2015年9月 22天環游土耳其的慢生活

其次,去烏盧山mount Uludag的人就更少了,幾乎沒有。在網上甚至找不到烏盧山的簡介,只有英文的。冬季滑雪更是受到歡迎。
Uluda, the ancient Mysian Olympus, is a mountain in Bursa Province, Turkey, with an elevation of 2,543 m (8,343 ft). It is a popular center for winter sports such as skiing, and a national park of rich flora and fauna. Summer activities, such as trekking and camping, also are popular.

It will cost you 30TL per person for a return trip. Well worth the trip (22 minutes one way) and the views. The teleferik cars are comfy and give you a good view. Access is pretty easy. At the top you can hire motor bikes or quads or just walk - you have a lot of choices and can range from a short walk to quite a few hours. Be prepared for sudden weather changes and pack a jacket and umbrella even in summer. If you arrive at the top hungry and with time and moneyto spare you can go to a restaurant where they bring you a barbecue and you cook your own meat.