為什麼選擇去約旦2018年我們又再一次出發了,經歷了去年繁瑣的 申根 簽證,今年決定去一個免簽或者落地簽的地方,挑選了許多地方,我提出了 格魯吉亞 ,老婆覺得沒意思,她被 土庫曼斯坦 的地獄之門吸引了,問了許多旅行社,覺得性價比很低,除了地獄之門其他一點意思也沒有,剛好我又腰部受傷,所以 土庫曼斯坦 的行程就這麼擱淺了,最後我們想到了去年提起過的 約旦 ,決定今年的目標就是它了, 佩特拉 、 死海 、 瓦迪拉姆 ,這個三個就是我們的目標。 約旦旅游攻略主要從螞蜂窩和窮游的高手游記中提取,加上自己在當地新的發現,同時對錯誤的地方做了更正。本次的順利出行特別要感謝一下窮游的大神:小盒飯(等級:14袋長老),直接把 約旦 的攻略發給了我,帶著她的攻略就能直接上路了,我也會在文章裡面把它們都貼出來造福後人。我已經把小盒飯的攻略和以下幾個大神的游記中提到的重點處,結合在了一起, 約旦 之行的熱門路線基本沒問題。 機票中國 來回 約旦 的機票一般很少有打折,而且價格很貴,目前僅發現17年初的 卡塔爾 航空年度大促一次( 上海 \- 多哈 \- 約旦 來回含稅5800元),17年8月的 卡塔爾 航空特價( 香港 \- 多哈 \- 約旦 來回含稅2800元),最給力的就是今年7月放票的10月出發的 約旦 皇家航空( 香港 \- 約旦 直飛來回2600元)。大家看到這個價格就可以直接入手了。我們選了4100每人來回的阿提哈德航空,中轉 阿布扎比 11小時,可以申請一晚免費的住宿。而 杭州 \- 香港 ,我們選擇了 廈門 航空,如果在 廈門 中轉超過6個小時,航空公司免費提供住宿,回程與阿提哈德的轉機時間銜接比較短,基本跑著趕到的,不建議這趟航班。
看到網上很多人抱怨攜程不好,確實我也遇到了攜程不好的地方 比如 17年等到我都改簽完畢了,離起飛前1小時,攜程才打電話告訴我航班延誤了,這樣的水平也的確太糟糕了。不過攜程好的地方也有,17年 土耳其 航空航班延後1天,導致我延住1晚,航空公司不給住宿,攜程補償了我400元,讓我訂酒店。18年也是,中轉 阿布扎比 11個小時,航空公司說有更好的轉機選擇,所以不給我申請住宿,最後也是攜程補償了我500元,讓我訂酒店。有好有壞吧,我下次訂機票估計還是找攜程,酒店這件事的處理,我覺得非常滿意。 香港機場退飛機乘客離境稅申請退還已繳付的可獲豁免的稅款
乘船到 香港 轉乘飛機的乘客〈乘搭跨境渡輪抵達 香港 國際機場轉乘飛機離開 香港 的乘客〉
由二零零五年四月二十六日起, 香港 國際機場海天碼頭提供即日現金退稅服務,退回已預繳的離境稅。於跨境渡輪碼頭辦理登機手續時已取得退稅券之乘客,若沒有在轉機當日往海天碼頭退款櫃檯取回稅款, 應直接聯絡有關航空公司取回稅款。乘客若沒有領取退稅券,就只可以郵寄方式向民航處申請退還稅款(請參考下一段(ii. b.)的退稅手續)。
a. 乘客可到民航處設於 香港 國際機場一號客運大樓七樓離港大堂E行段的「飛機乘客離境稅」櫃檯申請退回現金。
1\. 繳稅証據〈即航空公司/直升機航運公司發出的機票正本/電子機票,列明已繳付 香港 飛機乘客離境稅〉
2\. 上述離境航班的正本登機證 (只適用於航空公司乘客)
3\. 有申請人姓名的正本船票 (只適用於乘船到 香港 轉乘飛機的乘客)
4\. 支持提出豁免申請的有關文件
在同一天內* 乘搭飛機抵港**及乘搭飛機離港** 的乘客(不論在離港前,有沒有經過入境檢查)。
*同一天內; 指同一歷日 即 香港 時間於 00:00 至 23:59內。
** 指飛機預定抵港及預定離港的時間。
(在 香港 國際機場過境轉機的乘客,如果沒有 經過入境檢查,豁免條件就沒有同一天內的規定。)
b. 乘客也可選擇填寫“飛機乘客離境稅 - 申請退還稅款”表格連同一切所須文件於離境後四星期內寄回民航處申請。民航處在核實豁免權後便會郵遞支票給申請人。地址是:
香港 大嶼山 香港 國際機場
根據 香港 特區民航處的規定,只要轉機在同1天內,這個同一天不是24小時的意思,是當日00:00至23:59內抵達 香港 並從 香港 乘飛機離開的乘客才能退回120HK的離境稅。說白了退稅只需要以下幾樣東西:1、有效身份證明(一般是護照);2、到達 香港 航班的登機牌;3、離開 香港 航班的登機牌(所以退稅必須在托運行李完成後去退稅,在E行段有一個飛機乘客離境稅的櫃臺辦理);4、繳稅證明。
↑約旦 E-ticket中必須包含以下截圖中的內容才能退稅:
↑約旦 廈門 航空:出票後,聯繫代理或者客服獲取,國內航空公司通常使用CNY計價,故看到稅控代碼是HK的稅種,價格是人民幣99元,就可以了,但是退稅只能退120HK港幣,不能退人民幣。
↑約旦 酒店1、 阿布扎比 : 阿布扎比 國際機場首相酒店 (Premier Inn Abu Dhabi International Airport)
點評:酒店離航站樓特別近,晚上出來只要走到馬路對面就是,房間也很乾凈,如果大家在 阿布扎比 轉機,第一選擇就是它。當時雅高達銀聯8.5折,所以訂下來的價格是365.05元/晚
2、 安曼 : 安曼 精品酒店( The Boutique Hotel Amman ),價格22.474JD/晚,建議直接去官網預定,因為官網預定還能便宜20%,BOOKING預定真是一點優惠都沒有。這個酒店中規中矩,房間比較小,早上走了早酒店不准備早餐盒子,但是酒店老闆很熱心,有問必答,而且還給你他們自製的地圖,裡面已經標明瞭在 安曼 應該怎麼玩,離白色的Share Taxi很近,Share Taxi可以直接去北站和 傑拉什 ,地理位置真的很好,就在國王餐廳的旁邊, 城堡山 和 羅馬 劇場用走的就能到。
3、 佩特拉 : 拉麥迅酒店 (La Maison Hotel),價格368.22元/晚,建議直接去官網談價格,離 佩特拉 大門口很近,5分鐘的步行距離,這樣的價格,房間也很大,我覺得屬於性價比特別高的,如果預算是五星級酒店可以直接選擇隔壁的萬豪,離景區更近。 拉麥迅酒店 的晚餐是兩道餐的形式,價格固定的都是10JD/人,但是品種很少,我們入住的時候只有魚和牛肉兩種選擇,頭盤是 沙拉 +阿拉伯餅,然後就是主食,分量很足,我們吃個 沙拉 +餅基本就飽了。
4、 瓦迪拉姆 沙漠營地: 魯姆星星營地 (Rum Stars Camp),孤獨星球、到到網上排名都比較靠前,我直接官網郵件聯繫預定,價格55JD/人/晚,含一整天的JEEP TOUR,三餐,住宿:
Tour Description : One Day and Over Night Stay: Classic Bedouin Tour
This tour is a combination of Jeep & Short Hiking inside of the Wadi Rum Protected Area + information on Optional 2 hours Camels Trekking.
After we meet you, we will bring you to our office in Rum Village where we will get you situated and explain your itinerary in depth and answer any questions you may have.
Then your Tour itinerary will begin:
· With a visit to the Nabatean Temple where you will have the opportunity to see the ancient ruins.
· From there we will go to the famous Lawrence's Spring, where Lawrence of Arabia reputedly washed during the Arab Revolt. There you can easily climb a nearby rock formation and take in the scenery and one of the best views of the vast landscape.
· Then we go to Jabel Khazali Canyon; just 15 minutes walking inside the canyon and you will see the oldest rock inscriptions in Wadi Rum from different civilizations (Nabatean, Thamoud, and old Islamic inscriptions ).You can find on the canyon walls many ancient rock inscriptions (see if you can spot the inscriptions of feet, and the lady giving birth) .
· We will then drive to the Red Sand Dunes in Wadi Um Ishrin (there we will take you for sand boarding if you are interested).
· Then on to Jebel Anafishiya, where you can see ancient Nabatean inscriptions in the rock.
· Lawrence's House: small wall , used by Lawrence of Arabia during his stay in Wadi rum 1914.
· From there, we continue on to the Barrauh Canyon where we will have lunch in the shade of a humbling cliff.
· After lunch, there is an optional short 1Km trek through the canyon.
· Mushroom stone: it's very beautiful rock shaped like Mushroom.
· Al Mahama Canyon: very nice short canyon, the guide will leave you in the entrance of the north of the canyon and pick you up from the south entrance, it's around 45 minute hiking through very narrow canyon.
· We then drive to the base of the mountain that holds the Jebel Burdah Rock Bridge.
· Then on to Um Fruth Bridge (which is about 20 meters high and a favorite for climbers). Easy to climb and to get picture in the bridge.
· Then through Wadi Kashkasheh Canyon to the most famous mountain in Wadi Rum
· We will then guide you to a magnificent location atop a red sand dune, from where you can watch the legendary Wadi Rum sunset
Once the evening sets in, we will head back to our beautiful campsite where you will enjoy a delicious Bedouin buffet dinner and sip sweet Bedouin tea around our campfire before retiring for the night to your comfortable tents.
Recommended walk under the stars: After dinner, I highly recommend you to have short walk by yourself under the Million Stars sky, if there is no moon you will watch a lot of shooting stars. It's very safe to walk around, the camp, but if you go far it may be very easy to get lost, it's very easy to mix-up the directions.
The next morning, after a delicious hearty breakfast buffet, we will drive you back to Rum Village to continue your journey.
The Price: The cost for the 1 Day/ 1 Night “Classic Bedouin Tour” is just 55 JD per person. This price is all-inclusive:
· All meals Lunch / Dinner / Breakfast
· Refreshments, drinking water (mineral water),
· Jeep with English-speaking Driver / guide.
· Accommodation in private tent prepared with beds and all sleeping equipments. Many guests, during the warm spring and summer months, opt to sleep outside of the tents under the stars, and we have a large area for this purpose as well.
5、 死海 :伊什塔爾 死海 凱賓斯基酒店(Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea),直接酒店官網郵件預定,比BOOKING便宜一點,含稅約147JD/晚,我們是結婚紀念,所以提出了很多要求,包括升級房型等,最後都滿足了,直接給我們升級到了套房,房間很大,望出去就是 死海 ,他們的賓客關係團隊,還給我們送了蛋糕,並預定了 意大利 餐廳,桌子面對著 死海 ,佈置得也和別人不一樣,很浪漫,如果來 死海 ,我絕對首推這家酒店:
We are pleased to confirm your accommodation as follows:
· Check in Date: ****************
· Check Out Date: ****************
· Room Type: Superior room
· Room Rate: JOD 125.00 ++
· Hotel Confirmation: ************
· The above mentioned rates are per room per night, including our lavish breakfast buffet at the main restaurant, Complimentary high speed WiFi internet access, in room tea ,coffee facilities and soft drinks Minibar.
· The rates are subject to 10% service charge and 7% sales taxes.
· Our rooms and suites can accommodate 2 adults and 1 child below 12 years as maximum.
Accepted Method of Payment:
If you wish to settle your account with a credit card you will be required to present the card at check-in where a pre-authorization for the total cost of accommodation plus a security deposit will be processed.
If you prefer to settle your account with cash, you will be required to pay the total cost of accommodation at the time of check-in.
Deposit Policy:
A Deposit of the first night is required by 3 days from arrival date and will be charged to your credit card.
Special Requests:
We have noted your request for
Please note that we try to honor all requests, however, bedding configuration, room locations and other special requests are not guaranteed and will be confirmed upon arrival as they remain subject to availability.
Children Policy:
Children up to 6 years may share their parent’s existing bedding at no extra charge and breakfast will be complimentary.
Children between 6 and 12 years will be charged JOD 41 inclusive of tax for extra and bed breakfast.
Cancellation, Modification and Early Departure Policy:
Reservation cancellation will be accepted up to 3 days prior to arrival date. Cancellation received within 3 Days from the date of your arrival or in case of non arrival (no show), we will charge you the amount of first night including service charge and the applicable sales taxes. In case of early departure, the hotel reserves the right to charge you the full stay as per the original reservation confirmation.
No Cancellation accepted during a Special Event Period 7 days before arrival.
We respectfully remind you that we guarantee access to your room as of 3:00 pm and the check out time is 12:00 noon.
An early check-in or a late check-out are only possible upon request and based upon availability.
A surcharge, equivalent to the room rate for one night will apply for an early check-in before 9 am. A late check-out before 6 pm will be charged at 50% of the room rate, a late check-out after 6 pm will be charged at the full room rate. 約旦餐飲一、 安曼 餐廳推薦
1、Sofra 65usd
↑約旦 2、Hashem Restaurant(網紅餐廳必去)
全 約旦 最正宗的法拉菲(Falafel)和鷹嘴豆腐泥(Hummus),Hummus是用一種豆子打成的豆泥,就用一種豆泥,就用剛剛扔到桌上的大餅蘸著吃,Fuul是另一種蘸料,吃法也是一樣,撕一點大餅蘸著吃。我們看到也有人用大餅包著洋蔥香菜和falafei吃,Felafel是一種炸丸子。
↑約旦 3、Fakhreldin Restaurant
約旦 同學強推的一家餐廳。
a、Fresh raw minced lamb 生切羊肉,服務員大叔會幫忙調味,加了黃油大蒜胡椒之類的去肉腥味。
↑約旦 b、土豆燉牛肉
↑約旦 c、主食之一羊肉串串
↑約旦 d、主食之二,雞肉串串
↑約旦 4、Zorba Tourist Seafood restaurant
lamb chop真乃極品,愛吃羊肉的筒子們千萬別錯過。這個羊排是沒加鹽直接烤的,外表極其脆,裡面鮮嫩多汁,旁邊配烤洋蔥和番茄,端上來的時候放在大餅下方保溫,自己拿桌上的鹽和黑胡椒撒上就可以吃了,價格只有3.5JD,裡面有四塊,男生一人吃足夠了,女生不餓的話吃不掉。
5、Jerusalem restaurant
Cliff Hotel對門那條街有個Jerusalem restaurant,裡面的燒羊腿棒和烤雞也不錯,價格3-5JD的樣子,具體忘了。
LP推薦的那個Al-Husseiny Mosque那條街上的Cairo Restaurant,菜價也集中在3-5JD,不過我們覺得東西沒有Zorba Tourist Seafood restaurant做的精緻好吃,而且那個煮羊頭真是看起來好驚悚,神經脆弱的同志們別點。我堂堂腦外科醫生出身,看到那羊頭都崩潰了,放那愣是一口沒吃,又點了別的。
滿街都是賣 土耳其 烤肉捲的,大概1-2 JD一個,點的話就跟老闆說要Sandwich,說別的他們聽懂的概率更低。
Al-Husseiny Mosque後面那個蔬菜水果市場有賣各種水果蔬菜,巨型車釐子一公斤裝的只要2JD,那個新鮮哪,激動得我天天買,汗。西瓜應該在2JD之內能買一個,挺甜的。沙漠地區人們不愛吃菜,飯店里的蔬菜口味都比較重,不適應的話還是自己來菜市買生黃瓜吃吧,行李里別忘了帶個削皮刀。
Falafel油炸鷹嘴豆泥丸子:除了Pita餅,可以加 沙拉 、捲心菜絲、青紅椒、薯條和炸洋蔥圈,再淋上芝麻醬、Hummus等醬料
Shawarma:一種豎著旋轉的烤肉,淋上Hummus、Tahini、Chili Sauce等醬料,由Pita餅包著吃
Couscous/Ptitim:形狀像米的 意大利 面,可混在 沙拉 里吃
Qidreh羊肉鷹嘴豆炒飯:類似 新疆 手抓飯,羊肉、鷹嘴豆、胡蘿蔔、雞肉炒飯
7、Al bashashawerma snack more
雞肉捲 大名 鼎鼎,經常排隊。而且員工特別喜歡你照相。這家有送外賣,前臺有外賣單。
↑約旦 8、甘蔗汁:圖中一瓶1 JD,紙杯是小杯 safari,大的玻璃杯是0.5 JD。
↑約旦 9、Habibah Sweet:這樣一份1.2 JD,還有半份的是0.7 JD。
↑約旦 10、MEGA炸雞店:位於 羅馬 劇場的正對面,在爬 城堡山 的時候遠遠聞到了他家炸雞的香味,配上獨有的阿拉伯醬料,味 道真 的一流,完爆KFC的存在。一份炸雞套餐配大瓶可樂才2.75JD。
11、凱賓斯基Ashur restaurant菜單
↑伊什塔爾死海凱賓斯基酒店 12、凱賓斯基Pan-Asian Restaurant菜單
看到網上很多人抱怨攜程不好,確實我也遇到了攜程不好的地方 比如 17年等到我都改簽完畢了,離起飛前1小時,攜程才打電話告訴我航班延誤了,這樣的水平也的確太糟糕了。不過攜程好的地方也有,17年 土耳其 航空航班延後1天,導致我延住1晚,航空公司不給住宿,攜程補償了我400元,讓我訂酒店。18年也是,中轉 阿布扎比 11個小時,航空公司說有更好的轉機選擇,所以不給我申請住宿,最後也是攜程補償了我500元,讓我訂酒店。有好有壞吧,我下次訂機票估計還是找攜程,酒店這件事的處理,我覺得非常滿意。 香港機場退飛機乘客離境稅申請退還已繳付的可獲豁免的稅款
乘船到 香港 轉乘飛機的乘客〈乘搭跨境渡輪抵達 香港 國際機場轉乘飛機離開 香港 的乘客〉
由二零零五年四月二十六日起, 香港 國際機場海天碼頭提供即日現金退稅服務,退回已預繳的離境稅。於跨境渡輪碼頭辦理登機手續時已取得退稅券之乘客,若沒有在轉機當日往海天碼頭退款櫃檯取回稅款, 應直接聯絡有關航空公司取回稅款。乘客若沒有領取退稅券,就只可以郵寄方式向民航處申請退還稅款(請參考下一段(ii. b.)的退稅手續)。
a. 乘客可到民航處設於 香港 國際機場一號客運大樓七樓離港大堂E行段的「飛機乘客離境稅」櫃檯申請退回現金。
1\. 繳稅証據〈即航空公司/直升機航運公司發出的機票正本/電子機票,列明已繳付 香港 飛機乘客離境稅〉
2\. 上述離境航班的正本登機證 (只適用於航空公司乘客)
3\. 有申請人姓名的正本船票 (只適用於乘船到 香港 轉乘飛機的乘客)
4\. 支持提出豁免申請的有關文件
在同一天內* 乘搭飛機抵港**及乘搭飛機離港** 的乘客(不論在離港前,有沒有經過入境檢查)。
*同一天內; 指同一歷日 即 香港 時間於 00:00 至 23:59內。
** 指飛機預定抵港及預定離港的時間。
(在 香港 國際機場過境轉機的乘客,如果沒有 經過入境檢查,豁免條件就沒有同一天內的規定。)
b. 乘客也可選擇填寫“飛機乘客離境稅 - 申請退還稅款”表格連同一切所須文件於離境後四星期內寄回民航處申請。民航處在核實豁免權後便會郵遞支票給申請人。地址是:
香港 大嶼山 香港 國際機場
根據 香港 特區民航處的規定,只要轉機在同1天內,這個同一天不是24小時的意思,是當日00:00至23:59內抵達 香港 並從 香港 乘飛機離開的乘客才能退回120HK的離境稅。說白了退稅只需要以下幾樣東西:1、有效身份證明(一般是護照);2、到達 香港 航班的登機牌;3、離開 香港 航班的登機牌(所以退稅必須在托運行李完成後去退稅,在E行段有一個飛機乘客離境稅的櫃臺辦理);4、繳稅證明。

點評:酒店離航站樓特別近,晚上出來只要走到馬路對面就是,房間也很乾凈,如果大家在 阿布扎比 轉機,第一選擇就是它。當時雅高達銀聯8.5折,所以訂下來的價格是365.05元/晚
2、 安曼 : 安曼 精品酒店( The Boutique Hotel Amman ),價格22.474JD/晚,建議直接去官網預定,因為官網預定還能便宜20%,BOOKING預定真是一點優惠都沒有。這個酒店中規中矩,房間比較小,早上走了早酒店不准備早餐盒子,但是酒店老闆很熱心,有問必答,而且還給你他們自製的地圖,裡面已經標明瞭在 安曼 應該怎麼玩,離白色的Share Taxi很近,Share Taxi可以直接去北站和 傑拉什 ,地理位置真的很好,就在國王餐廳的旁邊, 城堡山 和 羅馬 劇場用走的就能到。
3、 佩特拉 : 拉麥迅酒店 (La Maison Hotel),價格368.22元/晚,建議直接去官網談價格,離 佩特拉 大門口很近,5分鐘的步行距離,這樣的價格,房間也很大,我覺得屬於性價比特別高的,如果預算是五星級酒店可以直接選擇隔壁的萬豪,離景區更近。 拉麥迅酒店 的晚餐是兩道餐的形式,價格固定的都是10JD/人,但是品種很少,我們入住的時候只有魚和牛肉兩種選擇,頭盤是 沙拉 +阿拉伯餅,然後就是主食,分量很足,我們吃個 沙拉 +餅基本就飽了。
4、 瓦迪拉姆 沙漠營地: 魯姆星星營地 (Rum Stars Camp),孤獨星球、到到網上排名都比較靠前,我直接官網郵件聯繫預定,價格55JD/人/晚,含一整天的JEEP TOUR,三餐,住宿:
Tour Description : One Day and Over Night Stay: Classic Bedouin Tour
This tour is a combination of Jeep & Short Hiking inside of the Wadi Rum Protected Area + information on Optional 2 hours Camels Trekking.
After we meet you, we will bring you to our office in Rum Village where we will get you situated and explain your itinerary in depth and answer any questions you may have.
Then your Tour itinerary will begin:
· With a visit to the Nabatean Temple where you will have the opportunity to see the ancient ruins.
· From there we will go to the famous Lawrence's Spring, where Lawrence of Arabia reputedly washed during the Arab Revolt. There you can easily climb a nearby rock formation and take in the scenery and one of the best views of the vast landscape.
· Then we go to Jabel Khazali Canyon; just 15 minutes walking inside the canyon and you will see the oldest rock inscriptions in Wadi Rum from different civilizations (Nabatean, Thamoud, and old Islamic inscriptions ).You can find on the canyon walls many ancient rock inscriptions (see if you can spot the inscriptions of feet, and the lady giving birth) .
· We will then drive to the Red Sand Dunes in Wadi Um Ishrin (there we will take you for sand boarding if you are interested).
· Then on to Jebel Anafishiya, where you can see ancient Nabatean inscriptions in the rock.
· Lawrence's House: small wall , used by Lawrence of Arabia during his stay in Wadi rum 1914.
· From there, we continue on to the Barrauh Canyon where we will have lunch in the shade of a humbling cliff.
· After lunch, there is an optional short 1Km trek through the canyon.
· Mushroom stone: it's very beautiful rock shaped like Mushroom.
· Al Mahama Canyon: very nice short canyon, the guide will leave you in the entrance of the north of the canyon and pick you up from the south entrance, it's around 45 minute hiking through very narrow canyon.
· We then drive to the base of the mountain that holds the Jebel Burdah Rock Bridge.
· Then on to Um Fruth Bridge (which is about 20 meters high and a favorite for climbers). Easy to climb and to get picture in the bridge.
· Then through Wadi Kashkasheh Canyon to the most famous mountain in Wadi Rum
· We will then guide you to a magnificent location atop a red sand dune, from where you can watch the legendary Wadi Rum sunset
Once the evening sets in, we will head back to our beautiful campsite where you will enjoy a delicious Bedouin buffet dinner and sip sweet Bedouin tea around our campfire before retiring for the night to your comfortable tents.
Recommended walk under the stars: After dinner, I highly recommend you to have short walk by yourself under the Million Stars sky, if there is no moon you will watch a lot of shooting stars. It's very safe to walk around, the camp, but if you go far it may be very easy to get lost, it's very easy to mix-up the directions.
The next morning, after a delicious hearty breakfast buffet, we will drive you back to Rum Village to continue your journey.
The Price: The cost for the 1 Day/ 1 Night “Classic Bedouin Tour” is just 55 JD per person. This price is all-inclusive:
· All meals Lunch / Dinner / Breakfast
· Refreshments, drinking water (mineral water),
· Jeep with English-speaking Driver / guide.
· Accommodation in private tent prepared with beds and all sleeping equipments. Many guests, during the warm spring and summer months, opt to sleep outside of the tents under the stars, and we have a large area for this purpose as well.
5、 死海 :伊什塔爾 死海 凱賓斯基酒店(Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea),直接酒店官網郵件預定,比BOOKING便宜一點,含稅約147JD/晚,我們是結婚紀念,所以提出了很多要求,包括升級房型等,最後都滿足了,直接給我們升級到了套房,房間很大,望出去就是 死海 ,他們的賓客關係團隊,還給我們送了蛋糕,並預定了 意大利 餐廳,桌子面對著 死海 ,佈置得也和別人不一樣,很浪漫,如果來 死海 ,我絕對首推這家酒店:
We are pleased to confirm your accommodation as follows:
· Check in Date: ****************
· Check Out Date: ****************
· Room Type: Superior room
· Room Rate: JOD 125.00 ++
· Hotel Confirmation: ************
· The above mentioned rates are per room per night, including our lavish breakfast buffet at the main restaurant, Complimentary high speed WiFi internet access, in room tea ,coffee facilities and soft drinks Minibar.
· The rates are subject to 10% service charge and 7% sales taxes.
· Our rooms and suites can accommodate 2 adults and 1 child below 12 years as maximum.
Accepted Method of Payment:
If you wish to settle your account with a credit card you will be required to present the card at check-in where a pre-authorization for the total cost of accommodation plus a security deposit will be processed.
If you prefer to settle your account with cash, you will be required to pay the total cost of accommodation at the time of check-in.
Deposit Policy:
A Deposit of the first night is required by 3 days from arrival date and will be charged to your credit card.
Special Requests:
We have noted your request for
Please note that we try to honor all requests, however, bedding configuration, room locations and other special requests are not guaranteed and will be confirmed upon arrival as they remain subject to availability.
Children Policy:
Children up to 6 years may share their parent’s existing bedding at no extra charge and breakfast will be complimentary.
Children between 6 and 12 years will be charged JOD 41 inclusive of tax for extra and bed breakfast.
Cancellation, Modification and Early Departure Policy:
Reservation cancellation will be accepted up to 3 days prior to arrival date. Cancellation received within 3 Days from the date of your arrival or in case of non arrival (no show), we will charge you the amount of first night including service charge and the applicable sales taxes. In case of early departure, the hotel reserves the right to charge you the full stay as per the original reservation confirmation.
No Cancellation accepted during a Special Event Period 7 days before arrival.
We respectfully remind you that we guarantee access to your room as of 3:00 pm and the check out time is 12:00 noon.
An early check-in or a late check-out are only possible upon request and based upon availability.
A surcharge, equivalent to the room rate for one night will apply for an early check-in before 9 am. A late check-out before 6 pm will be charged at 50% of the room rate, a late check-out after 6 pm will be charged at the full room rate. 約旦餐飲一、 安曼 餐廳推薦
1、Sofra 65usd

全 約旦 最正宗的法拉菲(Falafel)和鷹嘴豆腐泥(Hummus),Hummus是用一種豆子打成的豆泥,就用一種豆泥,就用剛剛扔到桌上的大餅蘸著吃,Fuul是另一種蘸料,吃法也是一樣,撕一點大餅蘸著吃。我們看到也有人用大餅包著洋蔥香菜和falafei吃,Felafel是一種炸丸子。

約旦 同學強推的一家餐廳。
a、Fresh raw minced lamb 生切羊肉,服務員大叔會幫忙調味,加了黃油大蒜胡椒之類的去肉腥味。

lamb chop真乃極品,愛吃羊肉的筒子們千萬別錯過。這個羊排是沒加鹽直接烤的,外表極其脆,裡面鮮嫩多汁,旁邊配烤洋蔥和番茄,端上來的時候放在大餅下方保溫,自己拿桌上的鹽和黑胡椒撒上就可以吃了,價格只有3.5JD,裡面有四塊,男生一人吃足夠了,女生不餓的話吃不掉。
5、Jerusalem restaurant
Cliff Hotel對門那條街有個Jerusalem restaurant,裡面的燒羊腿棒和烤雞也不錯,價格3-5JD的樣子,具體忘了。
LP推薦的那個Al-Husseiny Mosque那條街上的Cairo Restaurant,菜價也集中在3-5JD,不過我們覺得東西沒有Zorba Tourist Seafood restaurant做的精緻好吃,而且那個煮羊頭真是看起來好驚悚,神經脆弱的同志們別點。我堂堂腦外科醫生出身,看到那羊頭都崩潰了,放那愣是一口沒吃,又點了別的。
滿街都是賣 土耳其 烤肉捲的,大概1-2 JD一個,點的話就跟老闆說要Sandwich,說別的他們聽懂的概率更低。
Al-Husseiny Mosque後面那個蔬菜水果市場有賣各種水果蔬菜,巨型車釐子一公斤裝的只要2JD,那個新鮮哪,激動得我天天買,汗。西瓜應該在2JD之內能買一個,挺甜的。沙漠地區人們不愛吃菜,飯店里的蔬菜口味都比較重,不適應的話還是自己來菜市買生黃瓜吃吧,行李里別忘了帶個削皮刀。
Falafel油炸鷹嘴豆泥丸子:除了Pita餅,可以加 沙拉 、捲心菜絲、青紅椒、薯條和炸洋蔥圈,再淋上芝麻醬、Hummus等醬料
Shawarma:一種豎著旋轉的烤肉,淋上Hummus、Tahini、Chili Sauce等醬料,由Pita餅包著吃
Couscous/Ptitim:形狀像米的 意大利 面,可混在 沙拉 里吃
Qidreh羊肉鷹嘴豆炒飯:類似 新疆 手抓飯,羊肉、鷹嘴豆、胡蘿蔔、雞肉炒飯
7、Al bashashawerma snack more
雞肉捲 大名 鼎鼎,經常排隊。而且員工特別喜歡你照相。這家有送外賣,前臺有外賣單。

11、凱賓斯基Ashur restaurant菜單