南極半島 慢慢的揭開你的面紗D7 12月9日 上午計劃登陸福恩港(Foyn Harbour,因為天氣原因,實際調整為海上巡游),下午登陸有用島(Useful Island)
本來的登陸改為衝鋒舟巡游,其實也沒有什麼遺憾的,畢竟衝鋒舟要比我兩條腿要快要走的遠的多。福恩港位於加拉赫海峽威廉米納灣的南森島和 普里 茲島之間。它是以1921-22年斯文德福恩斯的捕鯨船命名的。這個地區的島嶼仍然被捕鯨時期的文物所覆蓋,這包括錨鏈和金屬錨定點、陸地和海底可見的木船以及部分沉船。(Foyn Harbour lies between Nansen Island and prise Island in Wilhelmina Bay, Gerlache Strait. It was named by whalers after Svend Foyns’ whaling factory ship which was moored here during 192122. The islands in this area are still covered with artifacts from the whaling period. This includes chain and metal anchoring points, wooden boats visible both on land and on the sea floor and a partially submerged shipwreck.)
南緯64˚33’ , 西經62˚01’(64˚33’ S, 62˚01’ W)