鹿特丹大湖公園Kralingse Bos 戶外BBQ好去處
在 荷蘭 ,一到夏天,成群結隊的人們就會跑到戶外綠樹成蔭,芳草萋萋,小河環繞或者 大湖
依傍的開闊地帶進行燒烤。當地供貨商為了順應這種習俗,提供了各種便利的簡易設施, 比如
不過,由於受到海洋氣流影響, 荷蘭 天氣說變就變。本應是31度高溫的炎熱夏日,頃刻間大雨傾盆。當BBQ遇上暴風雨會是中怎樣的體驗?請看此篇燒烤紀事。
In the Netherlands, people tend to go outside when summer is coming. They will
select an open space for a barbeque where green trees shield, grass carpet,
and normally a river surrounds or a lake nearby. Complying with the BBQ
custom, suppliers provide various BBQ tools, such as the carriable BBQ grill,
coal, igniting woods, and even the one-time BBQ outfit. Besides that, the
customized-food for BBQ definitely could be easily accessed.
Due to the impact of the maritime airstream, the Netherlands' weather could
change quickly. The supposed hot day with 31 centigrade temperature encounters
the unpredictable storm. How will it be? Take a look at this doc.
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依傍的開闊地帶進行燒烤。當地供貨商為了順應這種習俗,提供了各種便利的簡易設施, 比如
不過,由於受到海洋氣流影響, 荷蘭 天氣說變就變。本應是31度高溫的炎熱夏日,頃刻間大雨傾盆。當BBQ遇上暴風雨會是中怎樣的體驗?請看此篇燒烤紀事。
In the Netherlands, people tend to go outside when summer is coming. They will
select an open space for a barbeque where green trees shield, grass carpet,
and normally a river surrounds or a lake nearby. Complying with the BBQ
custom, suppliers provide various BBQ tools, such as the carriable BBQ grill,
coal, igniting woods, and even the one-time BBQ outfit. Besides that, the
customized-food for BBQ definitely could be easily accessed.
Due to the impact of the maritime airstream, the Netherlands' weather could
change quickly. The supposed hot day with 31 centigrade temperature encounters
the unpredictable storm. How will it be? Take a look at this doc.

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