The world is so big, always like to go out for a walk.
There are so many destinations, but there will always be a moment when you want to go to the beach.
Reward yourself with a simple vacation.
So this time, 24-day vacation, travel is destined. ▲本次旅行的視頻剪輯片 Video clips of this trip(tips:BGM是2019.1.19日在 馬來西亞 AST台發行的賀歲歌曲,不算好聽,但是比較喜慶)
序 · Prelude2019年1月30日,此時的 重慶 雖陽光依舊燦爛,但是溫度已經很低了,對於一直都生活在 重慶 的我來說,已經每天穿著羽絨服游走在家、單位、健身房之間了。春節來臨了,和往常一樣沒有獃在家裡,早早去了健身房,練了一小會兒,洗澡之後換上“準”夏裝,即將開始大馬之旅
January 30, 2019, Chongqing is still sunny at this time, but the temperature is very low. For me who has been living in Chongqing, I have been walking between home, unit and gym in down clothes every day. The Spring Festival is coming. As usual, I didn't stay at home. I went to the gym early, practiced for a short time, changed into a summer dress after taking a bath, and was about to start my trip to Malaysia.

我的故事 · My story十年前,第一次出國旅行,跟著旅行團,每天舟車勞頓,游客打卡照每一張都是集體大合影。於是開始約上1、2好友,獨立出行,尋找一個離我們並不遠,路途也不複雜的低調旅游之地。 馬來西亞 就像是一顆埋藏在沙地里的遺珠,輕輕拾起,絲絲縷縷的光線透入,映照裡面的世界,也映照出我自己。
Ten years ago, when I first traveled abroad, I was accompanied by a tour group. Every day, I was tired by boats and cars. Every one of the tourists was a group photo. So I began to travel independently with about 1 or 2 friends, looking for a low-key tourist place not far from us, and the road is not complicated. Malaysia is like a pearl buried in the sand, gently picked up, threads of light penetrated, reflecting the world inside, also reflecting myself.

Friends who have read my travel notes will know that the style of travel notes is different from that of the past. I don't like to write those huge and detailed flowcharts ,but now I share my feelings on the journey, ranging from choosing a place of travel, a hotel on the journey, a route arrangement, to choosing a scenic spot, a family. Restaurant selection, a section of transportation arrangements. Travel is a game of choice, not right or wrong, but behind choice is logic. Although words sometimes seem shallow and one-sided when describing feelings, the text of condensing emotions can be shared to the people who have a destiny through travels. Touching a corner of their heart may lead to their next trip. Through the infection of travels, I feel quite romantic and full of marvelous fate, which is also an important reason for the change of my travels.

游記正文 ` Travel notes西馬半島東部,瞭望南 中國 海。2月的好天氣,陽光肆意的展示著這裡的美。
East of the Xima Peninsula, looking at the South China Sea. In February, the sunshine shows the beauty of this place wantonly.
通透的大海,蜿蜒的沙灘,藍藍的天空,漂浮的白雲,這簡單純粹的在平日對於我們幾近奢望的美景,現在真實的在我們眼前。品一口 馬來西亞 最當地的白咖啡,吸一口純凈的空氣,身體的感官和細胞全打開了,長途飛機帶來的小小疲倦也隨之九霄雲散。
Permeable sea, winding beach, blue sky, floating white clouds, this simple and pure beauty for us almost extravagant on weekdays, is now real in front of us. Take a sip of Malaysia's most local white coffee, take a breath of pure air, the senses and cells of the body are opened, and the little fatigue brought about by long-distance airplanes will disappear.

蘭卡威 ` Langkawi2月的 蘭卡威 ,
Lankawi in February,
No haze, no crowding, breathing at the junction of sand and sea.
She is showing the world the comfort that this city deserves.

東方村是一座頗具東亞情調的花園,裡頭販賣傳統服飾與手工藝品的店鋪,園內的空中纜車是全世界最長、也是全世界最先進的纜車之一,可以由平地往上登高600米的山頂。山頂上有兩座觀景台,最高的觀景台建於海拔705米的山峰上。沿途可觀看生長於雨林里的野生動植物更也看到 蘭卡威 著名的七仙井(Telaga Tujuh)瀑布。最高的觀景臺上可以飽覽浮羅交怡全島的美景甚至一些 泰國 的島嶼,有勇氣者可以橫跨峽谷上的空中步道,它是蜿蜒於兩座山頭間的鋼造吊橋,也是世界最大彎曲吊橋,天氣好時,腳下茂密的樹林清晰可見,起霧時,雲霧繚繞在身旁的感覺,猶如置身仙境。
Dongfang Village is a garden with East Asian flavor. It sells traditional clothes and handicraft. The aerial cable car in Dongfang Village is one of the longest and most advanced cable cars in the world. It can climb to the top of a mountain 600 meters high from the flat ground. There are two viewing platforms on the top of the mountain. The highest one is built on a peak 705 meters above sea level. Along the way, you can see wild animals and plants growing in the rainforest, and also see the famous Telaga Tujuh waterfall in Lankawi. The highest viewing platform can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Fuluo Jiaoyi Island and even some Thai islands. The courageous people can cross the air trail on the canyon. It is a steel suspension bridge winding between two hills and the largest bending suspension bridge in the world. When the weather is good, the dense woods under their feet are clearly visible. When the fog rises, the clouds and mists around them feel like being in fairyland.

行駛在 蘭卡威 的公路上,是不是就會竄出一群猴子。也許是因為這裡的生態環境好,加上當地政府和民眾的大力保護,造就了適合各種野生動物生存的環境。
Driving on the Lankawi highway, you can see a group of monkeys . Perhaps because of the good ecological environment and the strong protection of the local government and people, it has created a suitable environment for the survival of various wildlife.
So, stop the car, roll down the window and throw the last biscuit to them. They don't seem afraid of people, they know they won't hurt them.

When night comes, watch the sunset fade away on the sea level and the sky is rendered.
Set up the camera as soon as possible and keep it fixed

Hotel seaside restaurant
聽著海浪拍打著岸邊的聲音,吹著海風,吃著地道的 馬來西亞 美食
Listening to the sound of the waves beating on the shore, blowing the sea breeze, eating authentic Malaysian food
At this time, only us, holding the mentality of trying, go to the waiter to discuss whether we can adjust our position to the shore, they agreed to help us move tables and chairs, take tableware, dishes.

Air transport more than 2000 kilometers of inflatable unicorn, let it play in the endless swimming pool

我本在合適的時候,調整好相機的曝光、快門、光圈等一些列參數,就讓同行的朋友,踩到我站的位置,相機抬到固定的高度,僅僅只需要對準我,按一下快門就好,朋友說:“OK,No problem!”
I had adjusted the exposure, shutter, aperture and other parameters of the camera at the right time, so that friends of the same trade can step on the position of my station and raise the camera to a fixed height. Just aim at me and press the shutter. The friend said, "OK, no problem!"
I trust to give him the camera, and the result is...

WHAT'S THIS????????
Regret, why didn't take tripods for laziness? Ten thousand grass-mud horses galloped past. By the time I was ready to photo again, the fire clouds were gone.

三入吉隆坡 · Kuala Lumpur不知道為何,大馬的城市之間的往來,都需要從 吉隆坡 中轉,導致我三入 三出 吉隆坡 。也正是因為這三進 三出 ,才讓我對這個城市有了一種無法言語的感覺。
I don't know why the city of Dama needs to transit from Kuala Lumpur, which leads me to enter and leave Kuala Lumpur three times. It is precisely because of these three in and out that I have a sense of the city that I like here
吉隆坡 位在 巴生 河流域,東有蒂迪旺沙山脈為屏障,北方及南方有丘陵地環繞,西臨 馬六甲 海峽。 吉隆坡 的馬來語意指“泥濘河口”,即 巴生 河和鵝麥河的交會處。 吉隆坡 是 馬來西亞 的首都,位於蒂迪旺沙山脈的山腳,是 馬來西亞 最現代化的城市。
Kuala Lumpur is located in the Basheng River Basin, with the Tidiwangsha Mountains in the East as a barrier, hilly areas in the north and south, and the Strait of Malacca in the west. The Malay language of Kuala Lumpur means "muddy estuary", where the Basheng River and the Amai River meet. Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, is located at the foot of the Tidiwangsha Mountains and is the most modern city in Malaysia.

There will always be moments in life when you think of the sparsely populated seaside and have a romantic, relaxing and pleasant vacation trip. Every trip, there will be another kind of unforgettable memory, either because of someone, or because of something, or even a song, a sentence. In the future, when my heart is so engraved, I will surely make such a journey and return to the place at that time.