曼谷-芭提雅-beautiful palace and beach
七珍 佛山 。
(Seven Jane in foshan) 最後一天,因為是下午5點的飛機,所以有差不多一天的時間讓我去 曼谷 街頭走一走。
(On the last day, it was a 5pm flight, so I was asked to take a walk around Bangkok for about a day)
曼谷 四面佛,聽說是 東南亞 最靈驗的一尊佛像。
(The erawan Buddha in Bangkok is said to be the most effective Buddha in southeast Asia) 很多明星都特意來此求佛,包括謝霆鋒,蕭亞軒,洪金寶,梁朝偉,任達華,杜汶澤,大S,楊坤等。
(Many stars come here specially to pray for the Buddha)
去乍都乍周末市場的路上, 東南亞 最大的市場,今天剛好周末。
(On the way to the weekend market in Chatuchak, southeast Asia's largest market,which is just over the weekend today) 最喜歡這種感覺,到一個陌生的地方,一個人,漫步目的的走。
(Most like this feeling,to a strange place,a person, have no purpose of the walk) 乍都乍周末市場。
(Chatuchak Weekend Market) 勝利紀念碑,紀念暹羅在入侵 印度 的戰爭里擊敗 法國 。
(Victory monument commemorating Siam's defeat of France in the invasion of India) 暹羅廣場。
(Siam square)
(Seven Jane in foshan) 最後一天,因為是下午5點的飛機,所以有差不多一天的時間讓我去 曼谷 街頭走一走。
(On the last day, it was a 5pm flight, so I was asked to take a walk around Bangkok for about a day)
曼谷 四面佛,聽說是 東南亞 最靈驗的一尊佛像。
(The erawan Buddha in Bangkok is said to be the most effective Buddha in southeast Asia) 很多明星都特意來此求佛,包括謝霆鋒,蕭亞軒,洪金寶,梁朝偉,任達華,杜汶澤,大S,楊坤等。
(Many stars come here specially to pray for the Buddha)
去乍都乍周末市場的路上, 東南亞 最大的市場,今天剛好周末。
(On the way to the weekend market in Chatuchak, southeast Asia's largest market,which is just over the weekend today) 最喜歡這種感覺,到一個陌生的地方,一個人,漫步目的的走。
(Most like this feeling,to a strange place,a person, have no purpose of the walk) 乍都乍周末市場。
(Chatuchak Weekend Market) 勝利紀念碑,紀念暹羅在入侵 印度 的戰爭里擊敗 法國 。
(Victory monument commemorating Siam's defeat of France in the invasion of India) 暹羅廣場。
(Siam square)