一年一歐洲之EURO 3rd. 波蘭匈牙利中歐紀行 @ 2015

奧斯維辛一日游是事先發郵件委托酒店老闆娘幫忙預定的,Private Tour,大奔商務車來回接送,包括門票導覽來回車費油費過路費etc.150zt一人,摺合¥260左右一人
奧斯維辛原來是有中文導覽的,5zt一本,但是可能 中國 游客實在去的太少,賣完之後就沒再加印。

吃飽了才有力氣做礦工摸爬滾打,鋸木頭,搞爆破,錘鹽礦,千辛萬苦錘下的鹽我要帶回去裱起來 最後還有張礦工證書棒棒噠 消耗太大以至於晚上怒吞一個披薩
維利奇卡鹽礦 “Wieliczka” Salt Mine
>Add: ul. Daniłowicza 10
GPS coordinates: 49.9831029°N, 20.0556922°E
>Web: http://www.wieliczka-saltmine.com/
> Tourist Route (about 3 hours)價格是79PLN/人
Tours for individual tourists in foreign languages are organized as follows:
From October to May, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., every hour, and from 10.00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. also every 30 minutes
From June to September, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every 30 minutes
>Miners’Route (about 2.5 hours)
> How to get to the mine
by bus number 304 departing in the vicinity of the shopping mall Galeria Krakowska (ul. Kurniki), getting off the bus at the stop called Wieliczka Kopalnia Soli. Zone I (Strefa I) and II Agglomeration (II Aglomeracja) transport tickets are valid in public buses travelling From Krakow to Wieliczka. Ticket tariff of municipal transport services in the city of Cracow.
Attention! 304 bus route changed. Due to the reconstruction of some of Wieliczka streets, the 304 bus route will be changed beginning from 11th February. The change refers to the bus stops in downtown Wieliczka. To reach the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine on foot, please get off the bus at the stop called
“Wieliczka Kosciol” (Church) – if you are heading to the Danilowicz Shaft
“Wieliczka Cmentarz” (Cemetery) – if you are heading to the Regis Shaft
Wieliczka鹽礦在二區,可以上車買票,但是車上的機器只能用硬幣或者刷卡!沒有零錢可以找司機買,但是他不一定會賣給你!!!!我們去程碰上機器壞了不能買所以只能找司機買,回程沒有零錢,司機說什麼都不肯賣票,一直說讓我們去機器買,幸虧碰上了一車的好人!一車熱心的當地人一直用 波蘭 語在幫我們跟司機說,最後是買上了。
304的Wieliczka名字的有3站,之前查的攻略都說是到Wieliczka Kosciol下車,也就是第二個那裡,但是如果你一開始就想好要去走礦工路線,可以坐到第三個站下車,從游客路線走到礦工路線至少10分鐘