伊朗 眾多街道都以烈士的名字命名,烈士太多,每幾年便會更改名字。快速幹道兩側,也常見烈士的照片,也算一種緬懷吧。 Victory
核展館最後, 伊朗 自豪的展示著自己的核設施,核技術,核原料以及核廢料處理技術
室外Outside, huge rockets and tanks flank the Garden Valley, at the centre of which is a 6000-sq-metre lake where, in the summer months, a fountain and laser-light show plays. The complex also includes a separate silver-sphere building where you can view a 15-minute film shown on a panoramic screen that depicts the besieged town of Khorramshahr before, during and after the conflict. Near the exit to the subway station is a replica of the Khorramshahr mosque covered in yellow and turquoise patterned tiles.