三國誌-第2篇:2018.7.19-9.14 印度瑜伽學習與旅行札記

古 印度 皇帝怎麼出行,
Howhah (Elephant Seat)
Lions are symbol of royalty favorite by kings in many parts of the world.
Elephants play a major role in the welfare, also represent power, prestige聲望 and royalty.

It was presented to Maharaja Jaswant Singh I from the 5th Mughal Emperor Shan Jayant in 1657 A.D. (immortalized the builder of Taj Mahal in his wife’s memory.

Palanquins were a popular means of travel for the ladies of the nobility (貴族people of high social rank in a society), up to the second quarter of the 20th century. They were though used to by male members on special occasions.
The smaller palanquins were called dolis or dola. The palanquins were carried by eight bearers divided into two equal batches (batch:一批 people or things dealt with in a group or at the same time) of four shouldering it at-a-time. In Marwar, these palanquin Barks were called mehers and usually hailed (hail: call somebody in order to attract their attention) from eastern parts of India.
The palanquins were couches made of wood or metal with ivory, gold, silver, precious and semi-precious (semi: half/partly) stone work. The pollen kings were off and painted with images of gods and the goddess for the occupant’s devotion in times of long travels. In the strict Indian purdah system, the palanquins were veiled with attractive covers. These textiles (紡織品 cloth made by hand or machine) in themselves are exquisite (精美絕倫的very beautiful and delicate) pieces of arts.
On reaching the destination, the palanquins carrying the royal occupants were halted at a waiting room. Thereafter, bandobast (necessary arrangements) were made according to royal etiquettes. Only then did the rider emerge from the palanquins.

Chakras of the subtle body
The yogic body depicted (depict: 描繪represent or show something in a picture or story) in this painting can be identified as siddha by his saffron garbs(Clothes of a particular type).

Moti Mahal
Character name from the quality of paint mixed with the final crushed shells, it gives the surface of room a pearl-like cluster (簇A group of similar things). The ceiling was beautifully embellished(embellish:修飾make something more beautiful by adding something to it) with mirrors and gilt(n. 鍍金).

(2) Jaswant ThadaA memorial in marble is often described as “Taj Mahal in Marwar”.
Built in memory of Maharaja Jaswant Singh Ji II (1873-1895) by his son, completed in 1906.

好在發現了fruit museli,拌 印度 酸奶Dahi/curd和水果,

晚上,在hostel 天台 上跟其他人聊電影,聊家鄉,聊 印度 。
8\. 瓦拉納希 VaranasiReferred to in the Scriptures as ‘Kashi’ (Brightness-the city of light)
One of the oldest inhabited cities of the world, seven sacred cities(Sapta Puries) of ancient India. The trinity of birth, life even death carry equal importance here.
A rare combination of Holly River Ganga and supreme Lord Shiva.
The center of variety of cultural and religious activities including learning literature and art.
Famous for muslin, ultra fine silk, ivory works, pearl and beads(念珠), sculptures.

He run hurriedly, jump onto the train, and said “HOLD MY HAND!”下意識覺得抓車門把手,很可能因為慣性掉下去,抓他的手會有力把我拉上去。
We both fell onto the train, his shirt torn.
原來 印度 火車一些小站只停兩分鐘。如果不是他,我不知道車上的行李去哪拿,要賠他襯衫,他說不用還有一件。不久就換了個新的過來。很謝謝他。
他說Success never ends, failure is never final. 我聽他的話 成功 拉上我,感到successful,powerful. 加了fb,讓我擁抱一下。
說剛纔被領導批評,如果我掉下鐵軌,必死無疑, 大新 聞!告訴我 印度 人都很熱情,要serve me food,我覺得serve有點過了。但認為可能是他人好很熱情吧。接著serve me food by brown hand,吃我咬過的sweet,我問他你不擔心我有傳染病嗎?多次用手抓fried puri和菜到我嘴邊。接著讓我吃Dahi with pakori,而且直接拿起我用過的勺子要用,我攔下。
Then hug me many times, 差點要吻我,事情越來越不對勁,我攔下說別再抱我了!現在想想就覺得反胃!
這幾天后,我對 印度 人的示好都特別反感,心態在一點點崩潰…
剛回國時對 印度 的鄙視到達頂點… (2) Batti-chokha餐廳Batti chokha是一種很特別的北印菜餚。
鷹嘴豆粉chickpea powder和麵製成。

(Bake or cook whole wheat dough, finish with swallow frying煎. Thicker than chapati or roti, this is either because it’s layered by coating with ghee or oil and folding repeatedly, laminated technique; or else because food ingredients such as mixed vegetables: potato, and/or cauliflower, green beans and carrots.

印度 有29種官方語言。
以色列 心理治療師psychotherapist是猶太人Jew, Jewish,猶太教Judaism,講希伯來語Hebrew。來Dharamshala,Jushita Meditation Centre學習正念冥想Mindfulness Meditation。

爸爸爺爺都是軍人,所以是第二種姓Kshatriyas剎帝利,吃肉。月薪,Army Soldier:Rs.45000;Official:Rs.100000;professor:Rs.150000, no pension, get amount of money (Rs.300000) after retirement.
住宿條件一般,讓我去他們的屋頂餐廳吃東西。很可能是他的店剛起步,需要Booking 上高 評分,所以才很誇張。第二天搬去旁邊一家住,最後忠於內心,沒寫評論!
One of the prestigious add educational centers of India.
Provides education on a variety of subjects including the Ayurveda, astrology(占星術), yoga, tantra etc..