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  • 清澈見底的茵萊湖,會讀心術的緬甸人,及萬千佛塔組成的緬甸風情...


雖說 緬甸 人不用買門票,但是好多專程過來的 緬甸 游客在裡面投錢
There's no need to buy tickets for all the persons from Myanmar, but they put the money into the boxes.

最開心的就是騎著電瓶車,在沒有人的 塔里 轉,很多塔就只有我一個人,很舒服
It's the happiest time to ride my E-motorbike in the pagodas. There is only me during some pagodas where I feel cozy.

animal styles

Pagodas surrounded with flowers

another sunrise where I can see the top of the pagodas
It's forbidden to climb up the pagodas though they have 2 floors.

這座和大 金塔 很像
It's similar to Shwegadon Pagoda in Yangon.

令我印象最深刻的,不是這些千姿百態的佛塔,而是Htilominlo Pahto,不知道名字有沒有記錯,這座 塔里 一片漆黑,沒有光線,因為裡面牆壁上全部都是壁畫,記錄修行者的日常生活。有些佛塔有壁畫,但都很少,唯獨那座佛塔幾面牆壁全都是壁畫,所以,遇到走進去一片漆黑的佛塔,(為了保護壁畫,沒有光線)打開手電筒,或許就能見到滿眼的壁畫...
The most impressive pagoda among the different pagodas is Hiltonminlo Pahto, which I am not sure for the name where it is almost dark and you can see the wall painting with a light, where tells the daily life of the Yogis. It is the only pagoda full of wall paintings that I have found. So if you enter a dark pagoda, just turn on the flash and maybe you will be surprised to find the wall paintings since the lights can be harmful to them.

The boat departed at 5:30 and I saw another sunrise.
我坐的就是這種船,提供午餐,一直坐車,有機會換一個交通方式的時候,我選擇坐船,缺點就是 緬甸 的船噪音很大,可能機器太舊啦
When I had an opportunity to change a way of transportation, I chose to take a boat to Mandalay. It's good but it's noisy for the old boat.

I can see the children bathe in the water.

離開 蒲甘 的時候,我的膚色和 緬甸 人並沒有差異啦。。。
When I left from Bagan, I looked like I am from Bagan in the view of my skincolour.

When we passed by Sagaing ancient town, it was beautiful.

實皆 古城還有火車站,一路上看到了很多的佛塔,下次可以去 實皆 古城,it has a sagaing railway station and I saw a lot of pagodas at the riverside.

這座橋就是the inwa bridge,金屬的,看上去還挺現代的
The inwa bridge is made in metal and it looks modern.

It was just the sunset time when the boat passed by.

A lot of pagodas at riverside
This picture is more clear.
3月1日在 曼德勒 的時候,走到洗衣店,關門,原來這天是節日放假,回來查了下,3月2日,農民節,旅館打了好多電話幫我叫車,也沒叫到,所以,本來打算去烏本橋或是周邊古城的,都放棄啦,打算走路去 曼德勒 古城,順便看馬路上有沒有車可以坐,結果,真的是走到古城,4點多,已經關門不讓進了,所以,就到附近幾個佛塔轉轉
The laundry shop was closed on March 1st. It was a holiday, maybe the Farmer's Day. I failed to find a car at the hotel. So I gave up to U Ben's Bridge or any other far places, and I walked to Mandalay ancient town, and there was no taxi available, and I couldn't walk inside to Mandalay ancient town. So I visited several pagodas nearby.
這是我第一次看到藍色婚紗,原諒我第一反應是:他們是第二次結婚,所以,穿藍色嗎?事實上, 緬甸 人可能就喜歡穿藍色的婚紗,應該跟第幾次結婚沒關係,連新郎的上衣都是藍色的
It's my first time to see blue wedding dress. Forgive me that my first mind is whether they married twice and wear blue. In fact they like blue wedding dresses and there is nothing related for how many times they married, the groom wears blue coat

路上遇到拍集體照的,我不知道是同事還是同學家人,涂著 緬甸 的防曬霜 特納 卡,給他們拍了張集體照,順便自己也留了一張, 緬甸 人的服飾都很鮮艷,所以照片看上去很明媚,很陽光,看著那麼多明亮的顏色,心情怎麼可能不好呢?
I met them taking group picture and I helped to take a picture of them and saved one in my mobile phone. The girls wearing colourful clothes, with Thanakha on their faces look sunny and anyone who sees them will be in good mood.
最後一天,酒店幫我叫了一輛車去機場,是一個華裔,會說中文,一路上,聊了很多,他說 緬甸 人會讀心術,這是我第一次聽到有人敢說自己會讀心術。我提出我的疑惑,我自己的心都不一定讀得出來,要如何讀別人的心?他說: 緬甸 人都信佛,從小打坐,自己獨處,能讀出自己的心,就能讀別人的心。 緬甸 當地人的戀愛風俗是,男女戀愛是不需要用語言表白的,通過身體語言或眼神向對方表達好感,如果女方接受,會有接受的眼神,這時,男女才會互訴衷腸,用語言來表達愛意。不過 緬甸 華人不這麼做。
The hotel found a car to send me to the airport, and he could speak Chinese and has Chinese blood. We talked a lot and he suddenly tells me that he can read people's mind​. It was my first time to hear who can read people's mind and I asked him that I couldn't read my own mind and how could I read other's mind? He replied to me that the people from Myanmar believe in Buddha and began to sit in meditation in their childhood. Those who can read their own minds, they can read others also. It's a traditon to begin a relationship between man and woman by eyes or other body language instead of words.The girls will accept by eyes when the boys express their love.And after that, they begin to talk to each other.
緬甸 這樣的風俗,對人的情商要求還挺高的, 緬甸 的戀愛也很簡單,接受就戀愛,不接受也是沒辦法死纏爛打的。
The love culture in Myanmar requires high EQ, and the relationship starts easily, if the girl doesn't accept,
nothing else can be done.
緬甸 人通過微表情來讀心,所以,寺廟都不設售票處,通過刷臉,讀微表情來收門票。
People in Myanmar read people's heart by micro expression, so there's not ticket office and they charge by faces or expressions.
另外,值得一提的是,我從 蒲甘 到 曼德勒 坐船下來,有一個人幫我拿行李,我以為他是船上職員,我給了它500 緬甸 元小費,他一定要2000,是正常小費的好幾倍,我現金大概就只有4000 緬甸 元左右,還要坐車去旅館,所以,我拒絕了,並且馬上報警求助,我跟警察說,我沒有那麼多現金,希望警察可以幫我解決這個問題,我正在說的時候,他們說不要了,一個男性幫我提行李,但是問我要小費的是個女性,3個人圍著我,這顯然是團夥行動,大概他們通過微表情,判斷我是真的沒有錢,或是不想惹事。我倒是沒有怕的感覺,要是治安很差,我打電話的時候,就可以來搶我的手機了。我把這事給 緬甸 華人說,他告訴我,那些都是吸毒等等之類的,很難在 曼德勒 遇到的。
There's one little thing that worth speaking. After I got off the boat, a man helped to take the luggage, and I thought he was an employee of the boat, and I gave him MMK 500, and he sustained 2000, 4 times of normal tip. I only got MMB 4000, and needed a taxi to hotel, so I refused and called the police for help immediately. When I was talking to the police, they gave up to take more tips from me. A male take the luggage for me,and a female ask for tip, and 3 persons around me in circle, it is obviously acting in team. I am not afraid because if the safety situation is really bad, they will rob my mobile phone when I called police. I didn't know whether they knew I had no money or they didn't want trouble. I told that to the driver and he said that it was difficult to meet them who are drug addicts.
最差的 緬甸 人都已遇到,沒什麼好擔心的了。而讀心術這樣的說法,使我在機場候機的時候一直很開心,因為這說法太新鮮了,他說的不是他一個人會讀心術,而是所有的 緬甸 人會讀心術,所有從小打坐,信佛的人都會讀心術,雖然說法誇張了點,但還是有一定道理的。。。。。。
I met the worst people in Myanmar and nothing to be worried about. And the statement that the persons in Myanmar can read people's heart please me. What a fresh saying! He says not only he can read people's heart but all the person who were sitting in meditation can read other's mind. It makes sense though it maybe overstate...
緬甸 8天8夜的游玩,遇到過經濟危機, 緬甸 人的友好,萬千佛塔,裝著萬千 緬甸 人的心,一定還會再去,看看 緬甸 的海, 緬甸 的朋友。
I have met economy crisis in Myanmar during 8 days and nights travelling. I will go to the sea in Myanmar and will see the friends and the pagodas which is full of persons' hearts in Myanmar.
