來 德黑蘭 旅行有哪些購物地點呢? 德黑蘭 有兩條著名的街道Valiasr和Shariati,貫穿了整座城市。 德黑蘭 主要的商埔基本都在這兩條道路兩側,購物狂們可以把購物清單上的一次性買完! 德黑蘭 的物品大多比較貴,不過黃金和手錶比 中國 要便宜很多。 瑞士 手錶的價格比 中國 便宜三分之二。香水在 德黑蘭 非常流行,不管在哪,都會發現GUCCI、KENZO、CD之類的品牌,而且都是真品,比 中國 的要便宜一些。如果想要買些伴手禮寄給朋友的話,香水是很棒的選擇! 德黑蘭 的特產如掛毯、地毯、飾品、小工藝品等,是旅游者必購的物品。但有時價格偏貴,尤其手工製作的,最低價格也要一百美金,最高的則到上萬美金。大家購買的時候可要看著錢包行事哦!
1.Tajrish Bazaar
1比起 德黑蘭 大市集來說感覺更為古老據說是在 德黑蘭 最古老的市集搭地鐵的話搭到一號尾站再走路即可有許多日常用品以及食物類可以選購跟 臺灣 早期還沒有整頓過的市場還蠻像的感覺
2.Cookie Box
Cookie Box is an American-style bakery founded in 2005 to bring the authentic taste of American home baking to Tehran. Cookie Box Bakery offers a full range of American-style baked treats and desserts including cookies, cupcakes, layer cakes, brownies, pies, tarts, cheesecakes, muffins and much more. It played a lead role in bringing cookies, brownies and cheesecake to popularity in Iran and continues to innovate, introducing new and exciting flavors for those looking for bespoke cakes and cupcakes for weddings, birthdays, events and other celebrations.
1They offer one of the best cookies ,cheese cakes carrot cakes in Tehran with perfect taste ingredients in cute boxes in their pe ace ful pl ace s. So delicious BUT under an EXPENSIVE price, specially their cookies !
2The Cookie Box is the one of best confectionary in Tehran. The Trafel is so delicious chocolate and hand made in there. The kruson with cream and strawberries is the famous sweets in there.
1If you are a fan modetn art you can visit there and buy some souvenirs with he combination of modern and traditional art who made by iranian artistsI love how they choose the best artists works.
2If you looking for something that is different to normal pl ace s to buy, better to go once at least, for home or present,,,
4.Sam Center
1Von außen gar nicht mal sehr auffällig, aber innen eine einzige Pracht. Hier hat man an nichts gespart: Die Geschäfte sind edel, die Baumaterialien, die Architektur ...Ob man das nun Protz nennt oder geschmackvoll, ist jedem selbst überlassen.In der Eingangshalle finden sich wirklich edle, teure Geschäfte, vor allem Juweliere. In der 8. Etage residieren 4 der besten und teuersten Restaurants - teilweise ist die Aussicht hier herrlich -- sofern nicht durch Bauruinen verstellt. Eine Aussichtsetage (N° 9) ist noch im Werden.- Das Center hat eine ;Hochgarage; mit 2 Ausfahrten.
來Sam center這家商超是因為剛好在附近的藝術之家咖啡廳吃飯,吃完飯找個地方消食,就用自由行神器夢想旅行APP上搜附近的購物點,順路導航過去。身為懶癌最大的特點就是……伸手,所以這個APP還是很順我心意的!推薦給同樣是懶癌的小伙伴們!
1Usually we are there with two weeks interval to purchase the necessary goods for home for two weeks. You will find all types of fruits, meat, chicken, diaries, cleaners, beverages and so on there. The prices are cheaper about 10 percent comparing the company printed price in most items. It has a parking in two floors with 1500 cars capacity. The parking is free. You will find some brands there: adidas, geox, ecco, berghoff ..
2Since 2012 we are living in Tehran and hype star or also called HyperMarket is a pl ace for weekly shopping. This pl ace is a 100% copy of carrefour. It has a great variety of stuff including digital devices like TVs, washing machines as well as food of a great quality at a very reasonable prices. Also it has number of shops like Danielle, Springfield, Adidas, Nike, Swiss watch shop. Also it has a food court with over 6 different food courts which offer very delicious food Such as traditional Iranian, Italian, Turkish and vegetarian Asian type.It also has a well designed and comfortable for parking.Hyperstar is a great pl ace for shopping, food and fun time.
7.Negar Tower
1Standing 114 meters high, this 31-storey building is located in the popular Vanak district. There is a compact shopping mall on the first two floors where you can find famous clothing retailers such as Adidas and United Colors of Benetton along with some smaller retailers and boutiques. There are also a couple coffee shops, and frozen yogurt bar.
廣場 東北 角一棟樓內集中了數十家專業售賣地毯的商鋪,從真絲到羊絨地毯一應俱全,質量較好的價錢一般在上千美元。
德黑蘭 的購物中心跟國內相差很多,市中心的一家商店有五層樓那麼高,裡面設有電梯,算是當地最好的購物中心了。在購物中心裡,一些品牌服裝比較昂貴,如ADIDAS、PUMA一類,大多數年輕人很喜歡,但在這裡很少有原版的,大多是 越南 、印尼的產品。所以服裝類是不建議大家囤貨的哦!
1.Tajrish Bazaar

1比起 德黑蘭 大市集來說感覺更為古老據說是在 德黑蘭 最古老的市集搭地鐵的話搭到一號尾站再走路即可有許多日常用品以及食物類可以選購跟 臺灣 早期還沒有整頓過的市場還蠻像的感覺
2.Cookie Box

1They offer one of the best cookies ,cheese cakes carrot cakes in Tehran with perfect taste ingredients in cute boxes in their pe ace ful pl ace s. So delicious BUT under an EXPENSIVE price, specially their cookies !
2The Cookie Box is the one of best confectionary in Tehran. The Trafel is so delicious chocolate and hand made in there. The kruson with cream and strawberries is the famous sweets in there.

1If you are a fan modetn art you can visit there and buy some souvenirs with he combination of modern and traditional art who made by iranian artistsI love how they choose the best artists works.
2If you looking for something that is different to normal pl ace s to buy, better to go once at least, for home or present,,,
4.Sam Center

1Von außen gar nicht mal sehr auffällig, aber innen eine einzige Pracht. Hier hat man an nichts gespart: Die Geschäfte sind edel, die Baumaterialien, die Architektur ...Ob man das nun Protz nennt oder geschmackvoll, ist jedem selbst überlassen.In der Eingangshalle finden sich wirklich edle, teure Geschäfte, vor allem Juweliere. In der 8. Etage residieren 4 der besten und teuersten Restaurants - teilweise ist die Aussicht hier herrlich -- sofern nicht durch Bauruinen verstellt. Eine Aussichtsetage (N° 9) ist noch im Werden.- Das Center hat eine ;Hochgarage; mit 2 Ausfahrten.
來Sam center這家商超是因為剛好在附近的藝術之家咖啡廳吃飯,吃完飯找個地方消食,就用自由行神器夢想旅行APP上搜附近的購物點,順路導航過去。身為懶癌最大的特點就是……伸手,所以這個APP還是很順我心意的!推薦給同樣是懶癌的小伙伴們!


1Usually we are there with two weeks interval to purchase the necessary goods for home for two weeks. You will find all types of fruits, meat, chicken, diaries, cleaners, beverages and so on there. The prices are cheaper about 10 percent comparing the company printed price in most items. It has a parking in two floors with 1500 cars capacity. The parking is free. You will find some brands there: adidas, geox, ecco, berghoff ..
2Since 2012 we are living in Tehran and hype star or also called HyperMarket is a pl ace for weekly shopping. This pl ace is a 100% copy of carrefour. It has a great variety of stuff including digital devices like TVs, washing machines as well as food of a great quality at a very reasonable prices. Also it has number of shops like Danielle, Springfield, Adidas, Nike, Swiss watch shop. Also it has a food court with over 6 different food courts which offer very delicious food Such as traditional Iranian, Italian, Turkish and vegetarian Asian type.It also has a well designed and comfortable for parking.Hyperstar is a great pl ace for shopping, food and fun time.

7.Negar Tower

1Standing 114 meters high, this 31-storey building is located in the popular Vanak district. There is a compact shopping mall on the first two floors where you can find famous clothing retailers such as Adidas and United Colors of Benetton along with some smaller retailers and boutiques. There are also a couple coffee shops, and frozen yogurt bar.

德黑蘭 的購物中心跟國內相差很多,市中心的一家商店有五層樓那麼高,裡面設有電梯,算是當地最好的購物中心了。在購物中心裡,一些品牌服裝比較昂貴,如ADIDAS、PUMA一類,大多數年輕人很喜歡,但在這裡很少有原版的,大多是 越南 、印尼的產品。所以服裝類是不建議大家囤貨的哦!