🎫門票💲 0停車費💲10
⚠️ 拉斯維加斯 交通,堵車,車流量大,司機素質差(可能喝醉)周五到 拉斯維加斯 塞車2個小時,遇到很多交通事故,到處是警車,消防車,救護車。。即便疫情期間,也是到處堵車,找不到停車位。街上擁擠,不戴口罩的人很多

The Fremont Street Experience is a pedestrian mall and attraction in downtown Las Vegas, Nevada. The FSE occupies the westernmost five blocks of Fremont Street

Comprised of seven towers of colorful, stacked boulders standing more than thirty feet high, Seven Magic Mountains is situated within the Ivanpah Valley adjacent .Seven Magic Mountains, a two-year public art installation by renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone,Visible across the desert landscape along Interstate 15, Seven Magic Mountains offers a creative critique of the simulacra of destinations like Las Vegas. According to Rondinone, the location is physically and symbolically mid-way between the natural and the artificial: the natural is expressed by the mountain ranges, desert, and Jean Dry Lake backdrop, and the artificial is expressed by the highway and the constant flow of traffic between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

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