
最後,用 大英 博物館對 中國 館的說明來結束 中國 館的參觀。
The Chinese have created the single most extensive and enduring civilization in the world. Their language, spoken and written in the same forms over nearly four thousand years, binds their vast country together and links the present with the past, expressing a unified culture unmatched elsewhere.
中國 人創造了世界上獨一無二的最為廣博、持續的文明。他們的語言,無論是口頭的還是書面的,近四千來幾乎保持不變,將這個遼闊的國家連結在一起,並將過去與現在緊密聯繫在一起,傳達了世界其它任何一個國家都無與倫比的統一的文化。
In contrast, the land of China is one of great geographical diversity. Bordered by mountains, steppes and desserts, the immense central plains are watered by great rivers, supporting a dense population, a large part of which has always been tied to the land, but which has also proved itself extraordinarily skilled in the production of material goods of a high quality.
與此相反, 中國 又是一個地理上多樣性極大的地區之一。山脈、草原、沙漠為疆,被寬闊的河流環繞著的大平原養育著密集的人口,他們始終依戀著這片土地,並且他們以高質量的物質產品顯示出他們高超的技能。
In spite of the vast size of the country, and the periodic eruptions of social unrest within or invasion from outside, China’s rulers have always sought a single, strong, unified state administered by an educated elite. The bonds of society have been held in place by language, codes of law, custom and ceremony, as well as by the wide distribution of the products of the arts and manufacturing.
儘管這個國家幅員遼闊,並且內亂外侵不斷,但 中國 的統治者總能通過依靠社會上的傑出人才探索出獨一無二、強大和統一的國家管理方式。語言文化、法律法規、風俗習慣,以及藝術與製造產品的廣泛交流將這個社會恰當地聯繫起來 非洲館