匆匆浪漫 中歐(5/6) —— 慢生活,快樂布拉格

路邊的藝人。演奏的好像是 中國 歌曲,具體忘記了。


Triangular sandstone obelisk
The obelisk was erected upon the order of the Karlsbad Town Council in honour of Scottish peer, Lord James Ogilvy, Earl of Findlater, in a saddle below Výšina přátelství (Friendship Height) by the path leading to the Diana Observation Tower in 1804. The generous benefactor stayed at the spa 14 times between the years 1793 and 1810. He was so enchanted by the beauty of the surrounding woods and lookouts that he decided to fund the building and enlargement of several promenades in the spa woods. In 1801, a lookout arbour was built upon his order in a slope above the Teplá River, which is now known as Findlater's Arbour.
The unveiling ceremony of the obelisk erected in the spa woods took place on 4 August 1804. The monument is an eight metres tall, three-sided conical column assembled from sandstone blocks. The obelisk underwent extensive renovation in 1913 and 2007. Nearby, you may also visit an ancient conciliation cross made of stone.


Monumental brick observation tower with a roofed wooden gallery
Diana Observation Tower opening hours
January Closed
Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Apr, May, Oct 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
June – September 9:00 am – 7:00 pm
The hill offering a breathtaking view of the spa town in the valley below was discovered as a destination for hikers by local cutler Václav Drumm and his uncle, chronicler August Leopold Stöhr, who had hewn their way through the thick woods and had placed two resting stools at the lookout point. Contemporary guides promoted the site as a lookout with the best view of the spa throughout the 19th century. As years went by, prominents began to appear among the hikers heading to the newly landscaped lookout point, including Johann Wolfgang Goethe or Theodor Körner. Until the beginning of the 20th century, they had to climb up the hill on foot.
The funicular leading to the top of the hill was built in 1909 and a hunting lodge with the adjoining observation tower were constructed by the firm of local builder František Fousek according to the design of architect Anton Breinl also from Karlovy Vary between the years 1912 and 1914. The brick observation tower was equipped with a modern electric lift. The grand opening took place on 27 May 1914 and the site immediately became a popular destination of the spa guests. The observation tower had been named after Hans Kudlich before World War II and in honour of President Edvard Beneš for a short period after 1945, ultimately, however, the name Diana prevailed.



明天去CK小鎮的車票也是有的,可以直接在人工櫃臺買,還比網上便宜,但是我們買票時候信用卡有點問題,一直都刷不了,以至於賣票的小姐姐好幾個不耐煩的表情掛在臉上,我們只好假裝沒看見繼續換卡、刷卡、失敗……再試刷、再失敗……最後我也忘記是怎麼 成功 的,反正買到票了。

M同學說還是很想念上次吃的那家 捷克 餐館,於是我們憑著感覺和印象,又找到這家店。

經過再三確認,這次是真的安排妥當了 送你一顆小❤❤~ ♥(ˆ◡ˆԅ)這次的游記一共有六篇, 布拉格 這篇是歷時最長的,從開始準備照片到現在,已經過去了半年多(中間因為工作、旅行、生活等一系列“大事”耽誤了,完全沒動筆)。就像上節游記寫的,偶遇 布拉格 郵局寄出的明信片,是這一程唯一沒有收到的一張,本已經要用照片來“緬懷”它了,沒想到……沒想到的是……它居然奇跡般地出現了……
恩?什麼明信片? 布拉格 的?不會吧,都快一年了~~有朋友寄的?最近沒有聽說誰給我寄了呀~~難道想給我驚喜?……懷揣著各種小問號,我走進收發室,一邊想象著這是一張什麼樣的明信片,一邊在一堆信件裡面翻,很快,我找到了這張比一般明信片長出一截的 布拉格 ……天吶~!這也太驚喜了吧!我都已經完全放棄了(因為我從未抱100%的希望能收到,而且寄出時間是2018年5月7日)。



經過三個小時的路程,差點下錯站。準備下車時發現大家都沒有要起身的意思,特別是 中國 游客們都不下車,才算是讓我們坐到了站。