我這次一人美洲 自駕 已經歷了 美國 、 墨西哥 、 古巴 (飛機)、 伯利茲 、 危地馬拉 ,接下來準備進入 薩爾瓦多 、 洪都拉斯 、 尼加拉瓜 、 哥斯達黎加 、 巴拿馬 。
本來我以為自己有美簽就可以直接從 危地馬拉 進入 薩爾瓦多 了,可是我開車出了 危地馬拉 ,到了 薩爾瓦多 邊境那邊時,被告知我必須到 薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館申請簽證後再進入。我告知我有美簽他們堅持說不可以在邊境直接進入。
下麵是 薩爾瓦多 入境處,在這裡持有 中國 護照 和美 簽也會被拒絕直接入鏡 薩爾瓦多 :
這下得走回頭路了,我又得開回去 危地馬拉 城。還好,邊境到 危地馬拉 城只有一百多公里,我開車兩個小時就回到達 危地馬拉 城。 薩爾瓦多 大使館跟 危地馬拉 的其他單位和商店一樣平時是緊閉鐵門的,戒備森嚴,來客人時帶著槍的保安才打開鐵門,客人進入或走出後立即重新關閉鐵門。 
這是 薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館的辦公室: 

大使館不提供複印,不收現金,需要到很遠的銀行去繳簽證費30.00美元。工作人員很熱情。 中國 護照不好用,我是用 美國 簽證去申請的。申請人需要提交人的資料和車的資料,因為我是 自駕 來的。護照全本每一頁都要複印。必須先訂好 薩爾瓦多 的賓館才會被受理。
關於所謂“C4簽證”,以前在 危地馬拉 、 洪都拉斯 、 薩爾瓦多 和 尼加拉瓜 四個中美洲鄰國之間有這樣的協議,申請任何一個國家的簽證,可以在四個國家通用,但現在的事實上是只有 薩爾瓦多 一個國家還承認這個協議(因為只有 薩爾瓦多 的使領館還在簽發C4簽證,實際上如果你持有另三個國家的簽證,也未必能進 薩爾瓦多 ),所以C4要慎重對待。
Visa-applying files:
1\. Applicant's visa-photo 1
2\. Applicant's application form 1 page
3\. Booking and Reservation of hotel in El Salvador. Submit copy of Email of booking hotel.
4\. Copies of the whole passport (need every pages)
5\. Pay visa fee 30.00 usd ( need to pay in the bank of Intudtry)
11月22日我在 薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館完成了我的護照的 薩爾瓦多 簽證申請。需要等待三個labor days(工作日)後去取簽證。
三天后我拿到了 薩爾瓦多 簽證。
入鏡 薩爾瓦多 時,我被批准給予了60天的 薩爾瓦多 停留期。
赤道旅行者 Equatortraveller
embassy of El Salvador in Guatemala Guatemala City Guatemala
薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館 危地馬拉 城 危地馬拉
(作者真實姓名:劉寶義,wechat 微信:equatortraveller )
Yesterday and today, I've finished my El Salvador visa application in El Salvador embassy in Guatemala City Guatemala.
In this my self-drive, my car has gone through the United States, Mexico, Cuba (aircraft), Belize, Guatemala, the next destinations is El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.
When I drove to the border of El Salvador, I was told that I had to go to El Salvador embassy where is in Guatemala to apply for a visa. Then I can enter the El Salvador country. No choice I have to drive back to the capital of Guatemala - Guatemala City.
After three working days i can get the result.
The Embassy of El Salvador is also like other units and stores in Guatemala, it always closes the iron gate. At ordinary times only if guests arrive there the bodyguard with a gun may open the iron gate, and the bodyguard may closes immediately the iron gate after guests coming or outing. The embassy does not provide the photocopy, does not accept cash, The applicant needs to go to the bank of industry where is far away to pay the application fee of $30.00. Staffs are enthusiasm. Chinese passport doesn't work there, I used my American visa to apply it. The applicant needs to submit the individual information and the car information. The passport copies should be every page's copy. The applicant must at first finish booking the hotel in El Salvador country before applying.
About the so-called "C4 visa", in Guatemala, Honduras, el Salvador and Nicaragua before four central American neighbours have such an agreement, any country's visa, can be used in four countries. but in fact now is only one country - Salvador also admitted that this agreement (because only the el Salvador's embassies and consulates in C4 visa issued, in fact if you have the other three countries visa, may not helpful in el Salvador), so the C4 should be treated with caution.
Visa-applying materials are as follows, I wrote those in English. Reference for buddies who travel to Central America in the future:
Visa-applying files:
1\. Applicant's visa-photo 1
2\. Applicant's application form 1 page
3\. Booking and Reservation of hotel in El Salvador. Submit copy of Email of booking hotel.
4\. Copies of the whole passport (need every pages)
5\. Pay visa fee 30.00 usd ( need to pay in the bank of Intudtry)
wechat: equatortraveller
Embassy of El Salvador laurel produced in Guatemala City, Guatemala
El Salvador embassy in Guatemala city, Guatemala

下麵是 薩爾瓦多 入境處,在這裡持有 中國 護照 和美 簽也會被拒絕直接入鏡 薩爾瓦多 :

關於所謂“C4簽證”,以前在 危地馬拉 、 洪都拉斯 、 薩爾瓦多 和 尼加拉瓜 四個中美洲鄰國之間有這樣的協議,申請任何一個國家的簽證,可以在四個國家通用,但現在的事實上是只有 薩爾瓦多 一個國家還承認這個協議(因為只有 薩爾瓦多 的使領館還在簽發C4簽證,實際上如果你持有另三個國家的簽證,也未必能進 薩爾瓦多 ),所以C4要慎重對待。
Visa-applying files:
1\. Applicant's visa-photo 1
2\. Applicant's application form 1 page
3\. Booking and Reservation of hotel in El Salvador. Submit copy of Email of booking hotel.
4\. Copies of the whole passport (need every pages)
5\. Pay visa fee 30.00 usd ( need to pay in the bank of Intudtry)
11月22日我在 薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館完成了我的護照的 薩爾瓦多 簽證申請。需要等待三個labor days(工作日)後去取簽證。

赤道旅行者 Equatortraveller
embassy of El Salvador in Guatemala Guatemala City Guatemala
薩爾瓦多 駐 危地馬拉 大使館 危地馬拉 城 危地馬拉
(作者真實姓名:劉寶義,wechat 微信:equatortraveller )
Yesterday and today, I've finished my El Salvador visa application in El Salvador embassy in Guatemala City Guatemala.
In this my self-drive, my car has gone through the United States, Mexico, Cuba (aircraft), Belize, Guatemala, the next destinations is El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.
When I drove to the border of El Salvador, I was told that I had to go to El Salvador embassy where is in Guatemala to apply for a visa. Then I can enter the El Salvador country. No choice I have to drive back to the capital of Guatemala - Guatemala City.
After three working days i can get the result.
The Embassy of El Salvador is also like other units and stores in Guatemala, it always closes the iron gate. At ordinary times only if guests arrive there the bodyguard with a gun may open the iron gate, and the bodyguard may closes immediately the iron gate after guests coming or outing. The embassy does not provide the photocopy, does not accept cash, The applicant needs to go to the bank of industry where is far away to pay the application fee of $30.00. Staffs are enthusiasm. Chinese passport doesn't work there, I used my American visa to apply it. The applicant needs to submit the individual information and the car information. The passport copies should be every page's copy. The applicant must at first finish booking the hotel in El Salvador country before applying.
About the so-called "C4 visa", in Guatemala, Honduras, el Salvador and Nicaragua before four central American neighbours have such an agreement, any country's visa, can be used in four countries. but in fact now is only one country - Salvador also admitted that this agreement (because only the el Salvador's embassies and consulates in C4 visa issued, in fact if you have the other three countries visa, may not helpful in el Salvador), so the C4 should be treated with caution.
Visa-applying materials are as follows, I wrote those in English. Reference for buddies who travel to Central America in the future:
Visa-applying files:
1\. Applicant's visa-photo 1
2\. Applicant's application form 1 page
3\. Booking and Reservation of hotel in El Salvador. Submit copy of Email of booking hotel.
4\. Copies of the whole passport (need every pages)
5\. Pay visa fee 30.00 usd ( need to pay in the bank of Intudtry)
wechat: equatortraveller
Embassy of El Salvador laurel produced in Guatemala City, Guatemala
El Salvador embassy in Guatemala city, Guatemala