行程計劃厄瓜多爾 位於 南美 ,赤道橫穿,不大的一個國家卻有著很豐富的地貌。西邊是熱帶海洋南太平洋,中部是安第斯山脈,東部是亞馬遜熱帶雨林。如果你想用很少的時間享受海灘,攀越高峰,深入叢林;如果你想玩各種極限運動;如果你想看看 西班牙 殖民地和印加文明的衝撞,你都能在 厄瓜多爾 找到。
我們這次行程全程14天,前8天參加了gate1 travel的classic ecuador 8 day tour https://www.gate1travel.com/Package/EC-8DCLECAASU-PKG-16; 後5天去galapagos cruise, 我們選擇的是santa cruz II的5D Northern Galapagos https://www.santacruzgalapagoscruise.com/galapagos-islands-tours/northern-5-days-monday-to-friday/; 最後一天在 基多 多獃了一天。行程基本是跟團,自己不用操心,每天吃住都很豪華,提前進入老年游,不過我對這次行程非常的滿意,玩的盡興,吃住每天都有很多的驚喜。
知道這個國家是上次去 土耳其 碰到一對年輕夫婦他們說在 厄瓜多爾 過了蜜月極度推薦,並推薦了他們的旅行社Gate 1 Travel. 再加上有很多的PTO,不休掉就爆滿了,所以就定了它們的團,開始研究這個國家時發現Galapagos就在這裡,於是定了去這個島的游輪。
這是Gate 1的行程
DAY 1, Monday - Depart for Ecuador
Depart for Ecuador. Arrive in Quito, capital of Ecuador, founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city; transfer to your hotel. The Quito airport is approximately an hour drive from the city. Balance of the day is at leisure to get acquainted with this lively city's priceless historical treasures of art and architecture. Tonight, enjoy your first taste of Ecuadorian food at one of the city's world-class restaurants and cafes Overnight: Quito
DAY 2, Tuesday - Quito City Tour & Visit to the Middle of the World
The morning's tour begins with a visit to the colonial section of Quito to walk along the narrow cobblestone streets and feel the charm of 16th-century Quito. See the Independence Plaza, the Cathedral, Presidential Pal ace , and the Archbishop's Pal ace before visiting La Compañia Church or the Church of San Francisco*. Afterward, see the Middle of the World Monument, located at a latitude of 0º, and stand with one foot in the Northern and one in the Southern Hemisphere. This afternoon, transfer by bus to Otavalo. This evening, enjoy an orientation meeting with your Tour Manager, followed by a Welcome Dinner *Please note that the itinerary may vary slightly based on local conditions and holidays, therefore La Compañia Church may be repl ace d with a visit to the Church of San Francisco
Overnight: Otavalo Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
DAY 3, Wednesday - Otavalo Market, Transfer to Papallacta
This morning enjoy Peguche, known for it's beautiful waterfall. Then, take a tour of the market in Otavalo, one of the largest in South America and run by the local Otavaleños. Here, enjoy the lively market atmosphere and browse the various stalls for traditional goods such as hand-woven clothes and rugs, jewelry and more. This afternoon, transfer to Papallacta located in the Andes Mountains. The remainder of the day is at leisure or join the optional tour to Papallacta's spas and hot springs, for which it is famous Optional: Termas de Papallacta Spa Package (PM) Overnight: Papallacta Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
DAY 4, Thursday - Transfer to Amazon Resort
After breakfast, transfer by bus to La Punta Ahuano on the Napo River where you will board a canoe that will take you to your Amazon lodge**. Enjoy the serene tranquility that the lodge has to offer and prepare to be amazed by both the wildlife and the culture inherent to the Amazon. In the afternoon, visit Ahuano to have the opportunity to meet a local Quechua family and learn about their way of life first hand before returning to the hotel **Please note upon arrival the lodge is approximately a 5-10 minute walk uphill from where passengers will exit the canoe. Passengers are required to transport their own carry on luggage. Overnight: Amazon Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 5, Friday - Full Day Amazon
This morning, after a canoe ride you can hike in the Misicocha Private Natural Reserve for approximately two hours while viewing the beautiful flora and fauna up close. The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest ecosystem, so be sure to keep an eye out for the innumerable species of tropical plants and flowers, insects. Enjoy the views as you cross suspended bridges and fly through the jungle on a short zip line basket ride. At the end of the hike, take a rafting trip on a traditional balsa log raft***. Enjoy the afternoon at leisure. Consider a visit to the Butterfly Farm or the Amazonico Animal Rescue Center ***Please note this is an active hike and sections of the path include steps. Also, those who participate in the rafting trip will need to step through the water to reach the raft and will get wet during the ride Overnight: Amazon Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 6, Saturday - El Pailon Del Diablo & Baños
This morning, board a canoe for the short trip to La Punta Ahuano and then drive to El Pailon del Diablo or "The Devil's Cauldron"****, one of Ecuador's most beautiful waterfalls. Drive to Baños, an idyllic little town known for its hot thermal baths and the sometimes-steamy Tungurahua Volcano. Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. Afterwards, watch a demonstration on vegetable ivory, a traditional craft that utilizes palm nuts to make jewelry and animal carvings. In the late afternoon, check into your hotel in the Valley of Patate. Enjoy the balance of the day at leisure *** 關於花費Gate 1 Travel: 大概$1400包括從 舊金山 的往返機票,給Tour manager小費另算
Galapagos Cruise: 大概$2000包括從 基多 往返機票,santa cruz ii是算豪華大游輪,我看官方價格高於我們的價格,我們是通過galapagosislands.com找到agent定的。需要說明的是怎麼付款的問題,大部分是要你通過bank wire到一個Ecudor的銀行,需要手續費。我找的這家它們在Miami有點,所以可以寫支票寄到Miami。
其他花費很少, 厄瓜多爾 很便宜,貨幣是美金,帶一疊1刀的美元很好用。 第一天:基多古城和赤道紀念碑
↑基多市 基多 城建立在山上,遠處是保衛 基多 的天使雕像
↑Independence Plaza 基多 古城總統府。習大大最近去 厄瓜多爾 訪問就是在這裡被接見的。
↑Independence Plaza 這個街頭小販好像被執法了,警察用Scooter巡邏。
↑Independence Plaza
↑Independence Plaza
↑Independence Plaza
↑基多市 看新聞聯播習大大走進了這道門。
↑Independence Plaza Iglesia de La Compania de Jesus
↑基多市 這個好像是Church of San Francisco
↑基多市 路途中我們在一家冰淇淋店停下來,店員表演土法製作冰淇淋,在這個 銅鼓 里倒上果汁,放到鋪著 海鹽 的茅草上,不停的轉動,果汁就變成冰淇淋了,很神奇吧。自己製作的冰淇淋很可口!
↑赤道紀念碑 厄瓜多爾 赤道紀念碑( 西班牙 語:La Mitad del Mundo)是1936年 厄瓜多爾 政府在首都 基多 建造的一座赤道紀念碑。該碑高約10米,碑體採用花崗岩砌成方柱形。碑體下方刻有“這裡是地球的中心”以及歷史上對測量赤道貢獻卓越的地理學家的名字。碑頂是一個大型石刻地球儀。碑體東西兩側畫有一道紅白線,且一直延伸到碑座的石階上,用以表示赤道。
1982年, 厄瓜多爾 政府又在距原碑四公里處建造一座新的赤道紀念碑,新碑是當今世界最準確的赤道標記,碑高30米,碑底為一個直徑100米的圓盤,碑頂是一個地球儀(直徑4.5米,重4.5噸)。新碑東西兩側刻有當地經緯度(西經78°27'8",緯度為0°0'0")。碑身份為十層,每層均設有展覽大廳,介紹 厄瓜多爾 的文化、歷史、政治、經濟等。
厄瓜多爾 獨特的地理條件,唯一赤道穿過的有高山的地區,讓它成為最早地球測量的聖地。
↑赤道紀念碑 腳跨南北半球的感覺真爽
↑赤道紀念碑 這裡展示了 厄瓜多爾 的文化,印加文化發源於南邊的 秘魯 ,也深深的影響到了這裡,這位印加戰士被卡 通化 了。
↑赤道紀念碑 從赤道紀念碑出來我們向東走要穿過4000多米的安第斯山脈。這裡的山脈讓我感覺回到了 秘魯 。
↑Otavalo 第一天晚上夜宿Cabana Del Lago.酒店依山傍水,正好夕 陽西 下,湖光山色,美不勝收。這裡要提一下Gate 1的酒店的選擇,它們找的酒店都是很有特色的,要不是一般游人不會找到的,要不是風景很美的酒店, 比如 我們這一路睡過古堡,亞馬遜里的木屋...每天的酒店都是一個驚喜。
我們這次行程全程14天,前8天參加了gate1 travel的classic ecuador 8 day tour https://www.gate1travel.com/Package/EC-8DCLECAASU-PKG-16; 後5天去galapagos cruise, 我們選擇的是santa cruz II的5D Northern Galapagos https://www.santacruzgalapagoscruise.com/galapagos-islands-tours/northern-5-days-monday-to-friday/; 最後一天在 基多 多獃了一天。行程基本是跟團,自己不用操心,每天吃住都很豪華,提前進入老年游,不過我對這次行程非常的滿意,玩的盡興,吃住每天都有很多的驚喜。
知道這個國家是上次去 土耳其 碰到一對年輕夫婦他們說在 厄瓜多爾 過了蜜月極度推薦,並推薦了他們的旅行社Gate 1 Travel. 再加上有很多的PTO,不休掉就爆滿了,所以就定了它們的團,開始研究這個國家時發現Galapagos就在這裡,於是定了去這個島的游輪。
這是Gate 1的行程
DAY 1, Monday - Depart for Ecuador
Depart for Ecuador. Arrive in Quito, capital of Ecuador, founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city; transfer to your hotel. The Quito airport is approximately an hour drive from the city. Balance of the day is at leisure to get acquainted with this lively city's priceless historical treasures of art and architecture. Tonight, enjoy your first taste of Ecuadorian food at one of the city's world-class restaurants and cafes Overnight: Quito
DAY 2, Tuesday - Quito City Tour & Visit to the Middle of the World
The morning's tour begins with a visit to the colonial section of Quito to walk along the narrow cobblestone streets and feel the charm of 16th-century Quito. See the Independence Plaza, the Cathedral, Presidential Pal ace , and the Archbishop's Pal ace before visiting La Compañia Church or the Church of San Francisco*. Afterward, see the Middle of the World Monument, located at a latitude of 0º, and stand with one foot in the Northern and one in the Southern Hemisphere. This afternoon, transfer by bus to Otavalo. This evening, enjoy an orientation meeting with your Tour Manager, followed by a Welcome Dinner *Please note that the itinerary may vary slightly based on local conditions and holidays, therefore La Compañia Church may be repl ace d with a visit to the Church of San Francisco
Overnight: Otavalo Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
DAY 3, Wednesday - Otavalo Market, Transfer to Papallacta
This morning enjoy Peguche, known for it's beautiful waterfall. Then, take a tour of the market in Otavalo, one of the largest in South America and run by the local Otavaleños. Here, enjoy the lively market atmosphere and browse the various stalls for traditional goods such as hand-woven clothes and rugs, jewelry and more. This afternoon, transfer to Papallacta located in the Andes Mountains. The remainder of the day is at leisure or join the optional tour to Papallacta's spas and hot springs, for which it is famous Optional: Termas de Papallacta Spa Package (PM) Overnight: Papallacta Meals: Breakfast, Dinner
DAY 4, Thursday - Transfer to Amazon Resort
After breakfast, transfer by bus to La Punta Ahuano on the Napo River where you will board a canoe that will take you to your Amazon lodge**. Enjoy the serene tranquility that the lodge has to offer and prepare to be amazed by both the wildlife and the culture inherent to the Amazon. In the afternoon, visit Ahuano to have the opportunity to meet a local Quechua family and learn about their way of life first hand before returning to the hotel **Please note upon arrival the lodge is approximately a 5-10 minute walk uphill from where passengers will exit the canoe. Passengers are required to transport their own carry on luggage. Overnight: Amazon Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 5, Friday - Full Day Amazon
This morning, after a canoe ride you can hike in the Misicocha Private Natural Reserve for approximately two hours while viewing the beautiful flora and fauna up close. The Amazon rainforest is the world's largest ecosystem, so be sure to keep an eye out for the innumerable species of tropical plants and flowers, insects. Enjoy the views as you cross suspended bridges and fly through the jungle on a short zip line basket ride. At the end of the hike, take a rafting trip on a traditional balsa log raft***. Enjoy the afternoon at leisure. Consider a visit to the Butterfly Farm or the Amazonico Animal Rescue Center ***Please note this is an active hike and sections of the path include steps. Also, those who participate in the rafting trip will need to step through the water to reach the raft and will get wet during the ride Overnight: Amazon Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 6, Saturday - El Pailon Del Diablo & Baños
This morning, board a canoe for the short trip to La Punta Ahuano and then drive to El Pailon del Diablo or "The Devil's Cauldron"****, one of Ecuador's most beautiful waterfalls. Drive to Baños, an idyllic little town known for its hot thermal baths and the sometimes-steamy Tungurahua Volcano. Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. Afterwards, watch a demonstration on vegetable ivory, a traditional craft that utilizes palm nuts to make jewelry and animal carvings. In the late afternoon, check into your hotel in the Valley of Patate. Enjoy the balance of the day at leisure *** 關於花費Gate 1 Travel: 大概$1400包括從 舊金山 的往返機票,給Tour manager小費另算
Galapagos Cruise: 大概$2000包括從 基多 往返機票,santa cruz ii是算豪華大游輪,我看官方價格高於我們的價格,我們是通過galapagosislands.com找到agent定的。需要說明的是怎麼付款的問題,大部分是要你通過bank wire到一個Ecudor的銀行,需要手續費。我找的這家它們在Miami有點,所以可以寫支票寄到Miami。
其他花費很少, 厄瓜多爾 很便宜,貨幣是美金,帶一疊1刀的美元很好用。 第一天:基多古城和赤道紀念碑




















1982年, 厄瓜多爾 政府又在距原碑四公里處建造一座新的赤道紀念碑,新碑是當今世界最準確的赤道標記,碑高30米,碑底為一個直徑100米的圓盤,碑頂是一個地球儀(直徑4.5米,重4.5噸)。新碑東西兩側刻有當地經緯度(西經78°27'8",緯度為0°0'0")。碑身份為十層,每層均設有展覽大廳,介紹 厄瓜多爾 的文化、歷史、政治、經濟等。
厄瓜多爾 獨特的地理條件,唯一赤道穿過的有高山的地區,讓它成為最早地球測量的聖地。








