大溪地 ,蜜月聖地,
在我心裡完勝了 夏威夷 的美麗風光
Tahiti, the best choice for Honey Moon,
The nearest place to the Heaven,
Where you can wait for a boat in the airport,
Like your fantastic love,
Is even more beautiful than Hawaii.
So, why did we choose Tahiti as our Honeymoon? Actually, it is because both of us are die-hard fans of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Do you still remember the line "Tahiti, it's a magical place!" by Phil Coulson? We do really wonder what will happen if we go there. 

陽光 . 沙灘 . 波利尼亞
事實上, 大溪地 只是人們對法屬波利尼西群島的習慣稱呼,也是國際機場法阿 (Faa'a) 的所在地。由於國內沒有直飛 大溪地 的航班,小編夫婦選擇了 洛杉磯 作為中轉站,除了機票便宜,還可以蹭一頓 洛杉磯 的Boiling Crab。
In fact, Tahiti is merely one of Polynesia Islands, where the International airport Faa'a is. As there is no direct flight from China to Tahiti, we chose Los Angeles as our transition, so that we could have a chance to eat the famous Boliing Crab in L.A..
行程選擇 Plan
1 帕皮提 Papeete 3 days
2 波拉波拉Bora Bora 3 days
3 莫雷 阿 Moorea 1 day
4 胡阿希內 Huanine 4 days
大家能在網上看到的自由行攻略都會去到前三個島嶼,尤其是勝名遠揚的 波拉波拉島 ,預算充足的話,你就可以一直在這個島上待著,蜜月的最佳選擇。最後一個選項在去潛水勝地 法卡拉瓦環礁 還是普通小島胡阿因內里,小編一家選擇了後者,但絕對是人跡罕至的意外收穫。
Most people will go and visit the first three islands, especially the very well-known Bora Bora. If you have sufficient budget, you can choose to stay on Bora Bora for the whole vacation. For the fourth option, we chose Huanine instead of Fakarava, where few people tread.
來自一位低估了 大溪地 陽光殺傷力的無知婦女的悔恨~
鑒於小編是晚上到達的 大溪地 帕皮提 島,並沒有馬不停蹄地飛去波拉波拉,而是在機場附近的小酒店住了一晚上,因此第二天有時間提前在這個大島上閑散地溜達了一圈。As we arrived at Papeete at night, there was no flight to Bora Bora, so we stayed near the airport and we could have time strolling on the island next day.
帕皮提 也是 大溪地 群島的“首都”,因為畢竟是法屬領域,當地人也都傲嬌地認為 巴黎 才是我們的首都嘛,但山高皇帝遠,我們也是有自己的行政中心的啦。
帕皮提 初印象除了藍天碧水,小島風情,就是真的好熱啊啊啊啊!奔著看看當地麥當勞特色的初衷,我們溜達到了市場附近,路過了不大的聖母大教堂。
Papeete is the "Captial" of Polynesia, though local people admitted that Paris is their real capital which is too far to govern them.
The first impression of Papeete is blue sky and water, as well as the island tone. Besides, it is really damn hot here! With the intention to try local McDonald's, we luckily passed by Notre Dame Cathedral of the city.
※ 帕 皮 提 初 印 象 ※

Bora Bora波拉波拉Bora Bora

大溪地 小島之間的航班都是小飛機,航班不多,所以一定要規劃好自己的行程時間哦,對了,行李也有限重免費一件20kg.
Transferring among the islands in Tahiti are all small or private planes. There are not that many flights, so you need to plan your schedule ahead.

怎麼說呢,波拉波拉一定是小編在這個世界上最喜愛的小島了,聽到一句“Bora Bora”,想想科爾森記憶力的“Magic Place”,身臨其境卻如夢如幻,美到不真實。鑒於是度假勝地,為了享受大自然的風光,重點就是酒店的選擇了,瑞吉、四季、洲際就看心情選擇吧,反正Bora Bora的物價都挺高的,小編一家選擇了洲際大概1300刀一天,已經很舒服了~鑒於怎麼拍都覺得美,接下來就是一大波照片襲來,請準備好你們的流量。
Well, in my own opinion, Bora Bora is my favourite island in the world. When you heard local people saying "Bora Bora" but seeing the scenery in Coulson's faked memory, everything feels so real and unreal. Being a vacation resort, the most important thing is hotel selection, but actually the price are all high on Bora Bora. We chose the InterContinenta. Now, let's cut the crap and enjoy the pictures. Please prepare for your cellphone data.



在我心裡完勝了 夏威夷 的美麗風光
Tahiti, the best choice for Honey Moon,
The nearest place to the Heaven,
Where you can wait for a boat in the airport,
Like your fantastic love,
Is even more beautiful than Hawaii.

陽光 . 沙灘 . 波利尼亞
事實上, 大溪地 只是人們對法屬波利尼西群島的習慣稱呼,也是國際機場法阿 (Faa'a) 的所在地。由於國內沒有直飛 大溪地 的航班,小編夫婦選擇了 洛杉磯 作為中轉站,除了機票便宜,還可以蹭一頓 洛杉磯 的Boiling Crab。
In fact, Tahiti is merely one of Polynesia Islands, where the International airport Faa'a is. As there is no direct flight from China to Tahiti, we chose Los Angeles as our transition, so that we could have a chance to eat the famous Boliing Crab in L.A..
行程選擇 Plan
1 帕皮提 Papeete 3 days
2 波拉波拉Bora Bora 3 days
3 莫雷 阿 Moorea 1 day
4 胡阿希內 Huanine 4 days
大家能在網上看到的自由行攻略都會去到前三個島嶼,尤其是勝名遠揚的 波拉波拉島 ,預算充足的話,你就可以一直在這個島上待著,蜜月的最佳選擇。最後一個選項在去潛水勝地 法卡拉瓦環礁 還是普通小島胡阿因內里,小編一家選擇了後者,但絕對是人跡罕至的意外收穫。
Most people will go and visit the first three islands, especially the very well-known Bora Bora. If you have sufficient budget, you can choose to stay on Bora Bora for the whole vacation. For the fourth option, we chose Huanine instead of Fakarava, where few people tread.

帕皮提 初印象除了藍天碧水,小島風情,就是真的好熱啊啊啊啊!奔著看看當地麥當勞特色的初衷,我們溜達到了市場附近,路過了不大的聖母大教堂。
Papeete is the "Captial" of Polynesia, though local people admitted that Paris is their real capital which is too far to govern them.
The first impression of Papeete is blue sky and water, as well as the island tone. Besides, it is really damn hot here! With the intention to try local McDonald's, we luckily passed by Notre Dame Cathedral of the city.
※ 帕 皮 提 初 印 象 ※

大溪地 小島之間的航班都是小飛機,航班不多,所以一定要規劃好自己的行程時間哦,對了,行李也有限重免費一件20kg.
Transferring among the islands in Tahiti are all small or private planes. There are not that many flights, so you need to plan your schedule ahead.

Well, in my own opinion, Bora Bora is my favourite island in the world. When you heard local people saying "Bora Bora" but seeing the scenery in Coulson's faked memory, everything feels so real and unreal. Being a vacation resort, the most important thing is hotel selection, but actually the price are all high on Bora Bora. We chose the InterContinenta. Now, let's cut the crap and enjoy the pictures. Please prepare for your cellphone data.
