***Mona Lisa also known as "La Gioconda"***
這個反正大家都見過,你們拍畫,我就拍人好了 窗外一瞥 盧浮宮的所有樓梯都很有特色
***Aphrodite known as the Venus de Milo***
The Venus de Milo was discovered in 1820 on the island of Melos (Milos in modern Greek) in the south-western Cyclades. The Marquis de Rivière presented it to Louis XVIII, who donated it to the Louvre the following year. The statue won instant and lasting fame. Essentially two blocks of marble, it is comprised of several parts which were sculpted separately (bust, legs, left arm and foot) then fixed with vertical pegs, a technique which was fairly common in the Greek world (especially in the Cyclades, where this work was produced around 100 BC). The goddess originally wore metal jewelry — bracelet, earrings, and headband — of which only the fixation holes remain. The marble may have been embellished with (now faded) polychromy. The arms were never found. ***Artemis with a doe known as the Diana of Versailles***
This work was a gift from Pope Paul IV to the French king Henri II, and one of the first ancient statues to arrive in France. The goddess - Diana to the Romans, Artemis to the Greeks -was Apollo's twin sister. The goddess of chastity, and a tireless hunter whose arrows could punish the misdeeds of men, she is depicted here accompanied by a deer. The statue is based on a fourth-century BC Greek bronze attributed to Leochares. 盧浮宮一日游結束,真的自己走斷腿,肩膀都疼了,不過出口的玻璃金字塔,很美。 從盧浮宮出來,商場門口的小姐姐發了一個萌萌的餅干, 中國 的農曆新年真的是走向世界咯。 一天結束回家咯, 巴黎 的車有三層,寬敞舒適,地鐵站也比NY要乾凈許多。其實還有很多遺憾吧,時間不足,知識儲備也不足,對油畫知之甚少,所以大部分展品都走馬觀花的過去了。以上展品沒有古 埃及 的,嗯,因為本人略迷信,沒怎麼敢照。好了,今日到此結束 巴黎的甜點!!!最後作為甜食愛好者,一天三頓甜點我都可以, 巴黎 真的是天堂!
眾多馬卡龍中,感覺Pierre Hermé的餡料最細膩,而且也不會很甜,不過3歐一個也算是很貴了哇。 Pierre Hermé的這個拿破侖2000 feuilles有著濃濃的榛子醬,特別香不會膩。 Pierre Hermé還有一大經典就是這個巨大的心形“馬卡龍”,店員說外殼做法是一樣的呢。 Angelina的慄子蛋糕Mont-Blanc是真的好吃,裡面還有一層不甜的奶油和慄子蓉! Merveille裡面餡料充足,欲罷不能吖 這個很想吃,不過吃不下了,等有機會的吧 帶酒味的慄子蛋糕非常迷人(中間那個綠綠的 L’éclair de Génie — Christophe Adam閃電泡芙! 法國 出門的藍紋奶酪,人間風味中也介紹過,由於綠黴菌的繁殖而有淡淡的臭味,不過再好聽,寶寶也是真的接受不了。 真誠的感謝我堯的收留,認識了楚姐 和碩 哥,家裡的佈置真的是溫馨吖。
這個反正大家都見過,你們拍畫,我就拍人好了 窗外一瞥 盧浮宮的所有樓梯都很有特色
***Aphrodite known as the Venus de Milo***
The Venus de Milo was discovered in 1820 on the island of Melos (Milos in modern Greek) in the south-western Cyclades. The Marquis de Rivière presented it to Louis XVIII, who donated it to the Louvre the following year. The statue won instant and lasting fame. Essentially two blocks of marble, it is comprised of several parts which were sculpted separately (bust, legs, left arm and foot) then fixed with vertical pegs, a technique which was fairly common in the Greek world (especially in the Cyclades, where this work was produced around 100 BC). The goddess originally wore metal jewelry — bracelet, earrings, and headband — of which only the fixation holes remain. The marble may have been embellished with (now faded) polychromy. The arms were never found. ***Artemis with a doe known as the Diana of Versailles***
This work was a gift from Pope Paul IV to the French king Henri II, and one of the first ancient statues to arrive in France. The goddess - Diana to the Romans, Artemis to the Greeks -was Apollo's twin sister. The goddess of chastity, and a tireless hunter whose arrows could punish the misdeeds of men, she is depicted here accompanied by a deer. The statue is based on a fourth-century BC Greek bronze attributed to Leochares. 盧浮宮一日游結束,真的自己走斷腿,肩膀都疼了,不過出口的玻璃金字塔,很美。 從盧浮宮出來,商場門口的小姐姐發了一個萌萌的餅干, 中國 的農曆新年真的是走向世界咯。 一天結束回家咯, 巴黎 的車有三層,寬敞舒適,地鐵站也比NY要乾凈許多。其實還有很多遺憾吧,時間不足,知識儲備也不足,對油畫知之甚少,所以大部分展品都走馬觀花的過去了。以上展品沒有古 埃及 的,嗯,因為本人略迷信,沒怎麼敢照。好了,今日到此結束 巴黎的甜點!!!最後作為甜食愛好者,一天三頓甜點我都可以, 巴黎 真的是天堂!
眾多馬卡龍中,感覺Pierre Hermé的餡料最細膩,而且也不會很甜,不過3歐一個也算是很貴了哇。 Pierre Hermé的這個拿破侖2000 feuilles有著濃濃的榛子醬,特別香不會膩。 Pierre Hermé還有一大經典就是這個巨大的心形“馬卡龍”,店員說外殼做法是一樣的呢。 Angelina的慄子蛋糕Mont-Blanc是真的好吃,裡面還有一層不甜的奶油和慄子蓉! Merveille裡面餡料充足,欲罷不能吖 這個很想吃,不過吃不下了,等有機會的吧 帶酒味的慄子蛋糕非常迷人(中間那個綠綠的 L’éclair de Génie — Christophe Adam閃電泡芙! 法國 出門的藍紋奶酪,人間風味中也介紹過,由於綠黴菌的繁殖而有淡淡的臭味,不過再好聽,寶寶也是真的接受不了。 真誠的感謝我堯的收留,認識了楚姐 和碩 哥,家裡的佈置真的是溫馨吖。