7月12日 我們出發了!


抵達 倫敦 ,比預計時間還要早一些! 

7月13日的英文游記哈哈,踏上 英國 🇬🇧的土地,我用他們的語言寫下了第一篇游記!
My Diary
What a special day it is!Today we got up at 7:40 in the morning,then we
had a quick breakfast and went to the school.When all people arrived,we started the trip.After a long walk,we visited the Shakespeare Opera House.At about 12,we played the opera named Romeo and Juliet.Maybe we learnt about how to fight,from it right?Ok,it's just a joke!Actually,it was a great and meaningful lesson for us. After that,we went back to the school.
In the afternoon,we had an exam.Luckily,I have been a student of Mr.Richard.He is a humorous man,I think.There was a music lesson we took.That made me become a more confident person than before.
At last,we have changed the house which we lived in,and I gave my gift to the hostess.It's a kind of tradition instrument from China.The hostess said that she really liked it,and she would use it to wake us up tomorrow morning.I was happy to see the look of joy on her face.At about 9:30,I took a shower.It's perfect.I was so tired that I went to bed early in the evening.All in all, Today it's fantastic. 校園一角

一早,我們去到了 白金漢 宮。遠遠望去,只是⼈山,⼈海, 那⾼高⼤大的鐵欄桿似乎⽆無法擋住⼈們的熱情,⽆數雙手高舉著手機, 記錄下那莊嚴神聖的建築物。我們在宮殿外待了了半小時左右後, 便前往附近的HYDE公園。公園的環境不錯,隨處可見在樹下蹦蹦跳跳、搶著麵包塊的鴿子。 下午茶是 英國 的⼀大特色。當然, 我們也沒有錯過。從公園出來後,我們去到了一家酒店,並享⽤了下午茶。同時,這也成為了我們珍貴的午餐。我們在酒店按“T” 字形坐下後,沒過多久,服務員便為我們端上了擺放整齊的 三明 治。約十五分鐘後,精美的小點⼼便盛上來了。加上精緻的盛放器具,以及精巧的擺放方法,這些⼩點⼼不禁讓我們垂涎欲滴。 粉紅⾊的樹莓奶昔,色澤光潤的⻩黃油以及各種各樣的糕點,仿佛像一群誘⼈人的小精靈,正向我們揮⼿招呼。 午餐過後,我們步⾏至 英國 國家美術館前的大廣場,組團分頭行動。美術館⾥的畫展琳琅滿目,各種各樣的油畫讓我們⽬不接暇,而梵⾼的向⽇日葵🌻更是當之無愧“鎮館之寶”這一美譽。嚮日葵是梵⾼最具代表性的作品,梵⾼以其簡練的筆法展現出了向⽇日葵的植物形貌,使向⽇葵的律動感和盎然的生機躍然紙上,讓⼈不禁對其象徵著生命的永存⼼生敬畏。 下午四點左右,我們來到 倫敦 的⼀個購物 區,開始go shopping,勞累仍阻擋不了我游覽的熱情。 五點半左右,我們啟程回家。兩腳麻木,雙腿酸痛,但仍然無法阻擋我前進的動力。不過,回到寄宿家庭後,也是時候讓⾃己放鬆放鬆了。畢竟,全新的明天正期待著我們的到來呢! \\(*T▽T*)/ 



What a special day it is!Today we got up at 7:40 in the morning,then we
had a quick breakfast and went to the school.When all people arrived,we started the trip.After a long walk,we visited the Shakespeare Opera House.At about 12,we played the opera named Romeo and Juliet.Maybe we learnt about how to fight,from it right?Ok,it's just a joke!Actually,it was a great and meaningful lesson for us. After that,we went back to the school.
In the afternoon,we had an exam.Luckily,I have been a student of Mr.Richard.He is a humorous man,I think.There was a music lesson we took.That made me become a more confident person than before.
At last,we have changed the house which we lived in,and I gave my gift to the hostess.It's a kind of tradition instrument from China.The hostess said that she really liked it,and she would use it to wake us up tomorrow morning.I was happy to see the look of joy on her face.At about 9:30,I took a shower.It's perfect.I was so tired that I went to bed early in the evening.All in all, Today it's fantastic. 校園一角