42, Beptismos by James Rogers
50, Early One Evening by Dave Horton. Early One Evening好像是一首歌?
78,Sea Garden by Salllie Portnoy 海上花園
77, Filter by Maurizio Perron, 過濾器
74, Siteplan 2026 by Anthony Battaglia, 地盤平面圖
72,Agamemnon by Ron Robertson, 阿伽門農, 希腊 神話中的人物
69號, Rosati‘s Butterfly by Michael Le Grand
34, Windstone by Geoff Farquhar-still, 風之石,很奇怪的名字,並不形似
38, 24.2m2 - The Great Dividing Range by Tan Xun, 大分水嶺,大分水嶺是澳洲 東海 岸著名山脈,作者卻是一個中文名字,不知道是和用意?
40,On Balance (Point) by Noah Birch
87, Kore that Awakening 2016; Colossus Awakens 2016 by Egor Zigura,醒悟
85, Vintage | Bush Truck by Janine Mcaullay Bott, 森林卡車
83, Kuma Room by Osamu Ohnishi,
82, Rhythme of Lift by Alicia Zhao, 生活的韻律,最煩的就是這種名字和這樣的作品了,淺薄。
80,Ouroboros by Charlie Trivers, 銜尾蛇,筆者竊以為,這才應該叫生活的韻律。。
101,Bird in Flight by Sollai Cartwright,飛翔的鳥
109\. Tripod by Monika Horcicova 三腳架
102, Echos by Sally Stoneman,回聲
103, Silence #1,2 by Pimpisa Tinpalit, 安靜
105, Night Moves by Christabel Wigley, 夜行
84,Grace by Tim Macfarlane Reid, 優雅,終於發覺,grace和peace都是一個被用爛的詞
98, Pods by Rima Zabaneh, 豆莢, 藝術家大媽就坐在她的作品旁邊,不停的用捆扎帶生產她的作品,很有趣,前幾屆雕塑展也有類似現場藝術真人秀,也許也是這位大媽哦
97,Column by Peter Lundberg,柱子,筆者按:無聊+1
96,Silent Hollows by Isabela Lleo Castells, 無聲的孔洞
99, Transfiguration "Screw" XIV by Mitsuo Takeuchi,變形術 “螺紋“
100,Never Alone Throne by Wayne Z Hudson, 永不孤單的王權
95, Of Earth and Air by Marguerite Derricourt, 關於地球和空氣,筆者腹誹:這麼無趣的作品對得起這麼大的題目嗎,
94,Lunar Shadow by Ayako Saito, 月亮的陰影