↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre 植物園裡有很多看起來很有年紀的樹,其他我就沒看到什麼了,很多地方都是private,不讓進入。
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre 不知道是不是季節不對,植物園裡的花不多。
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre
↑Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre 一個中轉站,什麼行程都沒有安排,意外遇到周末巴士停運,意外收穫了這場美麗的旅程,格外驚喜,這可能就是旅行真正的快樂吧!莫頓因馬什,不枉此行! Broadway 百老匯的驚喜百老匯小鎮也是聲名在外,也是此行很期待的一站。之前天氣一直不好,終於等到一個晴天,向百老匯出發!在民宿還遇到一個來自 廣州 的小伙伴,她也正好要去百老匯,於是就結伴同行啦。一到小鎮,就看到一個很別緻的小店,於是就進來參觀一下,很藝術。