↑The Grounds of Alexandria The Grounds of Alexandria是澳洲當地人休閑聚會的的好地方,既是咖啡館、餐廳,又有農場主題的娛樂和攤位。在 悉尼 市區的南面,車程不到20分鐘。 裡面以頗具澳洲風情的農、牧場為主題,讓人們在休閑娛樂之餘也可以跟動物們互動一下,也能買點鮮花、水果和一些小飾品。
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria The Grounds of Alexandria真是一個特別適合拍照的地方,咔咔咔地拍了好多照片
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria
↑The Grounds of Alexandria 離開了復古花園餐廳,下一站來到了百年紀念公園。公園裡的湖泊一帶有好多黑天鵝,也有很多叫不出名字的大大小小的鳥~