兩個長方形的水池是黃金池塘Aqua Fontis Aureae。北側有一處 羅馬 式的泉眼,充沛的水流從高處落下,註入池塘。黃金池塘是城堡花園最古老的一部分。水流從黃金池塘跌落,旁邊放置著考古發現的巨大的 羅馬 石柱 的殘垣。 參觀完城堡,我們立刻回酒店取車出發開往 格拉納達 。在 科爾多瓦 停留了兩個晚上,游玩了兩天,還是非常喜歡這個城市的!尤其喜歡第一晚的燉牛尾! 住宿:帕拉西奧阿瑪格拉公寓palacio almagra
地址:Mirasol, 18, Centro de Granada, 18009 Granada, España;電話:+34 958 21 62 28;公寓帶陽臺(2單人床1沙發床)。€90;停車€19。 預訂 成功 後老闆娘發來了超詳細的自駕路線介紹!
From the motorway (circunvalación=ringroad), take the exit “Palacio de Congresos”, once you’ve taken this exit, follow the yellow signs that point to the different hotels in the city center. Go on direction the Congress Palace and place yourself on the left lane, ready to go through the tunnel. You will arrive then, to the Congress Palace roundabout. Go straight on towards the city center. Turn left over the river Genil’s bridge and keep your left. If you wish to leave your car directly in the Parking of “Puerta Real” (50 meters walk from our hotel- we give you more information below) you have to situate yourself –once passed the front door of the big department store “Corte Inglés”- on the right lane. When you reach the traffic light, you will see in front of you, the entrance to the Parking.
If you prefer to come to the very same front door of our hotel, keep on the left lane and go straight on to Puerta Real croossroads. Then make a right onto Ángel Ganivet street (you’ll see there are many arches at both sides), at the end of the street you will see Mariana Pineda’s square, so turn right and keep on, leaving the Restaurant “Chikito” on your left hand side, and when you pass the small gardens on your left, make a left and go on straight. You will see a tree alley on your right, then in about 15 meters you will have to make a left onto Mirasol street. Our hotel is located on the left hand side in # 18. You can stop for a minute to unload the luggage and we will explain at reception where the nearest parking is. If you car is quite big, you’d better leave the car in the parking first, since the streets in the hotel area are quite narrow.
Because of its location in the historical city center, you must pay special attention on how to arrive to the hotel as some streets in Granada are closed for private traffic and only allowed for bus and taxi. Please follow the itinerary we‘ve recommended and do not trust your GPS 100%, since many of them bring you directly through the restricted areas.
We have tickets available at reception for Parking Puerta Real approximately 50mts away from our hotel, at a "special" rate of 19€/24 hours.
If you come directly to the hotel we will sell you the ticket here. If you go directly to the parking (that we think it is better, unless you have very heavy luggage), you have to get the ticket at the entrance of the parking and keep it. We will explain the procedure at reception desk upon arrival. This parking is open and guarded 24 hours a day and with this kind of ticket you can go in and out of the parking whenever you want during your stay.
Take into account that if you do not buy the "special" ticket in the hotel, the parking costs 22.80€/24 hours. You do not need to book it in advance, if when you arrive, the parking is "completo" you just get off and speak to the man at the entrance and say you come from Palacio Almagra, they will let you in. 住宿點評:
停車場離酒店步行5分鐘,非常近,而且停車場有電梯,行李不成問題。酒店小巷對面就是 英國 宮,購物方便。離 格拉納達 教堂大約步行一刻鐘,離阿宮步行不到半小時。老公寓房子,但有電梯,進出大門和房間都是密碼鎖。老闆娘下午三點半之後就不在了,可以提前聯繫問好密碼。公寓內有小廚房,但只有一個小的電磁爐,咖啡機什麼都齊全。
早早的吃過晚飯,去市中心打算逛逛 格拉納達 教堂和皇家禮拜堂。但說實話覺得挺失望的。教堂門口正在搭建舞臺,可能晚上有什麼活動,照片也沒法拍。倒是教堂附近遇到兩位賣藝的女生,聲音太動聽了,很純凈的感覺!
本來打算坐公交車去 聖尼古拉 斯觀景台看日落,但其實谷歌導航顯示的步行和公交時間是差不多了。既然已經吃的那麼飽了,乾脆步行過去,正好逛逛 阿爾拜 辛區!
附上 格拉納達 的公交信息,給有需要的小伙伴。但走過去雖然上坡有點累,但游走在世界遺產 阿爾拜 辛區感受還是挺不錯的! 從酒店步行路線 尼古拉斯觀景台等待日落 ※游記部分 D9,7月26日:格拉納達—弗里希利亞納D9,7月26日,周五: 格拉納達 Granada—— 弗里希利亞納 Frigiliana【共100km/1h11m】
起個大早,自助退房,將行李放到停車 庫車 上。
7:30,出發! 阿爾罕布拉宮Alhambra
票價:平日參觀通票14.85€(0.7€佣金,015€增值稅),夜間參觀納斯里宮單票8.48€(0.4€佣金,0.08€增值稅),夜間參觀Generalife單票5.3€(0.25€佣金,0.05€增值稅),平日參觀花園Generalife+城堡7€。該景點12歲以下免票。 門票種類:日間參觀:一般門票: 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、納薩瑞斯宮、Generalife花園、 卡洛 斯五世宮、清真寺浴場,其中: 阿卡 薩巴碉堡:包括 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、軍事領域區、立方塔陽臺、北城牆 通道 、軍械廣場、軍事區、軍械門、維拉塔及城牆花園。納薩瑞斯宮:包括聯合廳、禮拜堂、黃金廳及黃金中庭科馬列斯皇宮、愛 神木 中庭、小船廳、大使廳、 獅子 皇宮、摩 卡拉 伯廳、中庭、阿本瑟拉黑斯廳、諸王廳、姐妹廳、國王客房、瞭望台、格柵中庭、林達哈拉花園、帕塔爾、門廊皇宮、約瑟夫三世皇宮。Generalife:包括新花園、帝斯卡 巴卡 中庭、入口中庭、水渠中庭、 蘇丹 娜中庭、上花園、阿黛法斯走道、皇家街、清真寺浴場、更衣廳等。花園票:花園票旅客只能參觀古跡內的花園,包括柏樹走道、塞卡諾走道、 舊金山 花園、 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、城牆花園、拉午達、帕塔爾、門廊皇宮、約瑟夫三世皇宮、塔樓走道、Generalife花園、 下花園 、上花園、水道樓梯、清真寺浴場。參觀納薩瑞斯宮夜票路線:從正義/審判門處出發,沿著城牆走至 卡洛 斯五世皇宮空地可至納薩瑞斯宮,出口為於下皇家街及拉午達、聯合廳、愛 神木 中庭及 獅子 中庭納薩瑞斯宮。夜場同樣只能依票上的時間入場。參觀花園夜票路線:從入口處穿過新花園至水渠中庭。所有場館關閉時間前一小時停止入場。
地址:Mirasol, 18, Centro de Granada, 18009 Granada, España;電話:+34 958 21 62 28;公寓帶陽臺(2單人床1沙發床)。€90;停車€19。 預訂 成功 後老闆娘發來了超詳細的自駕路線介紹!
From the motorway (circunvalación=ringroad), take the exit “Palacio de Congresos”, once you’ve taken this exit, follow the yellow signs that point to the different hotels in the city center. Go on direction the Congress Palace and place yourself on the left lane, ready to go through the tunnel. You will arrive then, to the Congress Palace roundabout. Go straight on towards the city center. Turn left over the river Genil’s bridge and keep your left. If you wish to leave your car directly in the Parking of “Puerta Real” (50 meters walk from our hotel- we give you more information below) you have to situate yourself –once passed the front door of the big department store “Corte Inglés”- on the right lane. When you reach the traffic light, you will see in front of you, the entrance to the Parking.
If you prefer to come to the very same front door of our hotel, keep on the left lane and go straight on to Puerta Real croossroads. Then make a right onto Ángel Ganivet street (you’ll see there are many arches at both sides), at the end of the street you will see Mariana Pineda’s square, so turn right and keep on, leaving the Restaurant “Chikito” on your left hand side, and when you pass the small gardens on your left, make a left and go on straight. You will see a tree alley on your right, then in about 15 meters you will have to make a left onto Mirasol street. Our hotel is located on the left hand side in # 18. You can stop for a minute to unload the luggage and we will explain at reception where the nearest parking is. If you car is quite big, you’d better leave the car in the parking first, since the streets in the hotel area are quite narrow.
Because of its location in the historical city center, you must pay special attention on how to arrive to the hotel as some streets in Granada are closed for private traffic and only allowed for bus and taxi. Please follow the itinerary we‘ve recommended and do not trust your GPS 100%, since many of them bring you directly through the restricted areas.
We have tickets available at reception for Parking Puerta Real approximately 50mts away from our hotel, at a "special" rate of 19€/24 hours.
If you come directly to the hotel we will sell you the ticket here. If you go directly to the parking (that we think it is better, unless you have very heavy luggage), you have to get the ticket at the entrance of the parking and keep it. We will explain the procedure at reception desk upon arrival. This parking is open and guarded 24 hours a day and with this kind of ticket you can go in and out of the parking whenever you want during your stay.
Take into account that if you do not buy the "special" ticket in the hotel, the parking costs 22.80€/24 hours. You do not need to book it in advance, if when you arrive, the parking is "completo" you just get off and speak to the man at the entrance and say you come from Palacio Almagra, they will let you in. 住宿點評:
停車場離酒店步行5分鐘,非常近,而且停車場有電梯,行李不成問題。酒店小巷對面就是 英國 宮,購物方便。離 格拉納達 教堂大約步行一刻鐘,離阿宮步行不到半小時。老公寓房子,但有電梯,進出大門和房間都是密碼鎖。老闆娘下午三點半之後就不在了,可以提前聯繫問好密碼。公寓內有小廚房,但只有一個小的電磁爐,咖啡機什麼都齊全。
早早的吃過晚飯,去市中心打算逛逛 格拉納達 教堂和皇家禮拜堂。但說實話覺得挺失望的。教堂門口正在搭建舞臺,可能晚上有什麼活動,照片也沒法拍。倒是教堂附近遇到兩位賣藝的女生,聲音太動聽了,很純凈的感覺!
本來打算坐公交車去 聖尼古拉 斯觀景台看日落,但其實谷歌導航顯示的步行和公交時間是差不多了。既然已經吃的那麼飽了,乾脆步行過去,正好逛逛 阿爾拜 辛區!
附上 格拉納達 的公交信息,給有需要的小伙伴。但走過去雖然上坡有點累,但游走在世界遺產 阿爾拜 辛區感受還是挺不錯的! 從酒店步行路線 尼古拉斯觀景台等待日落 ※游記部分 D9,7月26日:格拉納達—弗里希利亞納D9,7月26日,周五: 格拉納達 Granada—— 弗里希利亞納 Frigiliana【共100km/1h11m】
起個大早,自助退房,將行李放到停車 庫車 上。
7:30,出發! 阿爾罕布拉宮Alhambra
票價:平日參觀通票14.85€(0.7€佣金,015€增值稅),夜間參觀納斯里宮單票8.48€(0.4€佣金,0.08€增值稅),夜間參觀Generalife單票5.3€(0.25€佣金,0.05€增值稅),平日參觀花園Generalife+城堡7€。該景點12歲以下免票。 門票種類:日間參觀:一般門票: 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、納薩瑞斯宮、Generalife花園、 卡洛 斯五世宮、清真寺浴場,其中: 阿卡 薩巴碉堡:包括 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、軍事領域區、立方塔陽臺、北城牆 通道 、軍械廣場、軍事區、軍械門、維拉塔及城牆花園。納薩瑞斯宮:包括聯合廳、禮拜堂、黃金廳及黃金中庭科馬列斯皇宮、愛 神木 中庭、小船廳、大使廳、 獅子 皇宮、摩 卡拉 伯廳、中庭、阿本瑟拉黑斯廳、諸王廳、姐妹廳、國王客房、瞭望台、格柵中庭、林達哈拉花園、帕塔爾、門廊皇宮、約瑟夫三世皇宮。Generalife:包括新花園、帝斯卡 巴卡 中庭、入口中庭、水渠中庭、 蘇丹 娜中庭、上花園、阿黛法斯走道、皇家街、清真寺浴場、更衣廳等。花園票:花園票旅客只能參觀古跡內的花園,包括柏樹走道、塞卡諾走道、 舊金山 花園、 阿卡 薩巴碉堡、城牆花園、拉午達、帕塔爾、門廊皇宮、約瑟夫三世皇宮、塔樓走道、Generalife花園、 下花園 、上花園、水道樓梯、清真寺浴場。參觀納薩瑞斯宮夜票路線:從正義/審判門處出發,沿著城牆走至 卡洛 斯五世皇宮空地可至納薩瑞斯宮,出口為於下皇家街及拉午達、聯合廳、愛 神木 中庭及 獅子 中庭納薩瑞斯宮。夜場同樣只能依票上的時間入場。參觀花園夜票路線:從入口處穿過新花園至水渠中庭。所有場館關閉時間前一小時停止入場。