York Hotel,處於CBD中心街區。
該酒店由 John Crothers在1900~1901年建造,歷史價值認定的主要過程如下:The hotel was classified by the National Trust of Australia on 7 May 1977. It was also entered onto the Register of the National Estate by the Australian Heritage Commission on 21 October 1980. Additionally, it has been listed on the State Heritage Register since 9 February 1996. 其他建築,詳細的歷史有些找不到,就不列在這裡了。
卡村居民一般是別墅為主,所以當地的小房子也具有很高的觀賞性。 William Grundt Memorial Library對公眾開放的圖書館,面積比較小,但適合看書學習。
Rosenbery Park普通的城市公園,沒啥意思,就是一片草地和一些比較高的樹,去過兩次,第一次是徒步的時候路過,第二次路過就一點感覺也沒有了,沒必要單獨過去,沒啥特殊的吸引物。
Red hill lookout跟朋友一起開車過去的,不過附近的鹽湖正在開礦,所以鹽湖進不去(地圖上顯示的公路實際上不讓過去,只有通行證才讓過去),然後返回去到了這個look out,可以直接開車上去,不太高,不過視野還算不錯,可以看到鹽湖的一部分,和走近鹽湖是兩種感覺。如果自駕到了附近,還是可以順便去看看的。
卡村還有一個對公眾開放的鹽湖Lake Ballard,這個鹽湖非常出名,屬於旅游打卡的地方,如果有車可以去,沒車去不了。
Lake Ballard, just over 50 kilometres West of Menzies, has become the newest attraction for the region. It has created international attention for the 'Inside Australia' exhibition, created by Antony Gormley. He has created 51 figures, all derived from laser scans of the inhabitants of Menzies at the time, which are placed around a seven square kilometre area of the salt lake bed. The sculptures travelled 780kms from the foundry in Perth to the site on Lake Ballard, and it took a team of 18 volunteers, 4 days to install all 51 sculptures. This really is a sight to behold - its why we go on about it so much!
Lake Ballard is also a significant part of the region's salt lake system and is a breeding habitat for species of water fowl, the Banded Stilt. Due to Cyclone Bobby in 1995, the vast salt crusts had been covered in warm shallow water, the long dormant brine shrimp were once again hatching. There was then an unbelievable frenzy of activity with an estimated 4,500 nests within days. Birds seem to be bustling in every direction. This was a very rare occurrence having only occurred approximately seven times in 215 years at Lake Ballard. 給留學人員最後的溫馨提醒❤儘管對我而言卡村已經由陌生變得熟悉,但對於大部分 中國 人而言,這裡的生活是非常枯燥無聊的。
該酒店由 John Crothers在1900~1901年建造,歷史價值認定的主要過程如下:The hotel was classified by the National Trust of Australia on 7 May 1977. It was also entered onto the Register of the National Estate by the Australian Heritage Commission on 21 October 1980. Additionally, it has been listed on the State Heritage Register since 9 February 1996. 其他建築,詳細的歷史有些找不到,就不列在這裡了。
卡村居民一般是別墅為主,所以當地的小房子也具有很高的觀賞性。 William Grundt Memorial Library對公眾開放的圖書館,面積比較小,但適合看書學習。
Rosenbery Park普通的城市公園,沒啥意思,就是一片草地和一些比較高的樹,去過兩次,第一次是徒步的時候路過,第二次路過就一點感覺也沒有了,沒必要單獨過去,沒啥特殊的吸引物。
Red hill lookout跟朋友一起開車過去的,不過附近的鹽湖正在開礦,所以鹽湖進不去(地圖上顯示的公路實際上不讓過去,只有通行證才讓過去),然後返回去到了這個look out,可以直接開車上去,不太高,不過視野還算不錯,可以看到鹽湖的一部分,和走近鹽湖是兩種感覺。如果自駕到了附近,還是可以順便去看看的。
卡村還有一個對公眾開放的鹽湖Lake Ballard,這個鹽湖非常出名,屬於旅游打卡的地方,如果有車可以去,沒車去不了。
Lake Ballard, just over 50 kilometres West of Menzies, has become the newest attraction for the region. It has created international attention for the 'Inside Australia' exhibition, created by Antony Gormley. He has created 51 figures, all derived from laser scans of the inhabitants of Menzies at the time, which are placed around a seven square kilometre area of the salt lake bed. The sculptures travelled 780kms from the foundry in Perth to the site on Lake Ballard, and it took a team of 18 volunteers, 4 days to install all 51 sculptures. This really is a sight to behold - its why we go on about it so much!
Lake Ballard is also a significant part of the region's salt lake system and is a breeding habitat for species of water fowl, the Banded Stilt. Due to Cyclone Bobby in 1995, the vast salt crusts had been covered in warm shallow water, the long dormant brine shrimp were once again hatching. There was then an unbelievable frenzy of activity with an estimated 4,500 nests within days. Birds seem to be bustling in every direction. This was a very rare occurrence having only occurred approximately seven times in 215 years at Lake Ballard. 給留學人員最後的溫馨提醒❤儘管對我而言卡村已經由陌生變得熟悉,但對於大部分 中國 人而言,這裡的生活是非常枯燥無聊的。