2019年11月 上海申請葡萄牙申根簽證(更新🀄️)
Prepare all the necessary documents listed below before you deliver the application, otherwise the
application might be refused by the Embassy of Portugal in Beijing. All documents must be
presented in original and all documents have to be translated into English or Portuguese in a separate
在向使館遞交申請時請按以下清單準備好所有所需材料,否則簽證申請可能被 葡萄牙 駐華大使館拒簽。所有材料必須是原件,中文材料請另譯成英文或 葡萄牙 語文。
Note: The application material should be placed in the following order, when submitted to the Embassy
備註: 向使館遞交簽證申請時,請將申請材料按以下順序排列整理有序: 1.1、申請表和照片Visa application form, signed by the applicant,accompanied by one colour photograph with the following specifications: passport type, neutral background, 3.5 ×4.5 cm, dating from the last 6 months
1 份填寫完整並由申請人親筆簽名的申請表,一張近期6 個月以內的照片,要求白色背景,3.5x4.5 釐
表格為PDF格式。您需要使用 Adobe Acrobat 軟件瀏覽和下載這些表格。
請點擊這裡下載 Adobe Acrobat Reader。
表格打開時,將表格保存到您的電腦上或在所需鏈接上單擊鼠標右鍵從選擇項中選"另存為"將表格保存到您的電腦上 註意:提交的照片須符合下述要求。
請將一張照片黏貼在簽證申請表上與申請資料一起提交簽證申請中心。 1.2、護照Passport valid for no less than 3 months from the date of termination of the visa applied for, with copy of the identification pages, as well as previous visas that may have been issued by other countries. If the latest visa with VIS data is on an old passport, the old passport should also be presented.
護照 (其有效期在擬申請的簽證到期後仍不少於3 個月, 必須至少有兩張連續空白簽證頁)和個人信息頁,如有延期頁和其他國家的簽證及所有使用頁 ,需提供首尾頁兩份和所有使用頁一份的複印件。如
果最近一次採集指紋信息的簽證頁在舊護照上,需要出示舊護照。 1.3、財力證明和在職證明(英文)Proof of solvency of the applicant:
\- Bank statement from the last 3 to 6 months,no deposits.
For employees:
\- Sealed copy of the business license of the employing company.
\- A letter from the employer (in English, or in Chinese with English translation) on official company paper with stamp, signature, date and clearly mentioning: ˙address, telephone and fax numbers of the employing company ˙name and position in the employing company of the countersigning officer ˙the name of the applicant, position, salary and years of service ˙approval of leave or absence.
For retired person:
\- Proof of pension or other regular income.
For unemployed adults:
\- If married: Letter of employment and income of spouse and notary certificate of marriage,legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate.
\- If single/divorced/widow/widower: Any other
proof of regular income.
\- 最近3 至6 個月的銀行對賬單,無需存款證明
\- 蓋章的公司營業執照複印件
\- 由雇主出具的證明信,需使用公司正式的信頭紙並加蓋公章,簽字,並明確日期及如下信息:任
\- 養老金或其他固定收入證明
\- 已婚者提供配偶的在職和收入證明加婚姻關係公
證書原件(由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認
\- 如果是單身\離異\喪偶,提供其他固定收入證明 1.4、未成年人證明(英文)For minors (under 18):
Student card & Original letter of the school:
\- full address, telephone number of the school
\- permission for absence
\- name and function of the person giving the
\- 1 photocopy thereof
\- Minors travelling alone or with one parent:Notary Certificate of permission to travel from both parents or legal guardians (when minor is travelling alone) or the parent or legal guardian not travelling (if minor is travelling with one parent), legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate,and when not in China, attested by the relevant authorities in the country of residence.
\- Notary Certificate of family relation or proof of guardianship, legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate.
未成年人(18 歲以下):
學生證 + 學校出具的證明信原件,包含如下信息:
\- 完整的學校地址及電話
\- 准假證明
\- 批准人的姓名及職位
\- 複印件一份
\- 未成年單獨旅行或者和單方家長旅行時:(當未成年人單獨旅行時)由雙方家長或法定監護人出具的,或者(當未成年人跟隨單方家長或監護人旅行時)由不同行的另一家長或者監護人出具的出行同意書的公證書,並由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認證書的原件;在 中國 境外辦理時由境外相關政府機構辦理該公證
\- 家庭關係或監護人關係公證書,並由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認證書的原件 1.5、旅行行程單(英文)Travel programme: Documents providing clear evidences about your travel programme (booking transportation, itinerary, etc.)
能夠清晰展示旅行計劃的文件(交通方式預訂, 行程單等) 1.6、機票行程單(英文)Flight Reservation: When applying for a visa for multiple visits: reservation of the first visit. Attention: A confirmed return ticket. The ticket should be bought only after the visa has been issued!
註意: 需為確認的往返機票。 機票應該在簽證簽發後出票付款 1.7、酒店訂單(英文)Proof of accommodation: For the whole duration of the intended stay.
住宿證明:涵蓋在 申根 國家停留的全部住宿 。 1.8、保險(英文)Travel medical insurance valid for all Schengen countries, for the duration of the stay, with coverage of no less than EUR30,000.
能覆蓋在 申根 地區的實際停留時間,且最低3 萬歐元 (300,000 人民幣) 保額的醫療保險。 1.9、戶口本(上海資料表註明翻譯英文)Original “Hukou” with photocopies of all the pages (no translation, only for Chinese nationals)
戶口本原件和全部有內容頁的複印件 1.10、外籍申請人For Non-Chinese visa applicant: copy of valid Chinese residence permit, the validity must be up to 90 days after completion of intended trip to Schengen Area
居住在 中國 的外籍的申請人: 提供 中國 居留許可複印件,且離開 申根 國後該居留許可有效期至少為90
Note: The Embassy reserves the right to request additional information/documentation and, if deemed necessary, to interview the
applicant/備註: 使館保留要求申請人提供補充材料或文件的權利。如若必要,申請者將被要求前往使館面試。
Inquiry Officer to delete as appropriate
1\. The applicant has confirmed that s/he has no other documents to submit
申請人已經確認她/他不提交其他文件 或者
2\. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above. I have advised him / her that
failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused, but
s/he has chosen to proceed with the application.
交申請。 2、旅游簽證申請表https://www.vfsglobal.cn/Portugal/China/pdf/visa_application_form_140815.pdf 四、預約材料遞交日期 預約申請請註意,在 上海 , 南京 , 杭州 葡萄牙 簽證申請中心遞交的個人簽證申請必須提前在線預約。該制度僅針對在 上海 , 南京 , 杭州 葡萄牙 簽證申請中心遞交的個人簽證申請。在其他城市的 葡萄牙 簽證中心遞交申請,無須預約,直接前往簽證中心辦理即可。
網站鏈接 https://online.vfsglobal.com/Global-Appointment/Account/Registered當月預約基本上只能撿漏(有人取消預約),每月15-20日預約下月的送簽 照片規格(二樓拍照)照片尺寸基本上不太會有問題,清晰度一定要高些,我們4人所以材料都沒挑出毛病,就照片卡了2人。 註意:提交的照片須符合下述要求。
請將一張照片黏貼在簽證申請表上與申請資料一起提交簽證申請中心。 3樓自助複印件(2元/張)資料不齊3樓有自助複印件 現金繳費
application might be refused by the Embassy of Portugal in Beijing. All documents must be
presented in original and all documents have to be translated into English or Portuguese in a separate
在向使館遞交申請時請按以下清單準備好所有所需材料,否則簽證申請可能被 葡萄牙 駐華大使館拒簽。所有材料必須是原件,中文材料請另譯成英文或 葡萄牙 語文。
Note: The application material should be placed in the following order, when submitted to the Embassy
備註: 向使館遞交簽證申請時,請將申請材料按以下順序排列整理有序: 1.1、申請表和照片Visa application form, signed by the applicant,accompanied by one colour photograph with the following specifications: passport type, neutral background, 3.5 ×4.5 cm, dating from the last 6 months
1 份填寫完整並由申請人親筆簽名的申請表,一張近期6 個月以內的照片,要求白色背景,3.5x4.5 釐
表格為PDF格式。您需要使用 Adobe Acrobat 軟件瀏覽和下載這些表格。
請點擊這裡下載 Adobe Acrobat Reader。
表格打開時,將表格保存到您的電腦上或在所需鏈接上單擊鼠標右鍵從選擇項中選"另存為"將表格保存到您的電腦上 註意:提交的照片須符合下述要求。
請將一張照片黏貼在簽證申請表上與申請資料一起提交簽證申請中心。 1.2、護照Passport valid for no less than 3 months from the date of termination of the visa applied for, with copy of the identification pages, as well as previous visas that may have been issued by other countries. If the latest visa with VIS data is on an old passport, the old passport should also be presented.
護照 (其有效期在擬申請的簽證到期後仍不少於3 個月, 必須至少有兩張連續空白簽證頁)和個人信息頁,如有延期頁和其他國家的簽證及所有使用頁 ,需提供首尾頁兩份和所有使用頁一份的複印件。如
果最近一次採集指紋信息的簽證頁在舊護照上,需要出示舊護照。 1.3、財力證明和在職證明(英文)Proof of solvency of the applicant:
\- Bank statement from the last 3 to 6 months,no deposits.
For employees:
\- Sealed copy of the business license of the employing company.
\- A letter from the employer (in English, or in Chinese with English translation) on official company paper with stamp, signature, date and clearly mentioning: ˙address, telephone and fax numbers of the employing company ˙name and position in the employing company of the countersigning officer ˙the name of the applicant, position, salary and years of service ˙approval of leave or absence.
For retired person:
\- Proof of pension or other regular income.
For unemployed adults:
\- If married: Letter of employment and income of spouse and notary certificate of marriage,legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate.
\- If single/divorced/widow/widower: Any other
proof of regular income.
\- 最近3 至6 個月的銀行對賬單,無需存款證明
\- 蓋章的公司營業執照複印件
\- 由雇主出具的證明信,需使用公司正式的信頭紙並加蓋公章,簽字,並明確日期及如下信息:任
\- 養老金或其他固定收入證明
\- 已婚者提供配偶的在職和收入證明加婚姻關係公
證書原件(由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認
\- 如果是單身\離異\喪偶,提供其他固定收入證明 1.4、未成年人證明(英文)For minors (under 18):
Student card & Original letter of the school:
\- full address, telephone number of the school
\- permission for absence
\- name and function of the person giving the
\- 1 photocopy thereof
\- Minors travelling alone or with one parent:Notary Certificate of permission to travel from both parents or legal guardians (when minor is travelling alone) or the parent or legal guardian not travelling (if minor is travelling with one parent), legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate,and when not in China, attested by the relevant authorities in the country of residence.
\- Notary Certificate of family relation or proof of guardianship, legalised by the Chinese MFA and a Portuguese Embassy/Consulate.
未成年人(18 歲以下):
學生證 + 學校出具的證明信原件,包含如下信息:
\- 完整的學校地址及電話
\- 准假證明
\- 批准人的姓名及職位
\- 複印件一份
\- 未成年單獨旅行或者和單方家長旅行時:(當未成年人單獨旅行時)由雙方家長或法定監護人出具的,或者(當未成年人跟隨單方家長或監護人旅行時)由不同行的另一家長或者監護人出具的出行同意書的公證書,並由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認證書的原件;在 中國 境外辦理時由境外相關政府機構辦理該公證
\- 家庭關係或監護人關係公證書,並由 中國 外交部和 葡萄牙 使領館雙認證書的原件 1.5、旅行行程單(英文)Travel programme: Documents providing clear evidences about your travel programme (booking transportation, itinerary, etc.)
能夠清晰展示旅行計劃的文件(交通方式預訂, 行程單等) 1.6、機票行程單(英文)Flight Reservation: When applying for a visa for multiple visits: reservation of the first visit. Attention: A confirmed return ticket. The ticket should be bought only after the visa has been issued!
註意: 需為確認的往返機票。 機票應該在簽證簽發後出票付款 1.7、酒店訂單(英文)Proof of accommodation: For the whole duration of the intended stay.
住宿證明:涵蓋在 申根 國家停留的全部住宿 。 1.8、保險(英文)Travel medical insurance valid for all Schengen countries, for the duration of the stay, with coverage of no less than EUR30,000.
能覆蓋在 申根 地區的實際停留時間,且最低3 萬歐元 (300,000 人民幣) 保額的醫療保險。 1.9、戶口本(上海資料表註明翻譯英文)Original “Hukou” with photocopies of all the pages (no translation, only for Chinese nationals)
戶口本原件和全部有內容頁的複印件 1.10、外籍申請人For Non-Chinese visa applicant: copy of valid Chinese residence permit, the validity must be up to 90 days after completion of intended trip to Schengen Area
居住在 中國 的外籍的申請人: 提供 中國 居留許可複印件,且離開 申根 國後該居留許可有效期至少為90
Note: The Embassy reserves the right to request additional information/documentation and, if deemed necessary, to interview the
applicant/備註: 使館保留要求申請人提供補充材料或文件的權利。如若必要,申請者將被要求前往使館面試。
Inquiry Officer to delete as appropriate
1\. The applicant has confirmed that s/he has no other documents to submit
申請人已經確認她/他不提交其他文件 或者
2\. The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above. I have advised him / her that
failure to submit all necessary documents may result in the application being refused, but
s/he has chosen to proceed with the application.
交申請。 2、旅游簽證申請表https://www.vfsglobal.cn/Portugal/China/pdf/visa_application_form_140815.pdf 四、預約材料遞交日期 預約申請請註意,在 上海 , 南京 , 杭州 葡萄牙 簽證申請中心遞交的個人簽證申請必須提前在線預約。該制度僅針對在 上海 , 南京 , 杭州 葡萄牙 簽證申請中心遞交的個人簽證申請。在其他城市的 葡萄牙 簽證中心遞交申請,無須預約,直接前往簽證中心辦理即可。
網站鏈接 https://online.vfsglobal.com/Global-Appointment/Account/Registered當月預約基本上只能撿漏(有人取消預約),每月15-20日預約下月的送簽 照片規格(二樓拍照)照片尺寸基本上不太會有問題,清晰度一定要高些,我們4人所以材料都沒挑出毛病,就照片卡了2人。 註意:提交的照片須符合下述要求。
請將一張照片黏貼在簽證申請表上與申請資料一起提交簽證申請中心。 3樓自助複印件(2元/張)資料不齊3樓有自助複印件 現金繳費