「 紅海的存在 ❤️ 是抹夢幻 」 💌 一個月潛水日記


「2號潛點」Tiran Island | 偶遇海龜出海咯!!!!
如果你住在 沙姆沙伊赫 ,那蒂朗島(Tiran Island)會與日出一起天天呈現在你眼前,
Tiran屬於 沙特阿拉伯 ,是個無人居住的 黃島 ,雖然占地面積不小,

個人感覺穆哈默 德國 家公園會比這邊美一些,

先上個浮潛的小短片~~~~ 推薦潛點: 傑克遜 岩礁Jackson Reef

浮潛小視頻下部: Tiran島的四塊連綿的礁岩,用肉眼就清晰可見。
其中Jackson Reef從很深的海床上升起,浸潤在充滿強勁海流的海水中,
也因此這些地方的水下景色才可稱是整個 紅海 最美麗的,也是最最有名的潛點!

從南部開始到北部,四個珊瑚礁Reef分別為:Gordon, Woodhouse, Thomas and Jackson。

1981年9月,這艘 瑞典 製造的貨輪最初被命名為Antonia,在其中一個礁石上擱淺。



今天兩潛在Tiran島(屬 沙特阿拉伯 )附近的JACKSON Reef和GORDON Reef,
我似乎成了出現在他們視野範圍內的第一位 中國 潛水員,

Gordon Reef
The southernmost reef of the four and nearest to Sharm, Gordon Reef has a different topography than the others. This site has both a shallow plateau area and drop-offs. Divers can do the site as a mooring or a drift dive. This reef also features the aforementioned Loullia wreck, perched on its northern edge, but sadly since it remains above the water, there’s no wreck diving. Generally boats moor on the southern plateau with a maximum 26 foot (8 m) depth. Dives then head east to the drop-off, beginning at around 53 feet (16 m). Currents along the southern edge of Gordon are never that strong. But divers should be aware that they can cut across the plateau. There is a small eel garden to the north.
Thomas Reef
The most popular reef of the four, Thomas is also the smallest. Depending on the conditions, you’ll do this dive as a drift since there are usually strong currents on the southern and northern ends of the reef. The walls, with large plateaus at around 82 feet, (25 m) on the southeastern side, can feature sleeping sharks in the sandy areas. There is also a fence of gorgonian fans.
Qualified tec divers can also explore Thomas Canyon, which is suitable for all tec levels. Starting at 115 feet (35 m) at a narrow entrance with a number of arches created by fallen boulders, the canyon is 262 feet (80 m) long and the deepest point is around 295 feet (90 m).

Gordon Reef
The southernmost reef of the four and nearest to Sharm, Gordon Reef has a different topography than the others. This site has both a shallow plateau area and drop-offs. Divers can do the site as a mooring or a drift dive. This reef also features the aforementioned Loullia wreck, perched on its northern edge, but sadly since it remains above the water, there’s no wreck diving. Generally boats moor on the southern plateau with a maximum 26 foot (8 m) depth. Dives then head east to the drop-off, beginning at around 53 feet (16 m). Currents along the southern edge of Gordon are never that strong. But divers should be aware that they can cut across the plateau. There is a small eel garden to the north.
Thomas Reef
The most popular reef of the four, Thomas is also the smallest. Depending on the conditions, you’ll do this dive as a drift since there are usually strong currents on the southern and northern ends of the reef. The walls, with large plateaus at around 82 feet, (25 m) on the southeastern side, can feature sleeping sharks in the sandy areas. There is also a fence of gorgonian fans.
Qualified tec divers can also explore Thomas Canyon, which is suitable for all tec levels. Starting at 115 feet (35 m) at a narrow entrance with a number of arches created by fallen boulders, the canyon is 262 feet (80 m) long and the deepest point is around 295 feet (90 m).

Woodhouse is the longest reef here and tends to be dived as a drift dive from south to north. Starting in the south there is a wall to about 98 feet (30 m) with coral growth all the way down from the surface. It slowly peters out into a slope towards the bottom. There is also a canyon at the halfway point, 82 feet (25 m), where you will start to notice the current strengthen. This is generally where the dive also ends unless conditions permit. If so, the dive can be extended into the Washing Machine — so called due to the very strong currents in all directions.
Jackson Reef
Jackson is the last reef, furthest north in the Straits of Tiran, and my favorite of the four. Here the dives are from moorings on the southern side, sheltered from the currents and sometimes large swell. At the mooring there is a 131-foot (40 m) wall. You’ll descend to your planned depth heading west with the reef on your right shoulder. Jackson Reef has some of the best corals in the area and an abundance of small fish. I’ve also seen turtles, large eels, large tuna and, best of all, an octopus perched on some coral.
Once you reach the western shoulder, you’ll feel the current strengthen. It’s time to turn around and head back to the boat. In late summer and early fall, when conditions permit diving the backside of Jackson, you may see schooling scalloped hammerheads. Tec divers can also dive the remains of the Lara on the northern side, weather very much depending.

第一次是在上一個周末前往穆哈默 德國 家公園船潛時,
或許這就是緣分啊,在Jackson reef又非常幸運的遇到了海龜,大家都很開心,

同時也是穆罕默德角國家公園(Ras Mohamed National Park),
被稱為整個 紅海 最美的地方,是整個 埃及 地區最出名的國家公園和潛水勝地之一。

是 紅海 地區邂逅海豚的最佳地點。 我們幸運的遇到了海豚,但沒能拍下來~小小的遺憾了欸~