Istanbul day 7th 29.09.2022
today is a little bit special for me, it's Thursday so everybody's out, so I wanted to go out alone, to the cat statue Tombili. I saw her on the news like about 6 or 7 years ago and when I first saw that cat I was like I got to see this cat, but later on she was announced died and the local government honored her with a statue and when I saw that I told myself that one day I will have to go to that place and see it with my own eyes, so 6 yrs later, here I'm in Istanbul. the cat statue is so far from where I'm cuz it's in the Asia side of Istanbul(I'm living in the European side, it sounds crazily far but with public transportation it takes about 2 hrs)
so as I started to search for the location I found out that it was permanently removed, the cat statue is no longer there, I was a little bit upset about that and I told Merve she was like I'm so sorry and I was like it's okay
so this was the pic that I took from the same place, it's long gone

then I planned to go back and when I was walking down the street I felt a little bit hungry so I went into a place where they sell this so called tavuk döner(tavuk means chicken, döner is the taco looking food) it was sth like 60 liras? when I walked into the store actually nobody spoke English I was like u speak English? they shook their heads and grinned lol, so I used google translate to talk to them, and there was a man asked me if I need to charge, he was so nice lol and he helped me charging my insta 360 camera. after finishing my food I told them this food is super delicious thx for serving me and we shook hands before I left.
as I walked back it was like 4 so I decided to get myself some Chinese seasoning so I can cook Chinese food, as I walked back I saw a bunch of pigeons it was kinda cool.
later I went there and I arrived in Taksim, it was kinda cool so I took a few pics and also I saw a crowd of people were playing music so I went up and recorded it but later there's a man came up to me and was like sorry we r shooting please stay a little bit of distance then I found out here was a camera group out there and I was like sorry sorry I didn't know. so I went to somewhere else. 
after for like 5 minutes of walking I found this place. it was kinda cool there was a woman sitting on the steps to the store(at first I didn't recognize her as a woman lol she looked too masculine. I saw a few Chinese inside so I asked them in Cantonese you speak Cantonese here? and the young boy shaked his hand I guess he didn't even speak Mandarin, then I found another middle age man and I talked to him in Mandarin I was like you speak Mandarin here? and he was like I'm Chinese ofc I do(with a northern accent). then I asked him for a few seasonings and he helped me found them. 
when I was ready to go back it was a little bit too late, I saw there was a flower market when i was looking for the bus station, so I came up and bought a few, white for Elifsu, red for Merve, purple for Helin and pink for Anne. then I was looking for the bus station but I couldn't find it so I asked a few pedestrians for help but they didn't know either. then I came up to the policemen somewhere. but damn they didn't know either I was like wtf really.... before I left a police officer found out that I have a camera on my chest and he was like what is this why r you recording us, I was like no it's for traveling, I'm not recording. then I left. then I realized, the bus station is not on the ground level, it's under the plaza, so I went down and found it.
, on the bus
actually I could've taken the metro or metro bus instead of listening to the google map, it took me longer to get home and the traffic was so bad. after getting off the bus I was looking for the taxi, but damn there's no taxi around, I waited for like 10 minutes and still no taxi around, so I decided to walk to another street which was busier, meanwhile Merve had been asking me if I was lost lol, cuz they asked me to go playing basketball, I was like don't worry I'll be back on time. as I walked to the other street, it was so quiet and dark but I felt safe just like in China, my family would never believe that in other countries it can be as safe as in China at night. so later when I arrived, I saw taxi right away and he took me back home, and asked me a few questions like where u from whatchu doin here(but I used google translate cuz he didn't speak English) arrived, everybody was waiting for me, I asked Elifsu and Helin for help to get my things upstairs and I needed to change too, as I gave the flowers to them they were so touched and they told me this was the first time they receive flowers, I felt happy too😆
then we went to the basketball court to play basketball, me, Merve, her bf, Helin, Elifsu and Efe, a while later Helin's kanka(best friend) came with another guy and we played basketball together. for like an hr later we were ready to go back, then he told me he's coming with a motorcycle I was like wow damn man let me look at it, then I saw his Harley motorcycle it was so cool, so I asked him if I could ride it and he was like oh sure if u know how to ride, then I tried, it was cool but I didn't know how to switch gears damnnnn, but anyway it was fun. after that we went home and slept, it was a great day for me
so as I started to search for the location I found out that it was permanently removed, the cat statue is no longer there, I was a little bit upset about that and I told Merve she was like I'm so sorry and I was like it's okay
so this was the pic that I took from the same place, it's long gone

actually I could've taken the metro or metro bus instead of listening to the google map, it took me longer to get home and the traffic was so bad. after getting off the bus I was looking for the taxi, but damn there's no taxi around, I waited for like 10 minutes and still no taxi around, so I decided to walk to another street which was busier, meanwhile Merve had been asking me if I was lost lol, cuz they asked me to go playing basketball, I was like don't worry I'll be back on time. as I walked to the other street, it was so quiet and dark but I felt safe just like in China, my family would never believe that in other countries it can be as safe as in China at night. so later when I arrived, I saw taxi right away and he took me back home, and asked me a few questions like where u from whatchu doin here(but I used google translate cuz he didn't speak English) arrived, everybody was waiting for me, I asked Elifsu and Helin for help to get my things upstairs and I needed to change too, as I gave the flowers to them they were so touched and they told me this was the first time they receive flowers, I felt happy too😆
then we went to the basketball court to play basketball, me, Merve, her bf, Helin, Elifsu and Efe, a while later Helin's kanka(best friend) came with another guy and we played basketball together. for like an hr later we were ready to go back, then he told me he's coming with a motorcycle I was like wow damn man let me look at it, then I saw his Harley motorcycle it was so cool, so I asked him if I could ride it and he was like oh sure if u know how to ride, then I tried, it was cool but I didn't know how to switch gears damnnnn, but anyway it was fun. after that we went home and slept, it was a great day for me