestie, Becca, and I travelled to Cuba and got the opportunity to see the authenticity of this incredible country. The feeling was totally different than how I had expected.
I also appreciate Becca for travelling with me. Her quick-minded and adventurous personality made the process even better. One Friday night, she told me she might go with me but she needed to figure out her visa. A few days later, she told me she could get visa from the Cuban embassy on next Monday night. She sent me the screenshot of her booked air ticket, which was the same as mine on Tuesday. I like her quick-mindedness!!!! Thank you so much my dear Becca!
文字部分比較長,因此會把主要的註意事項放在前面,如果有時間再讀我們的經歷。 基本註意事項/Tips關於攻略,馬蜂窩官網攻略倒是可以,但是裡面的價格全部已經上漲,有的甚至翻倍了。請留心最新的價格~~~
關於語言, 古巴 官方語言是 西班牙 語,只有少部分從事和旅行相關的人才會英語。不過也不用擔心,可以提前準備幾句簡單的日常會話。下載好離線的西班語字典,如我使用的SpanishDict,是英西互譯的,很好用。
Most Cuban people only speak Spanish, so if you know Spanish, that would be a great advantage, if not, don’t worry. There are always some people who can help you. Also, you can download an App called "SpanishDic" for offline using. It’s very helpful.
關於機票,在 美國 ,我一般使用kayak搜索,然後看哪個便宜定哪個,不過建議大家看看自己是否需要托運行李。有的廉價航空公司是沒有行李托運的,因此也要綜合考慮。我們購買的是spirit, 芝加哥 往返 哈瓦那 加行李都在300美金以下,非常便宜了,而且只提前了一個月購買。註意,spirit平時是要求提前印表機票的,但由於這個是國際航空,大家即使網上check in了,到機場也要打印,所以不用擔心,不會額外收費。另外,國內段他們 美國 機場也是有免費印表機,但是我們的都打印不出來,所以還是去櫃臺打印吧。
Using Kayak to search and find the cheapest flight, but make sure you consider your luggage since some air companies like Spirit do not including free check-in bags. Also, since it’s an international flight, you do not need to print out the ticket in advance. Even though you have to check in ahead, you still have to check your passport at the counter. For domestic flights at Spirit, you choose print out ticket online or through the machine by the counter. But sometimes, the machine does not work, so it’s better to stand in line and get the ticket from the counter because the layover time you would have transfer from flight to flight is relatively short.
關於簽證, 古巴 對很多國家免簽,購買旅游卡即可(別相信對 中國 游客不需要的鬼話)。可以從所乘坐的航空公司買,也可以提前購買。建議提前購買,便宜一些,我當場買的,花了100刀,真是流血。 美國 航空公司提供旅行卡的價格是不一樣的,提前查好,可別像我花了大本錢。
Cuba requires tourist visa, so if possible, make sure you purchase it in advance. If you purchase it in the airport, the price can be much higher. For example, I paid $100 in the airport while Becca paid $75 because she purchased through an agency before going.
The original price from Cuba embassy is only $25. Different agents have their own price, please double check.
關於貨幣兌換,如果你有 中國 境內銀行發行的銀行卡最好,可以選擇辦理境外取現不用手續費的銀行卡,這樣匯率最高。其次現金兌換,可以在國內或者 美國 換成歐元,因為如果美元兌換,要加收10%懲罰性稅率,畢竟 美國 和 古巴 關係不好。有的地方也接受刷卡,銀聯卡也是可以的,除美元外,其他貨幣都是3%,相對來說還是比較划算的。
古巴 的貨幣有兩種,游客用的CUC,當地居民用的CUP. 1 CUC = 1 USD, 1
Since they will charge 10% for U.S dollars, so it’s better convert to Euros. Or if you have a bank card from another country like me, the fee is 3%, which is much lower than using the U.S dollar.
There are two types of currencies in Cuba. One is CUC, which is for tourists. The other one is CUP, which is for local residents. 1CUC almost equals to 1 U.S. dollar. I CUC = 24 CUP.
關於住宿,大家完全不用擔心, 古巴 現在的旅游業已經很火爆,所以完全不用擔心找房子,可以提前訂一兩晚,到了再找說不定價格更便宜。 古巴 是沒有沙發客的,因為政府不允許當地人免費招待外國人。他們都是從政府那裡拿到許可經營的,一個帶有藍色類似⚓這個箭頭,大家就可以放心大膽的問了,這種住宿稱為casa。另外也可以通過aribnb來定。
另外,可以要求他們包含早餐,砍價也是可以的。均價一般30美金一晚,但是我們在 哈瓦那 住的是青旅房間,12美金一晚含早晚餐,便宜到爆。如果你住青旅床鋪,那才10美金一晚。當然條件不怎麼樣,住青旅可以認識不同的人,也容易獲得較多的信息。聯繫方式如下:
Whilmer: 52200967 (for Cuba)
Whilmer: 53916051(for international)
Email: wgtoledo@nauta.com.cu
You can book through Airbnb , or you can book after arrival. Since Cuba is such a popular tourist pl ace , there are tons of options for housing. The average price would be $30 per night. The hostel we lived in Havana is $10 including breakfast and dinner for one person.
The contact info is below:
Wilmer: 52200967 (for Cuba)
Whilmer: 53916051(for international)
Email: wgtoledo@nauta.com.cu
關於交通:機場到 哈瓦那 室內,20CUC,反正砍價吧。
Airport to Havana city, 20 CUC.
Between different cities, you can book the bus, but you need to book in advance if you go there during the peak season. However, the private car is also very easy to find and almost the same price. If you like to bargain, probably you can even get a cheaper price than the public bus.
For bus in the city, just 1 CUP (4 cent), which is almost freeeeeeeeeee.
The horse taxi is around 20 CUP (<$1) every time.
關於地圖,由於 古巴 的網絡不像我們那麼發達,建議大家提前下載好地圖,然後下載好所前往的國家或者地區,這個應用叫maps.me,非常非常好用。但是一定要提前下載,在 古巴 是沒有辦法下載應用程序的。
You can print out maps, but I would highly recommend you download "maps.me", and download Cuba’s map before you go since Cuba does not allow you download apps after you arrive.
關於網絡,到了 古巴 ,還是得給爸媽報個平安對吧。去制定的地點購買上網卡,1.5CUC一個小時,然後到較大的廣場或者酒店附近找信號。
Of course you can purchase wifi cards in the store, but you need to wait for a while and it is 1.5 CUC for one hour. Then, find a pl ace such as a plaza or big hotel where there is wifi connection.
關於雪茄和朗姆酒,雪茄可以在正規的國營商店買,一定是真的。不過本身價格就不便宜,但是 古巴 購買是最好的。
朗姆酒其實在離境過完安檢之後購買很划算,價格便宜。因為安檢完了,是可以上飛機的。如果要轉機,因為袋子密封, 美國 境內是可以的。我看到其他乘客是這樣做的,至於其他國際航空公司可不可以,可以和航空公司聯繫。不過提前托運也可以,我們的就是提前托運的。
About cigars and rum, you can purchase them in local government-owned store, which are often real. Also, you can purchase it in the duty-free store inside the airport, the price is the same actually. You can carry them to the airplane. Also, if you need to transfer, it seems they are still allowing you to carry to the airplane if the purchased bag is sealed.
中午十二點到了 哈瓦那 ,熱帶風情,高大的棕櫚樹,司機開吉利的汽車。老區各種破舊的房子,人們並沒有很在意這些,悠然自得。
下午在老城區轉轉,到處都是老爺車,看看 古巴 人民的生活,去喝mojito,是挺不錯的。
我們青旅的工作人員很熱心給我們做了午飯,還說房價包含早晚餐! 才12刀一晚,確實很便宜,條件當然不怎好,畢竟挺落後。
但是第一天就被騙了,非常不爽…去之前看到游客說要非常小心 古巴 男人,我們已經非常謹慎,結果被一女人騙了,換成美金沒有多少錢,但是對當地人民可是巨款。
站在陽臺上,看著晚上十點還有人在街上走,周邊的老房子全是破破爛爛,革命革命,是獨立了,到處都是 卡斯 特羅和切·格瓦拉的圖像及標語。還有他們最親密朋友 委內瑞拉 總統查韋斯的照片~~~
First story of our stay in Cuba:
The first day, we got cheated because we trusted a stranger. We were so cautious because people told us be careful with men, but this time, we got exploited by a woman.
Normally, they would first talk to you, introduce you to some bar, musical or historical pl ace s. At the end, they would lead you to a bar, order food or drinks. They would let you pay, however, the price was very high. We did not know that for the first day, so we paid $10 for a drink, and the next day, we had a great meal with that price.
Be very careful with some strangers, they just want to get money from you. Also, once they made friends with you, they would sell fake cigar to you as well. So, be careful!

The first impression of Cuba from airplane!


Government owned store

Farmer's market

Due to the high temperature, the produce are turning bad.


Everything is so cheap in local money!

He is preparing garlic!

Get coconut meat~~

American hamburger

Shampoo, conditioner and so on.

A small counter but offer some digital products.

We were asking whether they do business, they do, but when we told them where are we going, they always think it's too far. But when we arrived by walking, it was not that far. They are lazy!

Old car driving!

So many different kinds of cars!

A "fake" capitol

After school

Colonial time


Old and new buildings


After school students are watching street solo.

Cats are everywhere, some of them probably are homeless.

This kind of building is similar to Cantonese arcade architecture.



In front of school, nothing special as a school.


Along the sea