威尼斯 Venice mestre
From the railway station take the main street VIA PIAVE for about 5 minutes and turn left at the cross with VIA FIUME and then turn right at the cross with VIA DUCA D'AOSTA 31.
五漁村 Albergo Barbara l
Our hotel is pl ace d on the middle of Vernazza's maine square by the harbour. All our rooms are on the top floor of the big red building (#30). Please ring our doorbell:
Q to be Tel./Fax: ++390 187 812398 cell. 338 7933 261
reservation number: 15921259
Manarola 9/26-27
The house is in the highest part of the village
close to the church square, by the steps leading to the sea.
Casa Capellini
via E. Cozzani 12
19017 Manarola
La Spezia - ITALIA
Cell. 3493061046
The exact address is via delle ruote 3, the check in is at 11 but u can come to leave your bags at 10am, remember that my bell is Antolini Corona the first on top
Viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo 38