眼看著2018年還有不到四周就結束了,迎接2019年的假期真是讓人欣喜讓人狂!國慶黃金周刷了一波 泰國 游,囤了一屋 泰國 貨,emmmm。當然沒那麼誇張。雙十一又接著剁了幾手 泰國 美妝,對 泰國 的熱愛無以言表。年假的計劃想要繼續刷遍 泰國 ,作為老手, 泰國 必買好品牌那是已經一一知曉,那就 泰國 旅游攻略走一波。
說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。 
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.
說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.
說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.

其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。

還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!

Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。

泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。

第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。

值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!

說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。

泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。

即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。

無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。

Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。

說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.

說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.

說到 泰國 購物,那必須是走遍 曼谷 逛遍Siam暹羅廣場。噢對還有免稅店。與其在網上找些2019年 泰國 旅游攻略和2019年 泰國 免稅店購物攻略,不如自己動手豐衣足食吧。接下來,就是一大波 泰國 必買品牌推薦。
When we talk about shopping in Thailand, it must be Siam Square of Bangkok and King power duty-free. Instead of looking for some “2019 Thailand travel guide” and “2019 Thailand duty-free shopping tips” on the Internet, it is better to do it by ourselves. Next, let me recommend some must-buy brands in Thailand.
Chapter 1: Skin Care
其實護膚品也不需要特別多,五瓶十瓶二十瓶,根本不用那麼多。好像我們熟悉的牌子Olay玉蘭油 一樣,有一瓶多效修護霜就差不多足夠了。使用的護膚品也不必太雜,如果護膚品成分重覆,也沒有必要。
In fact, skin care products do not need to be a large number. Olay, which we are familiar with, a bottle of Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is almost enough. The skin care products do not have to be too complicated. If the skin care ingredients are repeated, it is not necessary.
你知道 中國 游客買的最多的 泰國 護膚品就是Olay嗎!最重要的是, 泰國 Olay玉蘭油為 泰國 原產,效果好,所以這才是最佳的 泰國 必買選擇呢,也是很多 泰國 旅游攻略里一定會出現的好物。Olay多效修護霜,輕鬆解決七大肌膚問題,省心省事不再為美麗煩惱。
Do you know that Olay is the hottest Thai skin care product in Chinese tourists? And the most important thing is that it is made in Thailand, the effect is quite good. This is the best choice for must-buy in Thailand, also a great product that will come out in many Thai travel guides. Olay Total Effects cream, with 7 skin benefits in one, no longer worry about beauty.
需要註意的是, 泰國 Olay多效修護霜也分為日霜晚霜,而日霜有SPF15的防曬作用呢,短時間出門連防曬也省了。所以多效修護晚霜也是 中國 游客們最最最喜歡購買的Olay必買明星產品之一了,晚上使用多效修護霜應選擇專門夜間使用的無防曬值晚霜,日夜雙重護膚,效果更加顯著。
It should be noted that the Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti-Aging Daily Face Moisturizer is also divided into day cream and night cream, and the day cream has the sunscreen effect of SPF15, so that we can go out for a short time without sunscreen after it. Thus, Olay total effect night cream is one of the super popular must-buy products that Chinese tourists love so much as well. The night cream is no SPF, with the day and night double skin care, the effect is more significant.
當然還有其他 泰國 Olay玉蘭油是非常值得購買的, 比如 網紅博主都在強推的光感小白瓶、減齡神器升級版大紅瓶空氣霜,還有冬季必備明星大紅瓶都是 泰國 購物好選擇,快放到你的 泰國 購物清單里吧。
Of course, there are others products of Olay that are very worth buying, Such as Olay White Radiance Light-Perfecting Essence that blogger all recommend, super red bottle Olay Whip that effectively able to reduce age, and Olay Regenerist cream that every suitable for winter are all good choices for shopping in Thailand, put them in your Thai shopping list.
還有驚喜的是 泰國 Olay還推出了新的三種套裝喲,分為Bangkok set、Chiang Mai set和Phuket set,每個套裝裡面的東西都不一樣,但是都會贈送一個小的Olay晚霜。套裝的顏值真的是高,看到就很喜歡所以就買了一套紅色的Bangkok set打算送閨蜜,原產 泰國 又包裝精緻,就是 泰國 必買的伴手禮啦。需要註意的是,這個套裝暫時只在Boots美妝店, Big C超市,以及 清邁 當地的特色美妝店鋪售賣哦!
The surprise is that Thailand's Olay has also launched three different sets. It divided into Bangkok set, Chiang Mai set and Phuket set, each set of staffs are different, but it includes a small Olay night cream. The package of the set is really amazing. I like it when I saw it at the first sight, so I bought a red Bangkok set and send it to my best friend as a gift. The set was original from Thai and was packed in exquisite, which is the must-buy gift in Thailand. It should be noticed that this set is only sold in Boots, Big C and Local special beauty store in ChaingMai now.
Sabai Arom
Sabai Arom是個 泰國 有機護膚品品牌,有護手霜、身體乳、精油等。最推薦的是Urban Wellness系列, 泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的助眠精油有“Good night”香氛滾珠和“Good night”晚安精油噴霧兩種。
Sabai Arom is a Thai organic skin care brand with hand cream, body lotion, essential oils and so on. The most recommended is the Urban Wellness series. The Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom's sleep aid oils are "Good night" scented balls and "Good night" good night oil sprays.
泰國 芳香療法品牌SabaiArom的“Good night”香氛滾珠由100%純天然精油製作,融合了薰衣草精油、樟腦白油、 依蘭 油和金香木油四種精油,如它名字一般可以讓你安穩入眠。薰衣草精油可以減少焦慮,樟腦白油能有效促進睡眠, 依蘭 樹精油可以增加寧靜,而金香木油能夠有效的減少壓力,絕對是到 泰國 必買的 泰國 芳香療法產品。用法也很簡單,每天於背部(頭部,肩頸)和身前(眉心)按摩4-5次,放鬆半個小時,感受 泰國 芳香療法給你的睡眠質量帶來的改善!
The “Good night” fragrance ball of Thai aromatherapy brand SabaiArom is made of 100% natural essential oil. It combines four essential oils of lavender oil, camphor white oil, ylang ylang oil and champaga oil. It can make you sleep well. Lavender oil can reduce anxiety, camphor white oil can effectively promote sleep, ylang ylang oil can increase tranquility, and champaga oil can effectively reduce stress, definitely a must-buy aromatherapy brand in Thai. The usage is also very simple. Massage 4-5 times a day on the back (head, shoulder and neck) and in front of the body (eyebrow), relax for half an hour, and feel the improvement of the quality of sleep caused by Thai aromatherapy!
Chapter 2: Cosmetic
泰國 購物除了護膚品必買, 泰國 美妝產品的價格簡直誘人的讓人不得不想買。Mistine羽翼粉餅、3D眉筆、草莓唇膏、三色遮瑕、雙頭口紅、魔法橡皮擦,六樣東西加起來不到五張毛爺爺。可別說,便宜還是有好貨的。 比如 3D眉筆絕對稱得上是 泰國 必買,一支眉筆還藏有染眉膏和眉粉,化妝包的空間神器是杠杠的。
In addition to skin care products in Thailand, the price of Thai cosmetic product is so tempting that people have to buy. Mistine wing powder, 3D eyebrow pencil, strawberry lipstick, three-color concealer, double-head lipstick, magic eraser, six things add up to less than RMB 500. There are still good goods at a cheap price. For example, the 3D eyebrow pencil is definitely a must-buy in Thailand. An eyebrow pencil also contains eyebrow cream and eyebrow powder. Save cosmetic bag space.
Beauty Buffet
第二個 泰國 美妝產品不得不買的就是BB家了,出現在各大 泰國 旅游攻略里,大家可能較為熟悉他們家的牛奶洗面奶和牛奶身體乳,其實化妝品也是超棒的。超少女的腮紅盤、啞光口紅、氣墊粉底、保濕噴霧,還有指甲油也是滿滿的粉色少女心。
The second must-buy cosmetic products in Thai is Beauty Buffet, it appears in various Thai travel guide, everyone may be more familiar with their milk cleanser and milk body lotion, in fact, cosmetics are also great. Such as, plush plate, matte lipstick, air cushion foundation, moisturizing spray, and nail polish.
或許Mistine較為偏向成熟御姐系,那麼Beauty Buffet小可愛少女的小天堂了。買回家給家裡的18歲以下小朋友用用也是很不錯的 泰國 必買選擇,要麼就自己裝可愛一下唄!完全不誇張的。
Perhaps Mistine suites lady, then Beauty Buffet suites younger girl. It’s a good choice to purchase Beauty Buffet for your little sis.
Chapter 3: Clothing of Tide Brand
值得註意的是,Lee在 泰國 除了經典 和平 常的款式,還有絕無第二個國家擁有的 馬裡 奧特別系列。沒錯,就是 泰國 明星 馬裡 奧,《初戀那件小事》的阿亮學長 馬裡 奧。親自參與設計的Lee在 泰國 才能買到呢,就當作是個限量版吧!怎麼能不算是 泰國 必買!
It is worth noting that in addition to the classic and usual styles of Lee in Thailand, there is no Mario special series owned by the second country. That's right, he is the Thai star Mario, the hero A Liang of movie "First Love", who has personally participated in the design, can only buy it in Thailand, and it is a limited edition! It is absolutely must-buy in Thailand.
The bold contrast design greatly highlights the cowboy's visual effect, good cut, perfect fit to the body line, comfortable and stylish. The key price is affordable and often discounts. The wallet has been ready for a long time.
說到 泰國 必買潮牌,最近大熱的Off-White絕對是心頭大愛。第一次知道這個牌子的時候是看到我特喜歡的 韓國 明星,第一秒就覺得這衣服超酷啊,結果第二天逛商場的時候就找到了!Central Embassy時常看到 泰國 人在排隊,果然是個火遍全球的牌子了。
Off-White is definitely a tide brand as must-buy in Thailand. The first time I knew this brand was to see my favorite Korean star. I felt that the clothes were so cool in the first second. I found it when I visited the mall the next day! I saw Thai people queue up in front of the store of Central Embassy, and it is a popular brand nowadays.
Chapter 4: High-end Luxury
泰國 購物沖的就是價格,不論是平價或是奢侈,實惠依然是精髓。舉世聞名歐米茄19令機芯於1894年面世後,成為其公司卓越的標誌。自此時起,歐米茄以先進製表技術,成為製表業的先鋒達一百五十年之久。 曼谷 免稅店的歐米茄櫃臺也是常年擠滿世界的顧客,購物清單里必須是占有一席。
We are most concerned about price when we shopping in Thailand, whether it is cheap or luxury, the benefits are still the key point. The world-famous Omega 19-line was launched in 1894 and became the hallmark of its company. Since then, Omega has become a pioneer in watchmaking for over 150 years with advanced watchmaking technology. The Omega counter in the duty-free in Bangkok is also a customer who has been crowded all over the world all year round. It must be in the shopping list.
即使不去專門買個十幾二十萬吧,看看也不錯的,入手一雙鞋一個包,也不枉 泰國 血拼。最喜歡新出的星空系列的宇航員小人偶,就像官網說的,極具設計感的金屬面,手臂和雙腿好像隨時準備去冒險。還有提花圓領長袖、Tattoo高幫、Astronaut項鏈。
If appropriate, you can buy a LV bag in Thailand. The new starry series of Vivienne astronaut doll, crafted from wood and metal, looks like ready to take risks. There are also jacquard round neck long sleeves, Tattoo high-top, Astronaut necklace.
Hugo Boss
無論白天或晚上,在辦公室或活動現場,一套剪裁精妙的西服套裝總能體現優雅形象。擁有一套具有現代剪裁、創新面料和獨特風格的高品質西服,是Hugo Boss對於現代生活的追求。Siam Paragon暹羅百麗宮還會有針對游客的折扣促銷。
Whether in the day or night, at the office or at the event, a tailored suit will always reflect an elegant image. Hugo Boss' pursuit of modern life is a collection of high-quality suits with modern tailoring, innovative fabrics and unique styles. Siam Paragon also has discounts for visitors.
除了精品西裝,Hugo Boss的香水也是 泰國 旅游攻略中的必買。對男人而言,生活是一場充滿機會和挑戰的冒險,他可以用自己充滿自信且他人無法仿效的方式去面對,而一瓶獨特的Hugo Boss香水的清新、純凈,結合果香、草本植物和松樹香使搽它的男人如同香水本身一樣特別。
In addition to the suit, Hugo Boss's fragrance is also a must-buy in Thailand travel guide. For men, life is an adventure full of opportunities and challenges. He can face it with a way that he is confident and others can't follow, and a bottle of unique Hugo Boss perfume is fresh, pure, combined with fruit and herbs plants and pine scent makes a man special.
Chapter 5: Health Care
Scotch bird nest
保健品作為品質生活中不可或缺的一部分,越來越多人開始在準備 泰國 旅游攻略時註意到它。而保健品里最安全的大概就是燕窩了。 泰國 也是高質量燕窩最大的產地之一,即食燕窩的價格卻相對非常的實惠。Scotch在便利店里直接可以買到,商場和免稅店也有專區。精緻的禮盒包裝非常適合送人呢。
Health care products are an indispensable part of quality life, and more and more people are beginning to notice it when preparing for the Thailand Travel Guide. The safest thing in health care products is probably bird's nest. Thailand is also one of the largest producers of high quality bird's nest, and the price of ready-to-eat bird's nest is relatively very affordable. Scotch is available directly at convenience stores, as well as shopping malls and duty-free. The exquisite gift box packaging is perfect for giving away.
一大波2019年 泰國 必買乾貨暫時推薦到這裡了。相信大家2019年在 泰國 瘋狂購物的腳步也準備要邁開了, 泰國 旅游攻略也在準備了,那就從Olay玉蘭油開始,慢慢打卡清單必買物品,在商場免稅店血拼才是假期的快樂源泉。
It’s the end of the 2019 must-buy in Thailand list. I believe that everyone will prepare for shopping in Thailand in 2019 now, and the Thailand Travel Guide is also preparing. Shopping follows the list in the King power duty free is the most exciting thing during the holiday.
另外,2018年11月底,在湄南河畔全 東南亞 最高端以及規模最大的商業中心Icon Siam隆重開業了,2019年 泰國 購物、 泰國 旅游攻略新去處必須是它。所以寶寶們也請收下我們這篇 泰國 旅游攻略喲。
In addition, at the end of November 2018, Icon Siam, the highest end and the largest commercial center in Southeast Asia which is located in the Chao Phraya River, was grandly opened. In 2019, the new destination for Thai shopping and Thailand tourism guide must be. Please accept this Thailand travel guide.