“Holi festivities in Mathura
13th March 2017
On the big Holi day, the biggest festival takes pl ace at the historical Dwarkadheesh Temple in Mathura. However, I would recommend starting the day much earlier at 7am. Head out to Vishram ghat and catch the process of making Bhang by the priests. If possible, maybe take a glass yourself as well (not more).
The gates of the temple open at 10am and there is already a big crowd outside the gates by then playing Holi and colouring anyone who dares cross the road. Most of it is fun, but things can very quickly get ugly. Mostly local men and kids participate, and women are again conspicuous by their absence. However, there are many traveler women who do participate.
The atmosphere inside the temple is really nice actually Unlike Banke Bihari in Vridnavan, the scale of Holi is smaller and the pl ace is much friendlier. Priest play Dhols and you can even join the dancing there. Inside the temple, more women play Holi.
When?----Holi day; 10am to 1.30pm
Where?----Dwarkadheesh Temple, Mathura
How to go?----If you are in Mathura, just walk from you hotel.
2016 - 23rd March
2017 - 13th March
2018 - 2nd March" 昨天是Dry Holi,今天是Wet holi,除了彩色粉末,人群開始潑各種顏色的水了,多了種油畫的效果。 依舊是音樂與彩粉齊飛。
”Huranga at Dauji Temple
14th March 2017
On the day after Holi, Dauji Temple, located about 30 km outside Mathura, comes alive with men getting not just beaten up but also stripped by the women :)
The tradition dates back to more than 500 years, when the Krishna temple was established. Women from the family which established the temple, strip the men and beat them up with their own clothes, in the temple courtyard. Its a huge family with about 3000 members now, and they all come to the village from across the world for the festival.
This was to me the most fun-filed Holi. People just let go of all their inhibitions and play with colors. After the ceremony gets over, there is more Holi played in the courtyard of the temple and everyone is welcome to join in.
When?----Day after Holi; 12.30pm to 4.00 pm. However, this is a popular event and if you want to take good pictures reach by 9am and block your seat on the roof to get a good view.
Where?----Daoji Temple, Baldeo, 30 km from Mathura
How to go?----If you are in Mathura, take a cab or an auto-rickshaw to the village.
2016 - 25th March
2017 - 14th March
2018 - 3rd March“ 灑紅節第三天,搭車Tutu來到 馬圖拉 30公裡外的Daoji寺廟。組團了7個人,包了一輛車,單程700盧比,平攤每人100盧比。回程就在會場外找了一輛車,也是700盧比。
1,衣服:灑紅節期間,凡是身上穿戴的,上衣,褲子,鞋子,帽子,都會被染上各種顏色。有建議是說帶上自己不要穿的衣物,這樣扔掉也不可惜。其實也可以特地帶上一件白色T恤,上色效果比較好,之後可以留作紀念物。據說在 馬圖拉 也可以買到那件我看到的“I lost my heart in Vrindavan"的白T,更有當地的特色,只是我沒有找到。
相機的話可以用塑料袋和保鮮膜層層包起來,保鮮膜要自己提前備好帶去,塑料袋可以在當地小店里購物時索要。不建議在現場換鏡頭,粉塵太大,很容易弄髒鏡頭。這篇帖子里還詳細描述瞭如何保護相機的方法, https://ravikanthkurma.wordpress.com/tag/holi/ 。
(1)灑紅節前一天是dry holi,主要是防粉末,這一天如果將相機包裹嚴實,還是可以帶的。手機更沒有問題。
(2)灑紅節當天是wet holi,主要是防水,從屋頂,道路兩邊隨時可能會碰上射水,水的危害性更大。建議手機裝在那種防水的手機套里。相機最好不要帶了,不過也看到不少游客也是將相機包裹嚴實帶著的。
彩色的水則容易被渾身淋濕,顏色會染到身上,要洗好幾天才能全部洗掉。並且還會澆濕攝影設備,wet holi那天我只帶了手機,並且在不使用的時候裝在塑料袋中,放在褲子口袋里。
6\. 咸豬手的防範:
這次灑紅節,我們戲稱必須得眼觀六路,即要防著正面襲擊的彩粉,也要當心可能從天而降的的彩色的水,還要提防有可能乘機的咸豬手。一般慣常的灑彩粉的方式是大家遇到後,用彩粉抹在對方的臉頰兩側或者眉心,說一句happy holi,然後擁抱。而有的人會擁抱地特別緊,讓人感覺不舒服。女性旅游者和對方擁抱時,可以將胳膊擋在胸前,這樣能比較好地保護自己。其實這個灑紅節就像是一場狂歡,大多數都是日常的人們玩鬧的比較high而已,也不用太擔心,只要避免和過於興奮的人群在一起,自己加些小心就好。
去之前聽說灑紅節的酒店都訂滿了,到了之後發現可能是因為 馬圖拉 掛在網上的酒店並不多,其實在main junction road就有不少酒店,我們就住在這條路上,離火車站很近大約1公里多,不過離小城的中心,胡里門有點遠,步行至少半個小時以上,有的時候我們就坐tutu車過去,50盧比。灑紅節最主要的還是當地人,外國游客只是很小一部分,所以酒店住宿應該不是那麼緊張。一定要確保酒店有熱水洗浴,每天從灑紅節現場回來,好好洗個澡就是最重要的一件事了。
個人覺得,從這三天的日程看,灑紅節前一天下午 馬圖拉 的彩車游行是最好玩的,彩車上有專門撒粉的人們,有音樂,舞蹈,有不時灑下的花朵,互動也多,參與感最強,這個活動最不容錯過。
灑紅節當天的wet holi都是在噴水了,個人感覺還是dry holi的粉末更好看。
灑紅節後一天的棒打男人,看起來最特別,只是參與度不強。 阿格拉來到 阿格拉 ,終於見到了泰姬陵的晨與昏。
售票窗口還註明瞭當天的日出時間早上6點35分,日落時間晚上6點21分。周五不對外開放。 在售票窗口買好票,還要走10分鐘左右的路抵達入口檢票及安檢處。男女是分開兩個 通道 排隊的。