2017年5月27-30日龍脊梯田、陽朔@Longji Terraces & Yangshuo
桂林 ,屬於我不怎麼感冒的一個地方,也不知道為什麼,總覺得那是一個旅游坑錢的地方,有點亂,所以一直沒有安排這條線。受到來自 昆明 銀河星空的刺激,斟酌了時間,加之未來三天 桂林 預測天晴,於是又來一次說走就走的旅行。出發前一天把酒店定下來,晚上匆忙地收拾簡單行裝,第二天帶上孩子、父母出發。其實 桂林 並不是這次的主要目的,更主要是想去 龍脊梯田 看看,看究竟梯田有多大震撼力。
利用端午三天假期,計劃 自駕 游覽 龍脊梯田 、 桂林 漓江 和 陽朔 十里畫廊、遇龍河。我們提前一天晚上從 廣州 開車到 賀州 。第二天一早驅車直入 龍勝 山區,在山上住,這樣可以趕上梯田日落,晚上幸運的話看銀河,次日早上看日出,完美。第三天回 桂林 買票坐所謂的4人竹筏游 漓江 ,下午去 陽朔 。第四天沿遇龍河邊騎行,下午回 廣州 。每次的行程都被批評是虐待司機,確實如此,每一段至少3-4小時,一天累計就7-8小時,而且還有山路。人生旅途,本就是磨練,只有經得起磨練,才能領略大自然的美好,哈哈哈!!
Guilin is a tourist city in Guangxi Province and famous for its Lijiang River as well as hills with endemic geomorphic features. Another popular scenery is Longji Terr ace s Area about 80KM far from Guilin City, where the Zhuang and the Yao nationalities built up their residences and argricultures over 600 years ago. 5月27日 廣州GZ-->賀州HZ下午6點,等老公從 昆明 飛回來, 取車 後直接在機場出發,驅車3.5小時到 賀州 ,過一晚。一路順暢,時速不知不覺就去到140km,甚至160km。晚上住 賀州 正菱大酒店,價錢不高,在學院旁,很安靜。
To spend more time in Guilin, we set off by driving from Guangzhou to Hezhou, one of the cities in Guangxi Province as a stop for rest, one day ahead.

When people drive through the border between Guangdong Province and Guangxi Province, they should accept Police check for security purpose. 
A golden crescent moon was hanging quietly in the sky. The nice weather made us feel more comfortable at dusk.
Hezhou City locates between Guangzhou and Guilin, 280KM far from Guangzhou. It took around 3.5 hours to drive there. The hotel is nearby a college in Hezhou City with pe ace ful environment. Good for rest!
↑賀州正菱大酒店 5月28日 賀州HZ-->龍脊LJ好好地休息一晚,早上8點準時出發去 龍脊梯田 。從 賀州 走高速經過 陽朔 、 桂林 ,再轉入國道、鄉道,深入山裡,大概共4小時到達 龍脊梯田 景區。天氣實在太好,陽光明媚,只是奔馳在高速公路,被太陽公公燙到了。進入省道是雙向單車道,遇上大貨車,除了耐心等,真的不能怎樣,對頭實在太多車,所以280公里的車程開了4小時。加上山路狹窄,旅游巴多,一路上比較謹慎。
It was a 4-hour drive from Hezhou to Longji Terre ace s Scenic Area passing with last 25km distance on narrow hillside road. Weather was rather good but strong sunlight made me hot and get suntan on highways. Entering the country roads, we were attracted by greenery.

龍脊梯田 景區分為三大部分,分別是龍脊古壯寨梯田、平安壯族梯田(七星伴月和金坑紅瑤梯田。其中纜車是在金坑景區,從景區口坐到金佛頂。在這裡稍微介紹一下金坑各景點位置。金坑實際上是幾座山圍起來,一、二號觀景台很靠近,從客棧走上去大概30分鐘(石梯),但金佛頂是在這兩個觀景台的對面,步行需要1-2小時。也有選擇進景區時在山腳直接坐纜車上去。如果遇上梯田灌滿水,值得去金佛頂,不然,沒必要去那,因為日出日落都不需要特意去那個位置看的。
There are 3 residential areas in Longji Terr ace s Scenery, Ancient Zhuang Residence, Pingan Zhuang Residence and Jinkeng Yao Residence. The ticket for adult costs 95 RMB. Children have 50% discount.
↑平安壯族梯田 我們大概12點到達景區,首先去了平安梯田,看七星伴月,隨便吃個飯。到了寨山下的停車場,10元停車費。我們跟隨一個壯族人到她家的客棧吃飯。她家在山頂,離七星伴月也很近。步行上去大概半小時,當然,那是因為走走停停,拍照嘛。
↑平安壯族梯田 查票!
↑平安壯族梯田 我們沒有隨大隊伍走右手邊,而是跟著老闆走左邊,左邊比較陰涼,穿過民宅,同樣可以去七星伴月。
利用端午三天假期,計劃 自駕 游覽 龍脊梯田 、 桂林 漓江 和 陽朔 十里畫廊、遇龍河。我們提前一天晚上從 廣州 開車到 賀州 。第二天一早驅車直入 龍勝 山區,在山上住,這樣可以趕上梯田日落,晚上幸運的話看銀河,次日早上看日出,完美。第三天回 桂林 買票坐所謂的4人竹筏游 漓江 ,下午去 陽朔 。第四天沿遇龍河邊騎行,下午回 廣州 。每次的行程都被批評是虐待司機,確實如此,每一段至少3-4小時,一天累計就7-8小時,而且還有山路。人生旅途,本就是磨練,只有經得起磨練,才能領略大自然的美好,哈哈哈!!
Guilin is a tourist city in Guangxi Province and famous for its Lijiang River as well as hills with endemic geomorphic features. Another popular scenery is Longji Terr ace s Area about 80KM far from Guilin City, where the Zhuang and the Yao nationalities built up their residences and argricultures over 600 years ago. 5月27日 廣州GZ-->賀州HZ下午6點,等老公從 昆明 飛回來, 取車 後直接在機場出發,驅車3.5小時到 賀州 ,過一晚。一路順暢,時速不知不覺就去到140km,甚至160km。晚上住 賀州 正菱大酒店,價錢不高,在學院旁,很安靜。
To spend more time in Guilin, we set off by driving from Guangzhou to Hezhou, one of the cities in Guangxi Province as a stop for rest, one day ahead.

Hezhou City locates between Guangzhou and Guilin, 280KM far from Guangzhou. It took around 3.5 hours to drive there. The hotel is nearby a college in Hezhou City with pe ace ful environment. Good for rest!

It was a 4-hour drive from Hezhou to Longji Terre ace s Scenic Area passing with last 25km distance on narrow hillside road. Weather was rather good but strong sunlight made me hot and get suntan on highways. Entering the country roads, we were attracted by greenery.

There are 3 residential areas in Longji Terr ace s Scenery, Ancient Zhuang Residence, Pingan Zhuang Residence and Jinkeng Yao Residence. The ticket for adult costs 95 RMB. Children have 50% discount.