❦ Port Dickson
波德申 是馬來西亞森美蘭州唯壹海港。位於州首府芙蓉西南32公裏。(資料來自網絡)
波德申 (Port Dickson)壹直是馬來西亞 巴生 河流域家喻戶曉的旅遊勝地。它是距 吉隆坡 最近的海灘,與繁忙喧鬧的 吉隆坡 大都會相比,船兒靠港停泊所散發的悠哉閑哉氣息,使 波德申 的休閑魅力無法阻擋。
波德申 的沙灘是都市宅人們周末外出休閑的絕佳去處。
波德申 英文名中的"Dickson"據說是 1889 年得於 John Frederik Dickson 爵士,也有人說其名源自壹位英國行政官,當時這位行政官在 波德申 盧骨區(Lukut)的英屬港口負責礦石貿易。
波德申 的名聲更多在於其美麗的海灘、豐富的休閑活動和完善的基礎設施。對於有意前來度假的人士,這裏也有多種多洋的住宿條件可選。
其中最著名的當屬格曼灣海灘(Teluk Kemang) 和藍珊礁海灘(Blue Lagoon)。海賓也有完備的水上運動和沙灘活動設施。
對於喜歡休閑和攝影的朋友,選擇這裏相信不會失望。❦ Photo by Kavi.
❦ Photo by Kavi.
❦ Photo by Kavi.
❦ Photo by Olive.
❦ Photo by Olive.
開車: 從 吉隆坡 上南北大道只需壹小時車程即可到達 波德申 。
❦ Genting Highland
Genting Highlands is a cool hill station set amidst the cool mountain air and a majestic 100 million-year-old rainforest. Just 45 minutes away from KL City, it offers indoor and outdoor theme parks, an 18-hole golf course, a casino, and Malaysia’s biggest strawberry farm, all of which are set amidst a majestic 100 million-year-old rainforest. Genting Highlands is also perfect for adventure enthusiasts as activities such as abseiling, indoor rock climbing and flying fox activities are available.
Reference: http://www.kuala-lumpur.ws/genting-highland/
If you’re looking to escape the hurly-burly of city life for a weekend or more, Genting Highlands features plenty of three and five-star properties with an array of onsite eateries, facilities, impeccable service and spacious guestrooms with breathtaking mountain views. From where to stay and dine to the best attractions and activities, this section is dedicated to everything you need to know about Genting Highlands.
❦ Masjid and Putrajaya
❦ Photo by www.vog.com
國家清真寺,又稱國家回教堂(National Mosque),這座以教堂為獨特風格的現代設計。最令人矚目之處則在於其層疊的傘狀屋頂,有18顆星,代表了馬來西亞的13州屬及回教的5大支柱,象徵壹個獨立自主國家的雄心和抱負。
❦ French Village
❦ Swimming Photography