Journey to the West 九日西天取經蜜月行

1.Fatehpur Skiri :這座城堡於1571年到1585年間曾短暫作為莫卧兒王朝都城,1983年被列入世界文化遺產。雖然它低調地被泰姬陵和$ 阿格拉 紅堡$淹沒了它的光彩,但其實是非常值得一游的。當時阿克巴大帝一直沒有子嗣,他向聖人Sheikh Salim Chishti祈求。後來他的第一位皇子出生後,阿克巴為表示感激之情,建造了這座城堡,並命名為Fatehpur Sikri,意為“勝利之城”,然後遷都於此。不過阿克巴在此定都僅14年,然後因水源問題廢棄了這座城市而遷回 阿格拉 ,而成為一座荒城。
Fatehpur Sikri (Hindi: फ़तेहपुर सीकरी, Urdu: فتحپور سیکری) is a city in the Agra District of Uttar Pradesh, India. Previously the city's name was Vijaypur Sikari, of the Sikarwar Rajput clan; the later city was founded in 1569 by the Emperor Akbar, and served as the capital of the Mughal Empire from 1571 to 1585. After his military victories over Chittor and Ranthambore, Akbar decided to shift his capital from Agra to a new location 23 miles (37 km) W.S.W on the Sikri ridge, to honour the Sufi saint Salim Chishti. Here he commenced the construction of a planned walled city, which took the next fifteen years in planning, and construction of a series of royal pal ace s, harem, courts, a mosque, private quarters and other utility buildings. He named the city Fatehabad, with Fateh, a word of Arabic origin in Persian, meaning "victorious." It was later called Fatehpur Sikri. It is at Fatehpur Sikri that the legends of Akbar and his famed courtiers, the nine jewels or Navaratnas, were born. Fatehpur Sikri is one of the best preserved collections of Indian Mughal architecture in India.

2\. Agra Fort
建立在 阿格拉 的“紅堡”,坐落在亞穆納河畔,占地1.5平方公里,外圍由高十二米的紅色砂 石城 牆圍成,總體呈半圓形。曾經是莫卧兒王朝的皇城所在地,現在是伊斯蘭教建築的代表之作,著名世界遺產和 印度 著名的旅游之地。從16世紀到18世紀初, 阿格拉 一直是 印度 首都。這裡是統治全 印度 幾百年的莫卧兒王朝的首都所在地,這裡融合了登峰造極的藝術成就與刻骨銘心的愛情故事。
With the Taj Mahal overshadowing it, one can easily forget that Agra has one of the finest Mughal forts in India. Construction of the massive red-sandstone fort, on the bank of the Yamuna River, was begun by Emperor Akbar in 1565.