三國誌-第2篇:2018.7.19-9.14 印度瑜伽學習與旅行札記

自有軟件公司,跟一個國際人道組織work for Mission Humanity,來北印Dehradun鄉村提供醫療等服務,跟 印度 當地人、同事、醫生打過交道。也解答了我對 印度 亂象的很多困惑。跟我講在餐廳,會有 印度 女生主動搭訕,但他提出一起時,女孩都會表示無法在外面過夜。
我自己前一天跑去 孟買 最好的五星酒店吃個中餐,麻婆豆腐+油潑面¥600+,還有服務稅,沒國內好吃。但比在齋浦爾四星酒店吃的澱粉糊好多了!
當晚在TripAdvisor上搜吃的,排名第一的是同一家酒店的 意大利 餐,一起過去,主廚是 法國 人(這個酒店很聰明,每個國家的餐廳都是用該國家的主廚管理,實際主廚未必做菜)。他在旁邊給我翻譯菜單,堅定了我去 歐洲 的想法。坐在我身旁,而不是對面。也許他本身很有分寸,也許他能看出我不隨便,連手也沒牽過。
還好沒再碰過 印度 人一根手指,
孟買 國際機場:從 孟買 離開去 迪拜

主幹來自與 法國 小哥哥的吐槽;細節來自Qoura上相關問題的高分答案(答主主要是 印度 女人、嫁給 印度 男人的歐美人、少數是我這樣的外國游客); 印度 教火葬部分來自當地人的付費解說;種姓制度簡介來自一本講 印度 歷史的書。
India is disgusting… (1) 髒亂吵Dirty and Narrow Street
1.1 Defecate, urinate, wash closes burn their death, depose their cow carcasses, bath in the same place, their holy Ganga River.
1.2 Shit on the street and in open, don't use toilet paper, wipe their asses with bare hands. And they eat food with the same hands.
1.3 Spit in open, throw garbage on the streets everywhere.
Lack of education is one of the main reasons that given rise to these problems.
(2) 男權社會圖片來自一個毀三觀的紀錄片《Indian’s Daughter》, 中國 也有這種男權思想,可是 印度 是喪心病狂的程度。
問過S我的困惑,他以前是地方電視臺記者。 印度 為何強姦案頻發?他說:They are of low mentality, they cannot centrol their mind. 心智水平低下。
是不是 大城 市更多?他說都差不多,只是 大城 市像德里、 孟買 媒體報道出來的多。

2.1 Indian culture is heavily man-dominated.
don't marry any of Indian man born and raised in Indian subcontinent. There is a deep subconscious hatred of women to men.
2.2 he can cook but never do so. in his mind, women are the masters of kitchen.
2.3 even he respect the quality of husband and wife, talk in open mind, after marriage he still expect wife to listen to everything his parents demand.
2.4 When you marry an Indian man you marry a whole family. Indian parents (especially boy's family) does not understand the concept of privacy and can be very annoying. Woman had to sacrifice their individuality, this can be a turn off for educated working woman.
2.5 Strict Purdah System
上文提到的古 印度 婦女不能見丈夫孩子以外其他男人的深閨制度。
有壓抑,就有釋放。所以下一條主婦大多出軌也不那麼奇怪了。 (3) 主婦出軌Housewife Cheating
3.1 Men behave like a maharaja(king),
overconfident, give ladies orders, keep ladies or friends waiting.
3.2 Husbands ignore wives' emotions, that's why housewives wanna physical touch, 80% Indian housewife cheat.
3.3 In a small village nearby Dehra Dun, men sell vegetables and drink, women do agricultural labors and take care of everything at home. Women cannot work in public, men won't talk with them.
3.4 Young couples cannot sleep together or let parents know before marriage.
If man is rich, Indian girls like good restaurant, good evening together, then go to hotel (intercourse , maybe paid), less then ten minutes. Never sleep together, girls go back home. (4) 太多身體接觸Too Much Physical Touch
4.1 Indian girls, never talk with the man they don’t like. Nevertheless, we show politeness, Indian guys think too much.
4.2 Erotic parts are different.
Ankles to Indians, we take from shoulders to knees. (5) 男人自戀到處自拍Indian man takes selfies everywhere. Take everywhere as their own house, never care about other tourists. Indian way-blockers: they always block the way.
It’s common that two boys hold hands on the street like gays. But they are not because gays in India will be hit, similarly in Africa. (6) 腐敗,要錢Money Problems
5.1 Corruption is quite common among government officials. You have to wait for two month only for a signature, if don’t corrupt.
5.2 Charge foreigners much more. they think white people are rich, should give them more.Think people come to their country should follow their rules.
Even the local have to bargain.
Have to pay extra to the clerk for a better train ticket.
5.3 Ask you to donate money in a temple.
5.4 Pan handlers everywhere ask for money. What a shame!

7.1 no female, no crying (body soul catch attachment)
7.2 Six different kinds of body no burning.
① Children under 12 (good karma)
② Pregnant woman
③ Holy man (Sādhu: leave everything behind, no marriage love sex)
④ Die of infectious disease
⑤ Animal (symbol of god/ goddess)
⑥ Bitten by snake/copra
(Tie body with heavy stone, sink into water)
7.3 Person die very old (>90)
Carry body with music all way
Celebrate long life
7.4 Sati System寡婦殉葬
If husband died, wife jump into the fire.
英國 殖民者廢除,但死灰復燃。1987年出台相關法律制止。
7.5 Father died: Older son shave hair, mustache, beard.
Mother died: younger son.
7.6 Colors cover the body
Yellow: Young woman
White: young man
Orange/gold: old
7.7 步驟
Families go to the wood shop, buy wood.
Sandalwood: Rs.100000
Banyan tree: Rs.40000-60000
Buddha tree
Make a bad of wood (pyres), cover body with wood. On the top, put more water help burn fast.
Little bones left, man’s chest, woman’s hip. Families take it and throw into the river. (8) 種姓制度普遍認為是雅利安人Aryan(古波斯人,現 伊朗 人)進入 印度 後產生。雅利安人是最高種姓-婆羅門,白人。隨著漫長歷史演化,與當地人通婚,現在已不能根據膚色判斷種姓。
問過一個TTC的 印度 同學,在 班加羅爾 Bangalore做軟件工程師,她說那是古代的事了,現在不用。可能因為她身處 印度 硅谷 ,但實際上種姓制度的影響仍無處不在。

剎帝利 Kshatriyas: rulers, administrators, warriors
吠舍 Vaisya: artists, craftsmen, merchants, land owners
首陀羅 Sudra: farmers, servants, labors
賤民 Pariah
Caste are born, one cannot choose.
After marriage, woman adjust to the man.
Arranged marriage, parents against different caste or religion.