匆匆浪漫 中歐(5/6) —— 慢生活,快樂布拉格
這戶人家門口的花,開的也太鮮艷了吧,我都有種想跟隨花牆往裡走的衝動。 建築篇
如果說 布拉格 城市裡的建築物讓人流連忘返,那麼KV小鎮的每一幢樓都是藝術品。
走到它們跟前,你很想駐足仔細品味每一座樓房的顏色、結構、雕塑,很想去想象房子里的主人或客人嫻靜地端杯咖啡望向窗外陽光明媚的花園的情景。 看這一排排的房子,雖然緊緊靠在一起,卻絲毫不顯得擁擠。 陽光灑滿庭院。 美麗的建築和無人的街道。
還是美麗的建築和無人的街道。 依舊是美麗的建築和無人的街道。 上面這些圖片的這條路是我們從車站走到溫泉鎮中心的路,幽靜又美麗,旁邊的建築基本都是四星、五星級酒店。真想用一周的時間住在這裡好好享受下如此愜意的日子。
Pseudo-Gothic two-aisle church
The Pseudo-Gothic Anglican Church of Saint Lucas was constructed on a terrace on Zámecký vrch (Castle Hill) with the financial support of English spa guests by local builder Josef Slowak according to the design of Leipzig building councillor Dr. Oskar Mothes between the years 1876 and 1877. The foundation stone was laid in 1876. The new church was consecrated on 24 June 1877.
It replaced the no longer satisfactory Anglican church in Zahradní údolí (Garden Valley). The design was inspired by the romantic perception of the English Pseudo-Gothic style, which uses rough brickwork and adds an exotic touch to the whole structure. The two-aisle sacral structure has a ground plan in the shape of a Latin cross with monumental support pillars and its dome above the aisle intersection is dominated by an oblique wooden prismatic tower with a gallery. Renovation works were carried out in 1909 and 1910. The Church of St. Lucas is in the possession of the Evangelic Methodist Church. In these days there is Wax Museum in the Church. KV小鎮沒幾條路,隨意哪條路好像都可以通到中心,因為我們就是隨意走的。
隨意走,隨意拍。 著名的普普大飯店(Grandhotel Pupp),其歷史可追溯至1701年,由糖果製造商約翰‧ 喬治 ‧普普(Johann Georg Pupp)創立,是一座富麗堂皇的巴 洛克 藝術建築群,曾經有很多明星名人住在該酒店。 下圖是 聖彼得 和保 羅東 正教教堂(ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAINT PETER AND PAUL),內外都很獨特和漂亮。 教堂建於1897年,是專門為19世紀來 卡羅維發利 做溫泉療養的 俄羅斯 人建立的。由建築師古斯塔夫·威德曼(Gustav Widemann)負責設計完成,他參考了 莫斯科 附近奧斯坦金(Ostankin)古教堂。整個教堂為拜占庭的風格,廊柱上還有著十分精美的雕刻,內部裝飾豪華,外牆和裡面佈滿壁畫,金頂。在裡面參觀的時候碰到幾位穿著很不同的女士(落地紗裙和頭紗)虔誠地禱告。 公園溫泉迴廊,緊鄰德弗札克花園,這座出現於1881年的迴廊是兩座青銅圓頂涼亭,彼此之間以白色鑄鐵長廊相互連接,纖細的雕花裝飾圖案顯得異常優雅。一口提供溫度47℃的溫泉出水口,是當地可以直接飲用的12座溫泉之一。 米爾長廊(Mill Colonnade)(下圖)是一條長達132米、氣勢不凡的石造建築,用它來做市政府大樓或警察局恐怕比呵護熱泉更合適。
Stone colonnade built in Pseudo-Renaissance style
The first wooden promenade hall was built over Nový pramen (New Spring) next to the former Mill Bath between the years 1792 and 1793.
It was the first structure of its kind in Karlovy Vary that allowed the spa guests to enjoy the waters of the springs also in unfavourable weather. In the early 19th century, the New Spring thus became more popular and more sought after than the remaining springs in Karlovy Vary. In 1811, the original wooden structure was replaced by the New Spring Colonnade, which was constructed also from wood by Dresden builder Johann August Giessel in Empire style.
The present-day Mill Colonnade was built in Pseudo-Renaissance style according to the design of distinguished Czech architect Josef Zítek between the years 1871 and 1881. The grand opening of the colonnade took place on 5 June 1881 at the occasion of the start of the spa season. During 1891 and 1892, a part of Bernardova skála (Bernard's Rock) was cut and removed and a new north pavilion over the seep of the Rock Spring was added to the colonnade. The largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary houses the seeps of five mineral springs. The attic gable is decorated with 12 sandstone allegorical statues representing the months of the year by sculptors Alfred Schreiber and Karl Wilfert. The orchestra pit is adorned with allegorical reliefs by local sculptor Václav Lokvenc.
Inside the largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary, you may find the seeps of five mineral springs: the Mill Spring, the Rusalka Spring, the Prince Wenceslas Spring, the Libuše Spring, and the Rock Spring. 下圖是市場長廊(MARKET COLONNADE),是木製的 瑞士 風格長廊。
The seep of the mineral spring located in the historical Tržiště (Market) below Zámecká věž (Castle Tower), which is known as the Charles IV Spring, was originally called Žrout (Glutton) and according to legend, Emperor Charles IV himself healed is ailing limbs with its waters. The oldest baths in Karlovy Vary once stood on this site. The spring seeps were originally protected by a simple columnar arbour and a short promenade hall.
The current richly carved wooden colonnade was built in Swiss style on the site of the old Town Hall according to the design of famous Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer between the years 1882 and 1879. The own construction of the colonnade, intended as a temporary structure, was commissioned to master carpenter Oesterreicher from Vienna. During 1904 and 1905, the colonnade was prolonged to cover the seep of the Market Spring based on the design of the Director of the Municipal Building Office, Franz Drobny.
Inside the Market Colonnade, you may find the seeps of three mineral springs: the Charles IV Spring, the Lower Castle Spring, and the Market Spring. 無意中路過的森林之路,也是讓我們決定走路上山的原因之一。 溫泉篇
官網的溫泉列表: https://www.karlovyvary.cz/en/mineral-springs
4th mineral spring of Karlovy Vary
Spring site: Castle Colonnade
Location: In the slope near Zámecká věž (Castle Tower) above the historical centre of Karlovy Vary
Date of first interception: 1769
Temperature: 49.8°C
Yield: 1.5 litres per minute
CO2 content: 600 mg per litre
Accessibility: Freely accessible CHARLES IV SPRING
2nd mineral spring of Karlovy Vary
Spring site: Market Colonnade
Location: On the left bank of the Teplá River in the historical centre of Karlovy Vary
Date of first interception: 1769
Temperature: 64°C
Yield: 4.8 litres per minute
CO2 content: 250-450 mg per litre
Accessibility: Freely accessible HOT SPRING COLONNADE,傳說中的溫泉館,只有這裡面的溫泉水是可以喝的,而且每口溫泉的味道都不同。我們也跟風地買了溫泉杯,本想就這帶來的燒餅麵包就算是解決午餐了,誰料到這溫泉我只是咂了一小口就再也不想喝了
Modern reinforced steel and concrete built in Functionalistic style
Period of construction: 1975
Architect: Jaroslav Otruba
Official opening: 11 May 1975
Springs: Vřídlo (Hot Spring)
Accessibility: Accessible during opening hours
Hot Spring Colonnade opening hours
Daylight Saving Time Mon - Sun 06:00 - 19:00
Winter time Mon - Sun 06:30 - 18:00
Originally, the seep of the Hot Spring was covered by light structures and pavilions that could be easily replaced after repeated bursts and unexpected therm irruptions. The spacious Baroque Vřídelní sál (Hot Spring Hall) built in its vicinity in 1774 reflected the application of the curative methods of Dr. David Becher who laid great emphasis on drinking the healing waters directly at the source. The very first uniform architectonic concept of the area surrounding the Hot Spring was embodied by the Empire Hot Spring Colonnade built according to the design of Josef Esch in 1826.
It was replaced by the new cast-iron Hot Spring Colonnade constructed in Pseudo-Renaissance style according to the design of Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer between the years 1878 and 1879. Unfortunately, the corroded colonnade had to be disassembled in 1939 and replaced by a temporary wooden structure for the next 27 years. In 1975, the new modern glass and reinforced concrete colonnade was built in Functionalistic style according to the design of architect Jaroslav Otruba.
The geyser of the Hot Spring is in a separate pavilion and it gushes to a height of almost 12 metres. The glass-prism dome arching over the seep of the Hot Spring is the work of sculptor Jan Fišer and symbolises the beating heart of the spa town. The spacious promenade hall houses five additional spring bowls, marked A, B, and C, in which thermal water is cooled to a temperature of 50 and 30°C in order to be suitable for the drinking cure. You may also find souvenir stands and an exhibition area at the gallery of the promenade hall. 溫泉館里賣溫泉杯和紀念品的小商店。 我是一個不太喜歡買紀念品的人,除非真的是在別的地方很難買到, 比如 明信片, 比如 溫泉杯。
溫泉館出來後是一座很大的溫泉。我們在這裡“嬉戲”了一會兒,還引起國人旅行團的“效仿”。 這就是穿城而過的那條河,旁邊就是沿河而建的不同風格的漂亮的那些樓。 我們在橋上看風景。 各式各樣的建築讓我們覺得兩隻眼睛都看不過來了。
如果說 布拉格 城市裡的建築物讓人流連忘返,那麼KV小鎮的每一幢樓都是藝術品。
走到它們跟前,你很想駐足仔細品味每一座樓房的顏色、結構、雕塑,很想去想象房子里的主人或客人嫻靜地端杯咖啡望向窗外陽光明媚的花園的情景。 看這一排排的房子,雖然緊緊靠在一起,卻絲毫不顯得擁擠。 陽光灑滿庭院。 美麗的建築和無人的街道。
還是美麗的建築和無人的街道。 依舊是美麗的建築和無人的街道。 上面這些圖片的這條路是我們從車站走到溫泉鎮中心的路,幽靜又美麗,旁邊的建築基本都是四星、五星級酒店。真想用一周的時間住在這裡好好享受下如此愜意的日子。
Pseudo-Gothic two-aisle church
The Pseudo-Gothic Anglican Church of Saint Lucas was constructed on a terrace on Zámecký vrch (Castle Hill) with the financial support of English spa guests by local builder Josef Slowak according to the design of Leipzig building councillor Dr. Oskar Mothes between the years 1876 and 1877. The foundation stone was laid in 1876. The new church was consecrated on 24 June 1877.
It replaced the no longer satisfactory Anglican church in Zahradní údolí (Garden Valley). The design was inspired by the romantic perception of the English Pseudo-Gothic style, which uses rough brickwork and adds an exotic touch to the whole structure. The two-aisle sacral structure has a ground plan in the shape of a Latin cross with monumental support pillars and its dome above the aisle intersection is dominated by an oblique wooden prismatic tower with a gallery. Renovation works were carried out in 1909 and 1910. The Church of St. Lucas is in the possession of the Evangelic Methodist Church. In these days there is Wax Museum in the Church. KV小鎮沒幾條路,隨意哪條路好像都可以通到中心,因為我們就是隨意走的。
隨意走,隨意拍。 著名的普普大飯店(Grandhotel Pupp),其歷史可追溯至1701年,由糖果製造商約翰‧ 喬治 ‧普普(Johann Georg Pupp)創立,是一座富麗堂皇的巴 洛克 藝術建築群,曾經有很多明星名人住在該酒店。 下圖是 聖彼得 和保 羅東 正教教堂(ORTHODOX CHURCH OF SAINT PETER AND PAUL),內外都很獨特和漂亮。 教堂建於1897年,是專門為19世紀來 卡羅維發利 做溫泉療養的 俄羅斯 人建立的。由建築師古斯塔夫·威德曼(Gustav Widemann)負責設計完成,他參考了 莫斯科 附近奧斯坦金(Ostankin)古教堂。整個教堂為拜占庭的風格,廊柱上還有著十分精美的雕刻,內部裝飾豪華,外牆和裡面佈滿壁畫,金頂。在裡面參觀的時候碰到幾位穿著很不同的女士(落地紗裙和頭紗)虔誠地禱告。 公園溫泉迴廊,緊鄰德弗札克花園,這座出現於1881年的迴廊是兩座青銅圓頂涼亭,彼此之間以白色鑄鐵長廊相互連接,纖細的雕花裝飾圖案顯得異常優雅。一口提供溫度47℃的溫泉出水口,是當地可以直接飲用的12座溫泉之一。 米爾長廊(Mill Colonnade)(下圖)是一條長達132米、氣勢不凡的石造建築,用它來做市政府大樓或警察局恐怕比呵護熱泉更合適。
Stone colonnade built in Pseudo-Renaissance style
The first wooden promenade hall was built over Nový pramen (New Spring) next to the former Mill Bath between the years 1792 and 1793.
It was the first structure of its kind in Karlovy Vary that allowed the spa guests to enjoy the waters of the springs also in unfavourable weather. In the early 19th century, the New Spring thus became more popular and more sought after than the remaining springs in Karlovy Vary. In 1811, the original wooden structure was replaced by the New Spring Colonnade, which was constructed also from wood by Dresden builder Johann August Giessel in Empire style.
The present-day Mill Colonnade was built in Pseudo-Renaissance style according to the design of distinguished Czech architect Josef Zítek between the years 1871 and 1881. The grand opening of the colonnade took place on 5 June 1881 at the occasion of the start of the spa season. During 1891 and 1892, a part of Bernardova skála (Bernard's Rock) was cut and removed and a new north pavilion over the seep of the Rock Spring was added to the colonnade. The largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary houses the seeps of five mineral springs. The attic gable is decorated with 12 sandstone allegorical statues representing the months of the year by sculptors Alfred Schreiber and Karl Wilfert. The orchestra pit is adorned with allegorical reliefs by local sculptor Václav Lokvenc.
Inside the largest colonnade in Karlovy Vary, you may find the seeps of five mineral springs: the Mill Spring, the Rusalka Spring, the Prince Wenceslas Spring, the Libuše Spring, and the Rock Spring. 下圖是市場長廊(MARKET COLONNADE),是木製的 瑞士 風格長廊。
The seep of the mineral spring located in the historical Tržiště (Market) below Zámecká věž (Castle Tower), which is known as the Charles IV Spring, was originally called Žrout (Glutton) and according to legend, Emperor Charles IV himself healed is ailing limbs with its waters. The oldest baths in Karlovy Vary once stood on this site. The spring seeps were originally protected by a simple columnar arbour and a short promenade hall.
The current richly carved wooden colonnade was built in Swiss style on the site of the old Town Hall according to the design of famous Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer between the years 1882 and 1879. The own construction of the colonnade, intended as a temporary structure, was commissioned to master carpenter Oesterreicher from Vienna. During 1904 and 1905, the colonnade was prolonged to cover the seep of the Market Spring based on the design of the Director of the Municipal Building Office, Franz Drobny.
Inside the Market Colonnade, you may find the seeps of three mineral springs: the Charles IV Spring, the Lower Castle Spring, and the Market Spring. 無意中路過的森林之路,也是讓我們決定走路上山的原因之一。 溫泉篇
官網的溫泉列表: https://www.karlovyvary.cz/en/mineral-springs
4th mineral spring of Karlovy Vary
Spring site: Castle Colonnade
Location: In the slope near Zámecká věž (Castle Tower) above the historical centre of Karlovy Vary
Date of first interception: 1769
Temperature: 49.8°C
Yield: 1.5 litres per minute
CO2 content: 600 mg per litre
Accessibility: Freely accessible CHARLES IV SPRING
2nd mineral spring of Karlovy Vary
Spring site: Market Colonnade
Location: On the left bank of the Teplá River in the historical centre of Karlovy Vary
Date of first interception: 1769
Temperature: 64°C
Yield: 4.8 litres per minute
CO2 content: 250-450 mg per litre
Accessibility: Freely accessible HOT SPRING COLONNADE,傳說中的溫泉館,只有這裡面的溫泉水是可以喝的,而且每口溫泉的味道都不同。我們也跟風地買了溫泉杯,本想就這帶來的燒餅麵包就算是解決午餐了,誰料到這溫泉我只是咂了一小口就再也不想喝了
Modern reinforced steel and concrete built in Functionalistic style
Period of construction: 1975
Architect: Jaroslav Otruba
Official opening: 11 May 1975
Springs: Vřídlo (Hot Spring)
Accessibility: Accessible during opening hours
Hot Spring Colonnade opening hours
Daylight Saving Time Mon - Sun 06:00 - 19:00
Winter time Mon - Sun 06:30 - 18:00
Originally, the seep of the Hot Spring was covered by light structures and pavilions that could be easily replaced after repeated bursts and unexpected therm irruptions. The spacious Baroque Vřídelní sál (Hot Spring Hall) built in its vicinity in 1774 reflected the application of the curative methods of Dr. David Becher who laid great emphasis on drinking the healing waters directly at the source. The very first uniform architectonic concept of the area surrounding the Hot Spring was embodied by the Empire Hot Spring Colonnade built according to the design of Josef Esch in 1826.
It was replaced by the new cast-iron Hot Spring Colonnade constructed in Pseudo-Renaissance style according to the design of Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer between the years 1878 and 1879. Unfortunately, the corroded colonnade had to be disassembled in 1939 and replaced by a temporary wooden structure for the next 27 years. In 1975, the new modern glass and reinforced concrete colonnade was built in Functionalistic style according to the design of architect Jaroslav Otruba.
The geyser of the Hot Spring is in a separate pavilion and it gushes to a height of almost 12 metres. The glass-prism dome arching over the seep of the Hot Spring is the work of sculptor Jan Fišer and symbolises the beating heart of the spa town. The spacious promenade hall houses five additional spring bowls, marked A, B, and C, in which thermal water is cooled to a temperature of 50 and 30°C in order to be suitable for the drinking cure. You may also find souvenir stands and an exhibition area at the gallery of the promenade hall. 溫泉館里賣溫泉杯和紀念品的小商店。 我是一個不太喜歡買紀念品的人,除非真的是在別的地方很難買到, 比如 明信片, 比如 溫泉杯。
溫泉館出來後是一座很大的溫泉。我們在這裡“嬉戲”了一會兒,還引起國人旅行團的“效仿”。 這就是穿城而過的那條河,旁邊就是沿河而建的不同風格的漂亮的那些樓。 我們在橋上看風景。 各式各樣的建築讓我們覺得兩隻眼睛都看不過來了。