
⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/new-residents-and-visitors/driving-on-nz-roads/
因為這個網址上說了,可以持海外駕照+翻譯件但是沒有過 新西蘭 駕照 ⬇️
並且我覺得輸入你的證件信息後警察還是可以查到你在 新西蘭 有無駕照信息的

考試⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/getting-a-licence/take-your-test/
考試費⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/licensing-fees/licence-fees/

模擬測試(官方付費:5次$12.5)⚡️ http://roadcodepractice.co.nz/
Full License⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/getting-a-licence/licences-by-vehicle-type/cars/full-licence-2/
視力證明⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/getting-a-licence/eyesight-requirements/
預訂路考⚡️ https://online.nzta.govt.nz/licence-test/
路考⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/driver-licences/getting-a-licence/take-your-test/practical-tests/
路考所需清單⚡️ https://nzta.govt.nz/resources/roadcode/practical-tests/on-day-of-practical-driving-test/
⭕️NZ官方路考介紹視頻(restricted licence)
⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWcLw9BX9Yo&feature=youtu.be
change lanes 變道
reverse parallel parking 側方停車
perform these manoeuvres 操控;熟練動作
avoid distracting you 避免使你分心
the test officer will be assessing your ability:評估你的能力
——apply the road rules + handle your car
——concentrate and be alert:全神貫註並時刻警惕
——scanning ahead and to the sides,checking your mirrors
and shoulder checking for potential harzards:左右側後方的死角檢查
——signal for at least 3 seconds 指示燈至少提前3秒打 before you changing course
signal correctly at roundabouts 環島打燈
——進入車流時機的把控 judge when there is a safe gap in the traffic
take the first available safe gap as well as rejecting the unsafe ones
——車速:driving at a legal and safe speed for the traffic and conditions
意思是說driving at or just under the speed limit unless road, weather or traffic conditions make that unsafe
——1001 1002 關於車距:是否違反兩秒原則 obey 2 second rule 或4秒原則 or the 4 second rule if appropriate
——車在行車道的位置 position your vehicle on the road+use the correct lane
停車:指示燈正確+檢查鏡子+over your shoulder,倒車的時候看後面
——三點掉頭:three point turn
keep a look out for traffic & signal appropriately
⭕️NZ官方路考視頻(Full License)
⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJYSFiO4ReM#action=share
掛點 ❌critical errors 最多犯1次
掛點 ❌immediate fail errors 直接掛沒餘地
hazards you see & say what you are doing about them
there are pedestrians crossing the street,I’m just keeping my eye on them
I can see a pedestrian up a head on the left
有風險的是:任何動著的東西 is anything that is moving+ 有可能動的 which might move
poses a clear and direct threat to you
in carrying out the driving manoeuvre
換句話說就是有可能真撞上的 could realistically collide with
Harzards 包括:Pedestrians 行人
other motor vehicles 其他車
other road users 比如 騎自行車的
對面來車:保持在左側 an on-coming vehicle——I‘m staying to the left
pedestrians up ahead——I‘m keeping my eye on them
there is a car behind me——so I‘m also keeping my eye on them
pedestrian ahead who I‘m giving way to
T字路口:Vehicles coming from my left——I'm giving way to them
how well you are scanning the environment around you
assess you are making good decisions about what you are seeing
Youtube上❌Drive 給出的一些教程
——Drive: How to use the 12 second rule⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRgpJASCP-U
——Drive: Multi-lane roads ⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gjfH7Cmw3Q
多個行車道 stay alert
use the left lane unless you're passing prepare to turn right or the left lane is closed or too busy
——Drive: Speed control and speed limits⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lt-xIvXrf8
without centerline
——Drive: Stopping and braking⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpdfT6eKg1w
brake gradually and smoothly,急剎若沒有ABS的車先輕踩再急剎
——Drive: Passing lanes⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X935zRUtxUQ
——Drive: Motorway driving⚡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8580wFzZO8U
偶爾查到的 英國 一個駕校⚡️worlddriving.co.uk
在youtube上看到過他們家拍的一些教學視頻還挺實用的, 比如 側方停車什麼的
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