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  • 清澈見底的茵萊湖,會讀心術的緬甸人,及萬千佛塔組成的緬甸風情...


2018.2.22,晚上飛機 金邊 \- 仰光 ,住 仰光
Feb.22nd, 2018 take a night flight from Phnom Penh to Yangon, stay at Yangon
2018.2.23, 仰光 游玩瑞光大 金塔 ,環城小火車,晚上汽車 仰光 \- 茵萊湖
Feb. 23rd, 2018 visit Shwedagon Pagoda, take the train around city to the bus sation, take the night bus to Inle Lake
2018.2.24,船游 茵萊湖 ,住Inle Cherry Queen Hotel
Feb.24th, 2018 visit the Inle Lake by boat, stay at Inle Cherry Queen Hotel
2018.2.25,早上汽車 茵萊湖 \-- 蒲甘 ,住 蒲甘
Feb.25th, 2018 take the morning bus to Bagan, stay at Bagan
2018.2.26-27,電瓶車游 蒲甘
Feb 26th-27th,2018 visit ancient Bagan by electrical motobike
2018.2.28,早上 蒲甘 \- 曼德勒 (坐船),住 曼德勒
Feb.28th,2018 take a morning boat to Mandalay, stay at Mandalay
2018.3.1, 曼德勒 古城,寺廟閑逛
March 1st, 2018 visit ancient Mandalay town on foot,
2018.3.2, 中午飛機 曼德勒 \-- 吉隆坡
March 2nd, 2018, take a flight to Kual Lumpur at noon
緬甸 ,這次旅游主要看了佛塔和 茵萊湖 ,追了好幾個日出日落,下次再去,會是 緬甸 的海邊,海島,悠閑度假...
I went to Pagodas and Inle Lake this time, and chased for the sunrises and sunsets. Next time to Myanmar, I will go to the sea or the islands for holiday.
晚上9點多到 仰光 機場,打車直接到旅館休息。第二天去了瑞光大 金塔 。
I arrived at Yangon airport at 9 p.m., and took a taxi to hotel. The second day I went to Shwedagon Pagoda.

瑞光大 金塔 金燦燦的,作為沒有宗教信仰的我來說,並沒有特別大的感覺。 緬甸 買票都是刷臉的,沒看到有售票處之類的地方,僅外國人需要買票,外國人進去的時候會被攔下,要求買票。我已經曬成 緬甸 人的樣子了,一路暢通無阻...
Shwedagon Pagoda looks golden, but as a tourist without any religion, I don't feel special. I didn't see any ticket office and it depends on the face whether you need buy a ticket or not. The locals don't need to buy tickets while the foreigners will be stopped to buy ticket by their faces. And I am tanned to be a local, and no one stopped me.
因為晚上到達的太晚,出了大 金塔 ,隨便找了家店買了當地的手機卡。
Since I arrived lately at night, and after visiting Shwedagon Pagoda, I found a shop to buy a local sim card.


裝sim卡,買流量是一個很美好的體驗。我到店里的時候,正好有一個MPT公司的人到店里結賬,所以,他幫我買的流量套餐,他也是第一次給人裝sim卡,所以,當充值完以後,沒有買流量套餐前,我們沒有意識到餘額很快少了200 緬甸 元,因為手機的網絡是開著的,被流量自動刷掉了,所以,就充了2000 緬甸 元,手機的短信提醒都是英文,只要知道MPT的客服電話,游客發短信,訂流量套餐,其實,也很容易,並且手機也可以網上充值。
It's a good experience to buy a sim card. When I went to a store, there was an employee, he helped me and it was a first time for him to install sim card. After recharge, before the internet set, we didn't realize the mobile balance had used MMK 200 because the internet was open and it cost money. We have a happy conversation and I recharged MMK 2000. All the messages are English, and you only need to know the telephone nummber, we can recharge and order ourselves, and it can be charge on internet also.
在大 金塔 附近當地路邊攤早餐也意外的好吃,很符合 中國 人的胃,只是不知道他們放了什麼調料,當天我就急著找廁所,最後到路邊一家美容院上的廁所,當地居民很友好,面對請求上廁所的游客,也是笑臉相迎,很客氣。後來,在 緬甸 還遇到了其他腸胃不適的游客,看來, 緬甸 食物好吃,但要適當帶些腸胃藥,以防萬一。
Near Shwedagon Pagoda, the street food, my breakfast, is accidentally good, it's suitable to Chinese taste, but I have no idea which condiment they put in the food, and I am hurried to find a toilet, at last I went to a toilet of a beauty Salon, the local inhabitant is very friendly to a strange who asked for the toilet. And I met another tourist who was uncomfortable of the food. So the local food is delicious but need to be careful and we'd better take some medicine for the interstines and stomach.

仰光 的環城火車一圈要3個小時左右,對於沒有太多時間體驗的游客,坐著火車去汽車站,1個多小時,下車後2-4公里到汽車站,打的或步行,如google地圖所示,Mingalardon railway是最近的一個火車站。
The train around the city costs 3 hours, and for the tourists who don't have enough time, we can take the train to Mingalardon railway station, which is about 2-4 kilometres away from the bus station. when you get off the railway station, we can walk or take a taxi to the bus staion which is showed on the picture.

緬甸 的火車開得很慢,雖然和 斯裡蘭卡 一樣火車行駛途中門是開著的,但並不適合掛火車,也沒有當地人這麼做的,火車談不上舒適,人也沒有很多,還是有很多空座的,一路開過確實可以看到很多人家甚至集市...
It's slow of the Myanmar train, though the door is open when it is moving, which is the same as in Sri Lanka, it's not suitable for you to play at the door. I couldn't say it was comfortable, but there are a lot of vacancy seats, and we can see a lot of houses even markets along the railroad.
在火車上碰到一個 緬甸 華人老頭, 緬甸 有過排華浪潮的時候去了 美國 ,也去過 臺灣 ,最後,還是回到了 緬甸 養老,對他來說, 緬甸 才是他的故鄉,也得知,除偏僻沒有人的地方,會有搶劫外,其他地方,治安都很好,沒有搶的
I met a local old man with Chinese blood, when there was wave against Chinese in Myanmar, he went to USA, and he learnt Chinese in Taiwan. Finally he come back to Myanmar, which is his hometown in his mind. And I knew there was no robbery except some remote area when there was nobody else. It's safe here.
晚上坐長途汽車,早晨到 茵萊湖
I took a night bus to Inle Lake,and I arrived in the early morning.
茵萊湖 的地圖,旅館訂的船,是打包那些紅色的點,個人覺得紅色的點都是旅游景點,不太生活化,所以,有好幾個沒去,只是隨意指的地圖上相近的點,請船夫去的,都是意外的驚喜,更原生態。。。
The map of Inle Lake, ordered the boat from the hotel, the pink ones are the spots they provide, however it is especially for travellers, and I choose not to go and find some places else near the spots, they are all surprises, and more ecological

There are many boats at the port for the tourists.

I had a breakfast in the village.

最喜歡煙霧繚繞的早晨,有人間煙火,有仙人霧氣,湖中的綠色就是當地人種的莊稼,在 茵萊湖 里有很多這樣的浮萍地
I prefer the mist around the mountain in the morning, a little human being's, and a little fairy, the green in the lake is what the locals plant. There exists a lot floating lands in the lake, which is special here.

The best advantage with only one guest in a boat is you can stop anytime when you want. When I stopped, it was comfortable to enjoy the mist around the mountain, and the lake before the mountain.

又一次在湖中停船的時候,發現水中長滿了水草,竟是能看到湖底的,這就是 茵萊湖 最美的風景...
看過能清澈見底的海,但這是我第一次見到能清澈見底的湖,而且長在 水裡 有幾米高的水草,我獃獃的看了它十幾分鐘,哈哈哈...
When I stopped the boat again, I found the lake full of the water grass, and I even can see the root of the grass, the bottom of the lake. This is the most beautiful scene of Inle Lake without any expectation.
I have seen the sea which is clear enough to see the bottom, but it is my first time to see the same as a lake, and the grasses are several metres tall, and I have seen the grasses for more than 10 minutes with surprise.
It was a shame that my mobile phone can't make the roots of the grasses clearly on the picture...

the locals are working
當地人是用腳划船的 The locals go boating by single foot.
The riverside houses seem like for holiday.
The locals can go boating by a single foot

茵萊湖 僅有的一張照片
the only photo in Inle Lake

the sunset time

雖然是包船一天,但是下午我就回了酒店,日落時分又出發的, 緬甸 沒有給小費的習慣,我還是拿 新加坡 的博物館送的紅包裝了1美元給船小哥,寫了幾句祝福語,船小哥居然獃看著紅包看了幾分鐘,一路和船夫沒有交談,大部分 緬甸 人很靦腆,淳樸...
I ordered a boat for a whole day, and I went back to hotel in the afternoon, and restarted at the sunset time again, So I prepared one dollar tip in a red bag with some blessing words to the boatman,though there was no custom for tips in Myanmar. There was no conversation with the boatman, most of the people there are shy and simple, and the boatman read the words of the red bag for several minutes...

早晨酒店的日出,這隻是 緬甸 的一個湖邊小鎮,酒店的服務也非常好,是 緬甸 所有旅館中我最滿意的一家酒店Inle cherry queen hotel
The sunrise seen from the Inle Cherry Queen Hotel, it is a small town near the lake, the service of the hotel is the best of all the hotels in Myanmar.

早上坐長途汽車去 蒲甘 ,傍晚到,順便提一句, 緬甸 的車票,船票都是手寫的,所以,不同的地方買的車票長的並不一樣
The bus to Bagan departed in the morning, and arrived in the late afternoon, by the way, all the boat tickets or bus tickets are written by hand. So it looks a little different bought from different agents.
在 蒲甘 ,每天騎著電瓶車在佛 塔里 繞,是 緬甸 最開心的時光。大部分電瓶車只能開50km-80km,找到一家電瓶車可以開130km,基本上隨便去哪裡都夠了,果斷租了2天, 蒲甘 到 曼德勒 的船票也是phyo這邊買的,後來得知我沒有現金,沒錢買吃的,坐車,早晨送電瓶車給我的時候,會給我帶幾個香蕉,並且早晨4:30免費送我到了碼頭,好久沒見到這麼勤奮努力工作的年輕人啦,他們全家人都很好,非常感謝在 蒲甘 期間對我的照顧。
It's the happiest time to travel through the pagodas by electrical motobike in Bagan. Most of the electrical motobikes can go 50km to 80km, and I found one which can go 130 km, and I rented for 2 days, and I bought the boat ticket to Mandalay from Phyo as well.After Phyo knew that I had no cash to buy the food or take a taxi to the port. He is so nice that he would take several bananas to me and sent me to the port at 4:30 in the morning for free. How hard the young guy works! How kind of his family! I appreciate the care of the whole family in Bagan to me.
左邊穿著 緬甸 服飾隆基的Phyo很帥哦,他是有導游證的導游
On the left is Phyo who wears the traditional clothes, he's a certified guide and looks handsome.
This is the namecard of rainbow company, you can contact Phyo for renting electrical motobike, bus or boat tickets and hiring a guide for the stories behind the pagodas.
I climbed a pagoda to see the sunrise. Now there is few Pagodas to climb for the protection of them and maybe it changes at any time which you can climb.

It is a little dangerous to climb the pagoda with a light before sunrise, and it's cold.

蒲甘 大部分塔都是這種顏色
Most of pagodas have the colour of this
酒店傳統的 緬甸 早餐又很多種小菜,都挺好吃,還有水果,真的很豐富
It's abundant of the traditional breakfast in Myanmar.They are including cold dishes and fruit.
另外,有必要提一下 緬甸 的銀行系統,我在試了幾台atm無法取現的情況下,給銀行,銀聯都打了電話, 緬甸 的銀聯經常出故障,經常取不出錢。另外,人民幣是沒有辦法換 緬甸 元的,要帶夠美元;問了當地的銀行,外國人現在是辦不了銀行卡的,所以網上轉賬也行不通;當地銀行工作人員說,可以在當地商店買東西,刷卡取現,不過, 蒲甘 能刷卡的店都沒有幾家吧,所以,我並沒有嘗試。剩下,最方便的還是信用卡VISA,MASTER取現,也只剩這一種,幸好,在 曼德勒 順利用信用卡取到錢。
Furthermore, it's necessary to mention the banking system in Myanmar. I called the bank and union pay after I tried several atms and failed to withdraw, and they replied to me that the union pay system always break down. RMB cannot be exchanged into MMK. It's important to take US dollars. I consulted the local bank whether a foreigner can set up an account and the answer is no, neither can I transfer on the internet without a local card. I can cash out from a local shop by crediting card if I bought something. I didn't try,since there were few hotels and shops available of credit card. So the convenient way to withdraw is by VISA/ MASTER card. Luckily I withdraw successfully by credit card in Mandalay
陪了我2天的電瓶車,是 中國 製造的, 緬甸 很多生活用品都是 中國 製造
I have ridden the electrical motobike for 2 days, and it was made in China. Actually there are a lot of daily articles made in China.

大部分塔都有名字,我記不了這麼多名字,所以塔的名字都不提了,騎電瓶車的玩法很簡單,在google 地圖上標出(如圖綠色的旗幟)在攻略上看到的塔的名字或自己想去的塔的名字,然後一個個順路去,2天就能走完所有的塔
Most of the pagodas have the names, however I can't remember. So I will not give the names of pagodas, the way to visit the pagodas is easy, you can save the pagodas on google map (the green flags on the picutre), and visit them one by one, and you can finish them in 2 days.
