旅行社的老闆Mr. Happy按時在酒店大堂與我們見面。Poon Hill 四天徒步行程,我們選擇了這家Happy Treks Nepal ( 尼泊爾 歡樂徒步行) 旅行社。除了因為貓途排名第一,還有很主要一個原因,他家有一名會說中文的導游,事實證明這次選擇非常正確。Mr Happy帶來將要做我們嚮導的Dinesh,跟我們說明瞭註意事項和約好了明天出發的時間。我們也當面交付了全部團費。Mr Happy知道我從國內帶來的藥吃完了咳喘未好,還專門開車帶了我去買藥,人不錯。回國後,醫生說我膽大包天,這樣的病居然還敢到高海拔地區,回來連續吃了3個月藥才好
Happy Treks Nepal ( 尼泊爾 歡樂徒步行) 的網址,在網站選擇你所要的行程,就會有email回覆。
我們選擇的的是Poon Hill 4天 以下是Mr. Happy報價與具體行程的詳細內容,可以參閱。
Day 1
Drive to Nayapool & Trek to ulleri top ( 2200) . Trekking time ( 5 to 6 hours )
The drive from Pokhara to Nayapool (1035m) is around 1 hour 15 min by vehicle ( 50 kms approx ). From there trekking to hile (1535 m) is 3 hours distance to hile is around 7 Kms then have a lunch at hile then trekking to ulleri for 2 hours to 3 hours . over night at guest house . dinner and breakfast at same guest house .( total trekking 13 .5 km approx ) stayed at guest houses.
After you arrived there if you are not tired walk around there , normally people like to rest and enjoy the view of the landscape.
we will try our best to provide you a room with attach bath.
Day 2.
Trek to Ghorepani (2873m) Trekking time: 4 hours Distance: 7 Km approx.
after breakfast trekking to nangethanti for 2.30 hrs then take a lunch after lunch another 1:30 hrs heading to ghorepanithen over night at hotel, dinner and breakfast at the same hotel . Here also probably we will provide you a room with attach bathroom. ( if you like to climb up to poon hill for sunset you can climb up but first check the weather , if the weather is clear and clean you can climb up , if not any way you will climb next morning,)
Day 3.
You have to wake up very early in the morning to see the sunrise and panoramic mountain view from Poonhill. ( 3210Mapprox) it will be 1 hour up in the morning to poon hill and 30 min down after seeing the sunrise and mountain from the top. and back to same hotel for breakfast, after breakfast Trek to the banthanti for 3/4 hours approx via happy hill and deurali then take a lunch at banthanti then trekking to tadapani for another 1:30 hrs approx then again trekking to ghandruk for another 3/4 hours. then overnight at ghandruk, if you have a time after check inn and if not tired then explore village. (or next morning quickly explore village then trekking down. )
Day 4.
After Breakfast descending to birethanti via syauli bazar for 4 hours then have a lunch at birethani then trekking to nayapul again 30 minute more then take our vehicle then drive back to pokhara and drove your hotel then trekking will be over.
( first day first 2 hours to 3 hours and last day 2 hours to 3 hours you need to trek on the mountain off road there might be jeep running on this off road. if you like it is possible to take a jeep there but if you take a jeep it will cost you extra,.)
Regarding the cost it will cost you 280 usd per person for 4 days trekking.
In this cost it will be include all of your trekking permits , tims card , Chinese Speaking guide wages, 2 porters( if you need one more also), two way transport between pokhara and nayapul, 3 nights accommodation, lunch , dinner, breakfast, morning tea , seasonable fruits, cookies, chocolate, nuts , every day on the trekking are include in the cost .
But the Drinks items ( beverage items ) , tips for guide and porter and other extra expense are not include in the cost .
網上找到這張圖,路線大概如下: 先前一直只有EMAIL聯繫,心裡總有些不踏實。現在徒步的行程順利落實,總算放下心來,可以出去吃飯了。
午餐:Fresh Elements 酒店走過去不遠。 這家有中文菜譜,還遇到一位會講中文的員工。最主要是出品不錯,這段日子吃得最好的一餐。推薦! 吃過飯,我們在湖濱區游逛,順便預定了徒步回來後要玩的滑翔傘。這邊滑翔傘公司真的到處都是,我們看了好幾家,也在某寶聯繫過,最後選擇了Frontiers Paragliding。這家《孤獨星球》上也有推薦,RS9000/人(含照片與視頻),服務還可以。公司位置用GOOGLE MAP搜索就有了。 之後的行程就是到世界 和平 塔。 和平 塔本身沒有什麼特別,但她的位置尤其好,俯瞰費瓦湖,天氣好的話還能看到魚尾峰的倒影。
World Peace Pagoda世界 和平 塔,與 藍毗尼 的世界 和平 塔一樣,由 日本 妙法山寺捐建
很不走運,沒走幾步就下雨了。這場大雨下了一個多小時,沒法看到費瓦湖之餘,更糟糕的是另外一位從國內來的同伴,從 加德滿都 到 博卡拉 的飛機,因為這個天氣原因航班取消了,他要來參加明天的徒步,團費也已經全付。我們趕緊讓他改簽到明天早上最早一班6點半的飛機,希望能趕得及。 ↑博卡拉
著急地等到雨停,然後急急忙忙回到市區找到Mr.Happy。跟他說明情況後,Mr.Happy非常耐心與我們商議。最後決定第一天首段1個半小時徒步的路程改為坐吉普車,這樣子的話,第一天可以按時到達原定住宿地,同伴即使飛機晚點,也能趕得及後面的行程。當然,吉普車費我們自己支付。 晚餐:Rosemary Kitchen Pokhara 餐廳離我們酒店很近,就在同一條街上。 格調和出品都相當不錯。想象以後四天肯定艱苦,先來頓好的。 10月3日-6日 安納布爾納 小環徒步安納布爾納 小環徒步游,俗稱 布恩 山(Poon Hill)環線四天
這裡是徒步開始的地方,但我們已經延誤了一些時間,要在這裡換輛吉普車跑一段。 都是排隊登記進山的車 我們預先發給旅行社資料,提早辦好了登山證 好友愛 從這裡告別了吉普車,11點45分開始徒步。 一小段直平路,然後是上坡路;再然後,一直都是...... 走了1小時左右吧,到飯點了,在這家小餐廳午餐 飯菜跟以往吃到的沒什麼同。導游幫忙點餐,催餐;提供的水果,雖然簡單,卻是他從 博卡拉 帶來的,一直自己提著,服務真心好! 下午2點繼續上路
風景在路上 給馬和挑夫讓路
Happy Treks Nepal ( 尼泊爾 歡樂徒步行) 的網址,在網站選擇你所要的行程,就會有email回覆。
我們選擇的的是Poon Hill 4天 以下是Mr. Happy報價與具體行程的詳細內容,可以參閱。
Day 1
Drive to Nayapool & Trek to ulleri top ( 2200) . Trekking time ( 5 to 6 hours )
The drive from Pokhara to Nayapool (1035m) is around 1 hour 15 min by vehicle ( 50 kms approx ). From there trekking to hile (1535 m) is 3 hours distance to hile is around 7 Kms then have a lunch at hile then trekking to ulleri for 2 hours to 3 hours . over night at guest house . dinner and breakfast at same guest house .( total trekking 13 .5 km approx ) stayed at guest houses.
After you arrived there if you are not tired walk around there , normally people like to rest and enjoy the view of the landscape.
we will try our best to provide you a room with attach bath.
Day 2.
Trek to Ghorepani (2873m) Trekking time: 4 hours Distance: 7 Km approx.
after breakfast trekking to nangethanti for 2.30 hrs then take a lunch after lunch another 1:30 hrs heading to ghorepanithen over night at hotel, dinner and breakfast at the same hotel . Here also probably we will provide you a room with attach bathroom. ( if you like to climb up to poon hill for sunset you can climb up but first check the weather , if the weather is clear and clean you can climb up , if not any way you will climb next morning,)
Day 3.
You have to wake up very early in the morning to see the sunrise and panoramic mountain view from Poonhill. ( 3210Mapprox) it will be 1 hour up in the morning to poon hill and 30 min down after seeing the sunrise and mountain from the top. and back to same hotel for breakfast, after breakfast Trek to the banthanti for 3/4 hours approx via happy hill and deurali then take a lunch at banthanti then trekking to tadapani for another 1:30 hrs approx then again trekking to ghandruk for another 3/4 hours. then overnight at ghandruk, if you have a time after check inn and if not tired then explore village. (or next morning quickly explore village then trekking down. )
Day 4.
After Breakfast descending to birethanti via syauli bazar for 4 hours then have a lunch at birethani then trekking to nayapul again 30 minute more then take our vehicle then drive back to pokhara and drove your hotel then trekking will be over.
( first day first 2 hours to 3 hours and last day 2 hours to 3 hours you need to trek on the mountain off road there might be jeep running on this off road. if you like it is possible to take a jeep there but if you take a jeep it will cost you extra,.)
Regarding the cost it will cost you 280 usd per person for 4 days trekking.
In this cost it will be include all of your trekking permits , tims card , Chinese Speaking guide wages, 2 porters( if you need one more also), two way transport between pokhara and nayapul, 3 nights accommodation, lunch , dinner, breakfast, morning tea , seasonable fruits, cookies, chocolate, nuts , every day on the trekking are include in the cost .
But the Drinks items ( beverage items ) , tips for guide and porter and other extra expense are not include in the cost .
網上找到這張圖,路線大概如下: 先前一直只有EMAIL聯繫,心裡總有些不踏實。現在徒步的行程順利落實,總算放下心來,可以出去吃飯了。
午餐:Fresh Elements 酒店走過去不遠。 這家有中文菜譜,還遇到一位會講中文的員工。最主要是出品不錯,這段日子吃得最好的一餐。推薦! 吃過飯,我們在湖濱區游逛,順便預定了徒步回來後要玩的滑翔傘。這邊滑翔傘公司真的到處都是,我們看了好幾家,也在某寶聯繫過,最後選擇了Frontiers Paragliding。這家《孤獨星球》上也有推薦,RS9000/人(含照片與視頻),服務還可以。公司位置用GOOGLE MAP搜索就有了。 之後的行程就是到世界 和平 塔。 和平 塔本身沒有什麼特別,但她的位置尤其好,俯瞰費瓦湖,天氣好的話還能看到魚尾峰的倒影。
World Peace Pagoda世界 和平 塔,與 藍毗尼 的世界 和平 塔一樣,由 日本 妙法山寺捐建
很不走運,沒走幾步就下雨了。這場大雨下了一個多小時,沒法看到費瓦湖之餘,更糟糕的是另外一位從國內來的同伴,從 加德滿都 到 博卡拉 的飛機,因為這個天氣原因航班取消了,他要來參加明天的徒步,團費也已經全付。我們趕緊讓他改簽到明天早上最早一班6點半的飛機,希望能趕得及。 ↑博卡拉
著急地等到雨停,然後急急忙忙回到市區找到Mr.Happy。跟他說明情況後,Mr.Happy非常耐心與我們商議。最後決定第一天首段1個半小時徒步的路程改為坐吉普車,這樣子的話,第一天可以按時到達原定住宿地,同伴即使飛機晚點,也能趕得及後面的行程。當然,吉普車費我們自己支付。 晚餐:Rosemary Kitchen Pokhara 餐廳離我們酒店很近,就在同一條街上。 格調和出品都相當不錯。想象以後四天肯定艱苦,先來頓好的。 10月3日-6日 安納布爾納 小環徒步安納布爾納 小環徒步游,俗稱 布恩 山(Poon Hill)環線四天
這裡是徒步開始的地方,但我們已經延誤了一些時間,要在這裡換輛吉普車跑一段。 都是排隊登記進山的車 我們預先發給旅行社資料,提早辦好了登山證 好友愛 從這裡告別了吉普車,11點45分開始徒步。 一小段直平路,然後是上坡路;再然後,一直都是...... 走了1小時左右吧,到飯點了,在這家小餐廳午餐 飯菜跟以往吃到的沒什麼同。導游幫忙點餐,催餐;提供的水果,雖然簡單,卻是他從 博卡拉 帶來的,一直自己提著,服務真心好! 下午2點繼續上路
風景在路上 給馬和挑夫讓路