
梅克內斯 |匆匆到此一游
梅內克斯也是 摩洛哥 四大古城之一。相較於邊上的 大城 市菲斯,這裡更寧靜,不受游客青睞,但也不缺像老麥地那、皇家馬廄這樣的景點。因為對梅內克斯的印象也只有匆匆一瞥,默罕默德開車帶我們在城裡轉了一圈,所以具體景點就沒有辦法一一介紹了。

最後節選一段第92屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,最佳男主角得主華金· 菲尼克斯 (Joaquin Phoenix)的獲獎感言結束本篇游記:
“I think that we've become very disconnected from the natural world, and many of us, what we're guilty of is an egocentric world view — the belief that we're the center of the universe.
“And I think we fear the idea of personal change because we think that we have to sacrifice something, to give something up, but human beings, at our best, are so inventive and creative and ingenious. And I think that when we use love and compassion as our guiding principles, we can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and to the environment.