澳大利亞 是一個地廣人稀的位置,我們5月份去的帕斯,西澳洲聯邦的首府。西澳占全國面積三分之一, 西面是浩瀚的 印度 洋,東面是 澳大利亞 內陸地區。由於人口稀疏,帕斯有世界最孤獨城市之稱(方圓1300英里無規模城市)。每年的世界最佳居住城市評選中都是名列前茅。由於我們行程主要在市外,所以租車成為唯一的選擇。(澳洲包車好貴,報當地團是英文導游,更累!) 

澳洲可以用uber,非常方便,價格比打車便宜一半。需要下載海外版uber app,捆綁雙幣種信用卡(單銀聯不行)使用。澳洲的士一般需要電話預約,路上空駛很少,如果要打車建議去酒店商場周圍。路邊打車拼人品 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述
再等我們來取車,發現車上居然貼了罰單! 罰金50澳! 違章理由:沒有繳納停車費。
澳大利亞 的停車規則,大家百度吧,真心複雜!
違章認了,發個微信群里自嘲一下。結果有朋友說這種情況可以申述。她們也是停車忘記付款被貼罰單,後來郵件申訴 成功 ,處罰由罰款更改為警告。
有了她的 成功 案例,我也開始心心戀戀申述之路。
首先,我先到官網上繳納了罰款(態度端正,認錯人認罰 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)。罰單上面有違章單號,網址,郵箱,電話,郵寄地址等信息。
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is XX. As a Chinese tourist, I had a tour in Fremantle on May 20 2018. I received an infringement notice and notice of offence.Enforcement Agency: Fremantle Police.I am writing this letter to apply for the official warning instead of penalty due.First of all, I do not deny that.I committed the offence.Because it was my first time driving a car in Australia. We arrived at Perth Airport at May 20. and went straight to Frenmantle market after picking up our car. Having parked, we headed directly to the scenic spots. Since we are used to leaving the car at the free public parking spaces by the streets in China and there are people who come up to us to pick up the charge from us if the parking charges are required, we recklessly forgot about the regulation that we were supposed to pay for the charges by ourselves. As a result, we got a parking ticket written by a policeman.I realize that this is no excuse, but I am hoping to apply for the internal review and your kind re-consideration based on my good driving record. I have not had any traffic infringement in the last 3 years in china. This is my first time driving in a foreign country, I had three day’s driving in perth, and I had this one traffic violation only . So I am very carefully always. I do hope that you can kindly withdraw my infringement notice and give me an official warning instead. Your time and consideration of this is greatly appreciated. Enclosed is my detail information of infringement notice.
Yours sincerely。
6.11號上午收到fremantle.wa.gov.au 回信(感慨效率好高。題外話,我申請退稅也幾天就到賬 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)
Dear Cai
Thank you for contacting the City of Fremantle regarding your parking infringement appeal. A request for action has been raised with the parking appeals team. Your request number is XXXXX.
If you have not received a reply within 12 working days from the date of submission please contact Parking Services on 9432 9811.
Kind Regards.
(看語氣,感覺有戲,高興啊 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)
Contact Officer: Parking Services
Dear XX
Thank you for your correspondence received 11 June 2018 concerning parking infringement notice XXXXXXXX in relation to motor vehicle registered number XXXXX.
Careful consideration of the matters you raised in relation to the infringement notice, and the City’s record of the incident, has resulted in a determination that withdrawal of the infringement notice is not supported.
Unfortunately, the onus is on the driver to plan their journey, and arrange payment prior to leaving their vehicle parked in a paid parking bay. The area in which the vehicles were parked was signposted as a Ticket Parking Area between 8am and 1am. The requirement to purchase and display a valid ticket is immediate upon a vehicle taking a position within a ticket issuing machine zone during the hours of operation.
Our machines accept three of the most convenient and widely used methods of payment; coins, card and pay by phone . We also offer free parking on and off street areas. All of these parking options can be found on our website; http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/parking
Please see our appeal criteria here. Unfortunately, based on aforementioned, this infringement will remain valid. Our records indicate that this infringement has been paid.
Should you wish to have this matter dealt with by a magistrate at the Fremantle Magistrates’ Court, please advise us in writing. Perhaps you may wish to obtain legal advice prior to doing so.
The parking local law and the criteria for our infringement notice review are both available on our website www.fremantle.wa.gov.au .
Yours sincerely
申述失敗 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述 拒絕的有理有據。 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述
雖然申訴失敗,還是希望能幫到收到違章的朋友。因為我們是直接收到違章通知,直接在官網上繳納罰款就好了。如果是還車後才收到的罰單(違章通知單會寄到租車公司,租車公司會聯繫你),恭喜你!不光要繳納罰款,租車公司還會扣你一筆不菲的代辦手續費(一百澳起,每個租車公司不等) 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述!在澳洲只要牽連到人辦事就會費錢!澳洲人工貴!沒有免費,幫忙,就便一說!幹活就要收錢!有朋友說不繳能怎麼樣?我註銷信用卡!……在這裡我勸大家千萬別這麼想!國外非常在乎誠信!為這點錢弄的上黑名單不值得,錢小,誠信無價。所以遇到違章首先和租車公司確認,要求看違章通知單原件,避免租車公司貓膩,然後視情況發郵件申請改判。澳洲有些洲相對會寬鬆,滿足一定條件申請罰款改警告還是可以的。最後勸大家在國外開車一定要遵守當地交通規則,安全第一。

澳洲可以用uber,非常方便,價格比打車便宜一半。需要下載海外版uber app,捆綁雙幣種信用卡(單銀聯不行)使用。澳洲的士一般需要電話預約,路上空駛很少,如果要打車建議去酒店商場周圍。路邊打車拼人品 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述



再等我們來取車,發現車上居然貼了罰單! 罰金50澳! 違章理由:沒有繳納停車費。

澳大利亞 的停車規則,大家百度吧,真心複雜!
違章認了,發個微信群里自嘲一下。結果有朋友說這種情況可以申述。她們也是停車忘記付款被貼罰單,後來郵件申訴 成功 ,處罰由罰款更改為警告。
有了她的 成功 案例,我也開始心心戀戀申述之路。
首先,我先到官網上繳納了罰款(態度端正,認錯人認罰 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)。罰單上面有違章單號,網址,郵箱,電話,郵寄地址等信息。

Dear Sir/Madam
My name is XX. As a Chinese tourist, I had a tour in Fremantle on May 20 2018. I received an infringement notice and notice of offence.Enforcement Agency: Fremantle Police.I am writing this letter to apply for the official warning instead of penalty due.First of all, I do not deny that.I committed the offence.Because it was my first time driving a car in Australia. We arrived at Perth Airport at May 20. and went straight to Frenmantle market after picking up our car. Having parked, we headed directly to the scenic spots. Since we are used to leaving the car at the free public parking spaces by the streets in China and there are people who come up to us to pick up the charge from us if the parking charges are required, we recklessly forgot about the regulation that we were supposed to pay for the charges by ourselves. As a result, we got a parking ticket written by a policeman.I realize that this is no excuse, but I am hoping to apply for the internal review and your kind re-consideration based on my good driving record. I have not had any traffic infringement in the last 3 years in china. This is my first time driving in a foreign country, I had three day’s driving in perth, and I had this one traffic violation only . So I am very carefully always. I do hope that you can kindly withdraw my infringement notice and give me an official warning instead. Your time and consideration of this is greatly appreciated. Enclosed is my detail information of infringement notice.
Yours sincerely。
6.11號上午收到fremantle.wa.gov.au 回信(感慨效率好高。題外話,我申請退稅也幾天就到賬 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)
Dear Cai
Thank you for contacting the City of Fremantle regarding your parking infringement appeal. A request for action has been raised with the parking appeals team. Your request number is XXXXX.
If you have not received a reply within 12 working days from the date of submission please contact Parking Services on 9432 9811.
Kind Regards.
(看語氣,感覺有戲,高興啊 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述)
Contact Officer: Parking Services
Dear XX
Thank you for your correspondence received 11 June 2018 concerning parking infringement notice XXXXXXXX in relation to motor vehicle registered number XXXXX.
Careful consideration of the matters you raised in relation to the infringement notice, and the City’s record of the incident, has resulted in a determination that withdrawal of the infringement notice is not supported.
Unfortunately, the onus is on the driver to plan their journey, and arrange payment prior to leaving their vehicle parked in a paid parking bay. The area in which the vehicles were parked was signposted as a Ticket Parking Area between 8am and 1am. The requirement to purchase and display a valid ticket is immediate upon a vehicle taking a position within a ticket issuing machine zone during the hours of operation.
Our machines accept three of the most convenient and widely used methods of payment; coins, card and pay by phone . We also offer free parking on and off street areas. All of these parking options can be found on our website; http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/parking
Please see our appeal criteria here. Unfortunately, based on aforementioned, this infringement will remain valid. Our records indicate that this infringement has been paid.
Should you wish to have this matter dealt with by a magistrate at the Fremantle Magistrates’ Court, please advise us in writing. Perhaps you may wish to obtain legal advice prior to doing so.
The parking local law and the criteria for our infringement notice review are both available on our website www.fremantle.wa.gov.au .
Yours sincerely
申述失敗 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述 拒絕的有理有據。 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述
雖然申訴失敗,還是希望能幫到收到違章的朋友。因為我們是直接收到違章通知,直接在官網上繳納罰款就好了。如果是還車後才收到的罰單(違章通知單會寄到租車公司,租車公司會聯繫你),恭喜你!不光要繳納罰款,租車公司還會扣你一筆不菲的代辦手續費(一百澳起,每個租車公司不等) 澳大利亞 自駕+違章+申述!在澳洲只要牽連到人辦事就會費錢!澳洲人工貴!沒有免費,幫忙,就便一說!幹活就要收錢!有朋友說不繳能怎麼樣?我註銷信用卡!……在這裡我勸大家千萬別這麼想!國外非常在乎誠信!為這點錢弄的上黑名單不值得,錢小,誠信無價。所以遇到違章首先和租車公司確認,要求看違章通知單原件,避免租車公司貓膩,然後視情況發郵件申請改判。澳洲有些洲相對會寬鬆,滿足一定條件申請罰款改警告還是可以的。最後勸大家在國外開車一定要遵守當地交通規則,安全第一。