三國誌-第2篇:2018.7.19-9.14 印度瑜伽學習與旅行札記

在Sun Temple門口,俯瞰齋浦爾。
devote with your pure heart, not money.

The current Amer Palace was created in the 16th century
as a large palace to the already existing home of the rulers.
齋普爾 最值得去的宮殿。

Ganesh Pol (Gate)
Provides access to the inner and private parts of the palace.
Covered with frescoes (fresco: 濕壁畫), it was constructed on the orders of Mirza Raja Jai Singh (1621-67 A.D.).
Lord Ganesh is the deity who, it is believed, removes the obstructions likely to come in the way of human beings in their every-day life. His likeness (外表相似;image/painting of a person) is therefore traditionally painted or placed over the main entry into a building.
Suhāg Mandir is situated over the Ganesh Pol, it was used as a chamber (room used for special purpose) by the royal ladies to witness, through lattice screens, the state functions held below in the Diwān-i-Aām.

Hammām (Turkish Baths)
The Arabic word hammām means a bath. Most palaces had them. Adjacent to the Diwān-i-Khās and on its northern side this hammām was used by the ruler and the royal family.
Water, hot and cold was separately stored here in the tubs. Change and massage rooms along with adjoining (adjoin: 緊鄰very near/touching) toilets can also be seen.
A hearth (壁爐邊;引申:溫馨的家) in the outer portion of the hammām was used to heat water. The hammām can be approached directly from the Sheesh Mahal also.

(The Hall of Private Audience)

Jas Mandir (Sheesh Mahal)
The upper part of the Diwān-i-Khas is known as Jas Mandir and is spell-binding in the intricate(複雜的) floral(花/用花裝飾的) designs with glass in them.


Ladies’ apartment
The king (Maharaja) go to the queen’s (Maharani) room by separated ways and stairs.
印度 男人花言巧語,也有歷史原因的。

Maota Lake
‘Maota’ is a corrupted form of the word ‘Mahāvatā’- from the huge ‘wat’ or banyan trees (榕樹) which grew on its edges upon a time.
The lake collects rain water flowing down from the nearby hills. The saffron flowerbeds (an area where flowers are planted) garden is in its middle.
The lake was the main source of water for the palace. It was drawn up by the draught animals (used for pulling heavy loads, vehicles) through the water lifting system located in the south eastern portion of this palace.

最後帶我去了宮殿內的書店,說是古時候就有的店,推薦買Kama Sutra ,說自己不用還可以送朋友 。其他書也很貴,因該是有回扣。

從來在 印度 都被要高價,最後他卻說不收我錢,很意外,但執意給了他。
請他幫忙用 印度 APP充話費,給他錢,可他操作時發現銀行卡沒錢了,真尷尬。
說帶我去下麵店鋪沖,晚上要不要去餐廳或酒吧? 留了Whats App,就告別了,還是自己找地方沖安全…晚上回去,發現他給我充了200話費,豈不相當於免費解說了?
(6) Jal Mahal遠遠的在路上拍張照。

當晚我在 天台 整理照片,
他跟我聊天說 中國 人很少有態度像你這麼好的, 印度 在 中國 被叫做“強姦之國”,態度差也正常。
然後講到 印度 女人婚後出軌率80%,家庭主婦壓力特別大,他已婚的前女友有時還會找他尋找安慰,後來我問當地人,他們也都承認這點,毀三觀的數字…各種往我身上靠,很誇張的那種,我說請你跟我保持安全距離!最後我回房間,他敲門進來問我要不要他陪我。
在 克久拉霍 Khajuraho遇見個幾乎一樣的民宿老闆G,也是跟一大家住。是伊斯蘭Islanmic, 印度 教最高種姓Brahman吃素,看著他吃雞蛋津津有味;說 印度 教男人不行,他們從小就進行割禮很厲害的樣子,特別噁心…
印度 不管多醜的男人,都有種迷之自信,因為男權社會,從小男女就被區別對待。
對異國的異性,尤白皮膚,歐美更喜歡,都會主動打招呼。 7\. Blue City-Jodhpur行程安排:
(1) Mehrangarh Fort
(2) Jaswant Thada

Citadel of the sun
(Citadel: A strong castle in or near the city, Shelter)
Built by Rao Jodha (15th Rothore Ruler, he founded Jodhpur in India, Jodhpur was previously known as Marwar, land of desert) in 1459.
The king and the queen lived here once, not that long.
Used for clan ceremonies, religious festivals, and other family occasions.