終於去了一次沒有 中國 人的地方~又是一次團隊的旅行,這次來到的是 英格蘭

0807: london---manchester 1020---1228 16.5pound
Manchester---windermere 1416---1556 6.8pound
0808: windermere---keswick---buttermere---keswick---windermere
凱西克 (Keswick)是 英國 英格蘭 坎布里亞 郡的一個集鎮。人口有4,281人,位於 德文 特湖(Derwent Water)以北,是 英格蘭
湖區國家公園(Lake District National Park)的一部分。
中世紀 16世紀,在 凱西克 發現了小型礦山,是世界上最早的石墨鉛筆的發源地。鉛筆工業保持到今天,有坎伯蘭鉛筆博物館和世界上最大的鉛筆。
凱西克 鎮是徒步,露營和登山的天堂,這裡有湖區最美的一英里, 有 英格蘭 的最高峰, 街上有眾多徒步,登山,露營設備商店。
凱西克 鎮南邊的 德文 特湖(Derwent water),是徒步者的天堂. 湖光山色風景秀麗.
Buttermere湖徒步路線。這個湖已經不在Central Lake Zone了,而在更遠處的Explorer
0809: windermere---Great Langdale---scafell pike---Great Langdale---windermere
斯科費爾峰(英語:Scafell Pike), 英格蘭 最高山峰,海拔978米(3209英寸),位於 英國 英格蘭 西北 區域 坎布里亞 郡湖區。
Great Langdale---scafell pike 7.3miles 3h 單程
Scafell Pike from Great Langdale
Via The Band and Bowfell, returning via Angle Tarn and Rossett Gill. Approx 12
miles. Map OS Explorer OL6. Park in the pay and display car park next to the
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel (OS ref: NY287061) and take the farm track across the
fields to Stool End Farm (OS ref: NY277057). Follow the signs through the
farmyard, and after a hundred metres take the right hand path which climbs
steeply at first, then more steadily, up The Band – the great shoulder which
reaches out from Bowfell into the Langdale Valley. A long continual climb with
views directly across the valley of Oxendale to Crinkle Crags eventually
brings you to a convenient rest point at Three Tarns, the col between Crinkle
Crags and Bowfell (OS ref: NY248061). Next, head due north, and steeply
upwards, following the well-trodden path marked by frequent cairns to the
summit of Bowfell (OS ref: NY244064 on this map), and a magnificent view
across the head of the Eskdale Valley far below, to Scafell Pike itself. From
Bowfell, follow the main path northwards to Hanging Knotts (OS ref: NY244072)
and then westwards to the summit of Esk Pike (OS ref: NY236075), before
descending to Esk Hause (OS ref: NY233081).
From Esk Hause, continue to the summit of Scafell Pike as per the route from
Borrowdale (above), and from the summit retrace the route back as far as Esk
Hause again. But instead of starting the grind back up to Esk Pike and
Bowfell, descend north-eastwards from Esk Hause for about 300 metres to meet
the main Sty Head to Langdale path at OS ref: NY235083, and follow this well-
defined and maintained path south-east as it drops down to delightful Angle
Tarn (OS ref: NY245078, on this map), nestling below the imposing fortress of
Hanging Knotts. Continue in a south-easterly direction, with a short climb to
begin and then a steep descent as the path drops down alongside the tumbling
waterfalls of Rossett Gill before joining the bridleway along Mickleden (OS
ref: NY262073), from where a final steady and level stride returns you to the
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel with its world-famous rustic and welcoming Climbers
0810: windermere---grasmere---rydal---windermere---manchester---london
這條路線需要從橋屋附近往山上走(public foot
Windermere---manchester 1650---1829 6.8pound
Manchester---london 1855---2106/1915---2126/1955---2213 13.2pound
終於去了一次沒有 中國 人的地方~又是一次團隊的旅行,這次來到的是 英格蘭

Manchester---windermere 1416---1556 6.8pound
0808: windermere---keswick---buttermere---keswick---windermere
凱西克 (Keswick)是 英國 英格蘭 坎布里亞 郡的一個集鎮。人口有4,281人,位於 德文 特湖(Derwent Water)以北,是 英格蘭
湖區國家公園(Lake District National Park)的一部分。
中世紀 16世紀,在 凱西克 發現了小型礦山,是世界上最早的石墨鉛筆的發源地。鉛筆工業保持到今天,有坎伯蘭鉛筆博物館和世界上最大的鉛筆。
凱西克 鎮是徒步,露營和登山的天堂,這裡有湖區最美的一英里, 有 英格蘭 的最高峰, 街上有眾多徒步,登山,露營設備商店。
凱西克 鎮南邊的 德文 特湖(Derwent water),是徒步者的天堂. 湖光山色風景秀麗.
Buttermere湖徒步路線。這個湖已經不在Central Lake Zone了,而在更遠處的Explorer
0809: windermere---Great Langdale---scafell pike---Great Langdale---windermere
斯科費爾峰(英語:Scafell Pike), 英格蘭 最高山峰,海拔978米(3209英寸),位於 英國 英格蘭 西北 區域 坎布里亞 郡湖區。
Great Langdale---scafell pike 7.3miles 3h 單程
Scafell Pike from Great Langdale
Via The Band and Bowfell, returning via Angle Tarn and Rossett Gill. Approx 12
miles. Map OS Explorer OL6. Park in the pay and display car park next to the
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel (OS ref: NY287061) and take the farm track across the
fields to Stool End Farm (OS ref: NY277057). Follow the signs through the
farmyard, and after a hundred metres take the right hand path which climbs
steeply at first, then more steadily, up The Band – the great shoulder which
reaches out from Bowfell into the Langdale Valley. A long continual climb with
views directly across the valley of Oxendale to Crinkle Crags eventually
brings you to a convenient rest point at Three Tarns, the col between Crinkle
Crags and Bowfell (OS ref: NY248061). Next, head due north, and steeply
upwards, following the well-trodden path marked by frequent cairns to the
summit of Bowfell (OS ref: NY244064 on this map), and a magnificent view
across the head of the Eskdale Valley far below, to Scafell Pike itself. From
Bowfell, follow the main path northwards to Hanging Knotts (OS ref: NY244072)
and then westwards to the summit of Esk Pike (OS ref: NY236075), before
descending to Esk Hause (OS ref: NY233081).
From Esk Hause, continue to the summit of Scafell Pike as per the route from
Borrowdale (above), and from the summit retrace the route back as far as Esk
Hause again. But instead of starting the grind back up to Esk Pike and
Bowfell, descend north-eastwards from Esk Hause for about 300 metres to meet
the main Sty Head to Langdale path at OS ref: NY235083, and follow this well-
defined and maintained path south-east as it drops down to delightful Angle
Tarn (OS ref: NY245078, on this map), nestling below the imposing fortress of
Hanging Knotts. Continue in a south-easterly direction, with a short climb to
begin and then a steep descent as the path drops down alongside the tumbling
waterfalls of Rossett Gill before joining the bridleway along Mickleden (OS
ref: NY262073), from where a final steady and level stride returns you to the
Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel with its world-famous rustic and welcoming Climbers
0810: windermere---grasmere---rydal---windermere---manchester---london
這條路線需要從橋屋附近往山上走(public foot
Windermere---manchester 1650---1829 6.8pound
Manchester---london 1855---2106/1915---2126/1955---2213 13.2pound