原創: Original. By Serafina
Serafina Daydreamer
Be wild be yourself
Content creator I Life style I Portraits
凌晨5點。 河內 諾伊拜機場。
當身著軍綠色的機場邊警用力地在紙質護照上敲上過境章,面無表情的將護照遞給我時,伴隨著自己略帶羞澀地一聲“Cam on”( 越南 語謝謝),瞬間的興奮感猶如夏季猝不及防的雷陣雨。
5 am. Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport.
The border policeman wearing olive uniform punched the stamp on the paper passport firmly. When he handed me the passport expressionlessly, I replied "Cam on" (Thank you in Vietnamese). Yes, the moment of excitement was like a sudden thunderstorm in the summer, noisy but fierce.
Travel alone is not only with an unknown danger but also a courage to gain.
同一飛機的 俄羅斯 小哥們只穿著T-shirt,唯我獨尊地玩著滑板。地面與滑板時不時摩擦出厚重而尖銳的聲響。以及那個背著20kg背包的,不知去向的自己。
沒有流量,沒有WiFi,只有一張Google手機截屏線路。線路的最終點是通向 印度 沙發主Jash的住址。
經歷了30分鐘的問詢無果之後,只見一輛巴士忽然停靠在機場門口,我便胡亂的與剛認識的 中國 小伙伴跳上了這輛24路巴士。雖然不知道24路去向哪裡,但是至少它可以帶我們駛向市區。不一會,巴士便啟動了。透過車窗外,漆黑一片,此刻的 越南 還靜悄悄地睡著。隨著巴士停靠站數的增加,陸續有人上車。我也好奇地悄悄打量著他們。 越南 人普遍矮小,年紀大一些會帶一個斗笠, 越南 男生喜歡穿緊身褲,緊身褲一穿使得他們細小的腿越加明顯, 越南 女生倒是小巧玲瓏。
一 越南 男生徑直向我走來,示意我買票。我拿出手機,告訴他我想去的地方。他拿起手機,雙眉緊鎖地看著截屏線路。忽地,他便在車票背面寫上了一個數字遞給我。同時用手畫了半個弧,示意需要轉車。
The temperature outside was 10 °C.
On the arrival gate of the airport, Russian guys who were with me on the same plane wore only T-shirts and enjoyed playing skateboards. The ground and the skateboards rubbed a thick and sharp sound. Carrying a 20kg backpack and I didn’t know where to go.
Without data and Wi-Fi but i only had one Google maps screenshot which showed the way to my Indian host Jash.
After a 30-minute struggling to find a way in the airport, I saw a bus suddenly parked at the gate. Without hesitation I jumped into the NO.24 bus with new Chinese friends just met, although I didn't know where the bus was going. But at least it could take me to the downtown.
Outside of the window was dark. Hanoi was still sleeping quietly at the moment. As the bus stopped one stop, people were getting on the bus. I looked at them curiously. Through the observation, Vietnamese are generally short and older people would wear a bamboo hat. Vietnamese guys seem like to wear tight pants. However the tight pants make their tiny legs even more obvious. Vietnamese girls were small but beautiful.
In the bus, a Vietnamese guy came straight to me and gave me a sign to buy ticket. I showed my phone and told him where I wanted to go. He checked the route with his eyebrows knit in a frown. Suddenly, he wrote a number on the back of the ticket and also a half arc that means a transfer. You know I tried to talk with him in English. Although he did not speak a word, solved my problem with his body language. Honestly I was surprised by the power of the gesture.
從郊區緩緩駛向市區。色彩鮮明的低矮建築。飛速行駛的摩的。用竹竿插著的 越南 國旗。道路的塵土飛揚。身穿白色制服的學生。刺眼的橘色車燈以及灰色的天空。
你好, 越南 。
The sky was getting brighter.
The bus headed to the downtown slowly. There were short buildings with bright colors, speedy motorcycles, Vietnamese flag waving, students in white uniform, glare orange sunlight and grey sky.
At this moment, I wanted to say:
Hello, Vietnam.
印度 沙發主Jash家門口。
只見一位 越南 阿姨擺著地攤在賣菜,看見我非常友善的報以微笑。Jash的公寓是在一條弄堂里,兩邊是明黃色的法式建築錯落有致地分佈,鮮綠色的植物適時地出現在各個陽臺。偶爾也會出現一個小賣部,探頭望進去,橘黃色的暖色燈光下是玲琅滿目的零食。
用力敲打著鐵門,高聲喊著Jash的名字。應聲的是一個硬朗的 越南 男子,他走到內側鐵門口,用英語說著“No”以及一串 越南 髒話。我見勢,解釋自己來見朋友希望他可以幫忙開門。他要求我打電話給Jash,我解釋我剛下飛機沒有電話卡,並出示了 印度 沙發主發給我的詳細住址信息。 越南 男子這才略帶情願地給我開了門。鐵門內側靠左是一個小小的生活區,一張鐵床和一臺電視機。右側則是3台洗衣機。顯然,剛纔的 越南 男子是公寓的保安。
Indian host Jash ‘s doorway.
A Vietnamese aunt was selling vegetables on the side of street . She smiled friendly when she saw me. Jash's apartment was in a lane which are around by the bright yellow French buildings. The green plants hung down from the balconies.
Jash’s flat was on the first floor. I struck on the grate door and yelled the name of Jash. There was a strong Vietnamese came up to me. He said "No" in English and a string of Vietnamese swear words. I explained that I came to see a friend and asked him to open the door. He asked me to call Jash. I explained that I had just got off the plane without a SIM card. At the same time I showed the detailed address information that Jash sent to me. Finally the Vietnamese man opened the grating door. On the left of the iron gate was a small living area with an iron bed and a TV set. There were 3 washing machines on the right side. Obviously, the man was the security guard.
迎面砸來的卻是一句:What’s wrong with you?!
內心不是沒有緊張與不知所措,只是馬上恢復理智並解釋自己是Jash的 中國 沙發客。外國妹子一聽沙發客,態度一下子360度大轉彎,她說她也是沙發客。打開大門的瞬間是她懶散卻帶微笑的那句welcome。
尾隨著她進屋,我笑著搖了搖頭,自我調侃道, what a beautiful morning I have.
I knocked the door of Jash and shouted again.
5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes.
When I felt the shoulders were too tired to bear the backpack and I was going to lose patience, the door suddenly opened.
What came to me was the words ‘’What’s wrong with you?!’’
Looking up, I saw a strong Caucasian girl looking at me with her anger.
Suddenly I felt a little nervous and overwhelmed, but i tried to calmly explain that I was Jash's Couchsurfer from China. When the Caucasian girl heard my words, her attitude changed immediately. She said, “ Oh nice to meet you. You’re welcomed here. Actually I am also a Couchsurfer.’’
Following her to the flat, I smiled and shook my head, what a beautiful morning I had.
外國妹子慵懶地躺在客廳沙發上,還示意分半個沙發給我。原來外國妹子叫Emma,來自 美國 。 美國 緊張的就業市場迫使Emma選擇來 河內 當英語老師。Emma並沒有職業教師資格證但是憑藉著母語美語的優勢,輕鬆在 河內 找到工作並拿著遠高於人均的工資。迥然不同的文化並沒有激起Emma好奇的欲望,而更多的是對現實的一絲無奈。Emma一本正經地說她高大的身材至今沒在 河內 遇見一個比她更高的當地人。相比於 越南 女生,她感覺自己更像一個男生。她還說自己是一個素食主義者,但並不容易在 河內 吃到全是蔬菜的食物。說到這,Emma咬緊牙齒故作痛苦地一咧牙。
The Caucasian girl was lying on the sofa again and she would like to share her “turf” with me. Talking with her that know her name is Emma who comes from the United States. The tough job market in the United States forced her to be an English teacher in Hanoi unless she would be jobless in the USA. Emma did not have a professional teacher qualification certificate. However, thanks to the advantage of being native American, which was easy to find a job in Hanoi and have a decent salary that way more higher she can get in the USA.
Culture difference did not arouse Emma's curiosity, but more of helplessness to reality. She said she had not met a local here higher than her because she is tall. Compared to Vietnamese girls, she felt more like a man. Emma was a vegetarian and it was hard to eat a vegetarian diet here. Speaking of this, Emma naughtily pretended to have a painful face.
\- Summer shooes_ZARA
\- Summer golden necklace_designed by SerafinaStudio
看著Emma滑稽好笑的表情以及她1米7的身高,我禁不住呵呵大笑起來。而此時,客廳旁的一扇門打開了,只見睡眼惺忪的 印度 小哥走了出來。我想那一定就是我的沙發主Jash了。
Looking at Emma's funny face and her 1.70 meter height, I couldn't help laughing. At this time, a door next to the living room was opened. A sleepy Indian guy was just coming out. I thought that must be my host Jash.
Jash asked me anxiously why i was late. I shared my fun hop-jumping bus story and also the cheapest airport downtown trip with only 5RMB in my life. After a few simple conversations, Jash wanted take a break again because he just finished a party in the early morning. But he would like to take me to the night market later. This morning was last day for Emma to stay at Jash’s place and after that she packed all her stuff heading to a hostel.
沙發主Jash不算太高,1米75左右。有著一頭深黑色的短髮,以及深棕色黝黑的皮膚,俊朗剛毅的輪廓略微掩蓋了他 印度 血統的特征。
Jash is not too high, around 1.75 meter with the dark black hair and dark brown skin. His handsome facial outline slightly indicates the traits of his Indian blood.
He spoken fluent English with his incontrovertible confidence.
His eyes are always warm but quiet.
Jash和我行走在 河內 的街道上,身旁一輛輛摩托車像閃電般呼嘯而過,只聽見后座 越南 妹子清脆的笑聲。
巨大的以紅底黃色鐮刀為形的圓形大彩燈橫亘在馬路上方,彰顯著 越南 這個社會主義國家的特色。
Night fell.
Jash and I walked on the streets of Hanoi. Motorcycles flashed away just like lightning, only hearing the sweet laugh from the back seat of the Vietnamese girls.
A huge round lantern with a image of the yellow sickle was placed above the road, highlighting the future of being a socialist country.
With the streets gradually narrowed, the scenery became more and more lively. Several lantern stores seemed to be enchanted and the multiple strips of lights were like a colorful waterfall, shining brightly.
Crowded streets, people, street food, and backpackers from all over the world. People all get together to celebrate the coming New Year. I tried to capture all of these into my eyes as much as possible.
\- Area: Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden
\- Clothes: Skirt_Reformation
Summer schooes_ZARA
\- Accessories: Head band_H&M
Summer golden necklace_designed by SerafinaStudio
忽地,Jash拍了拍我的肩膀,示意我在一家人數眾多的路邊小吃攤坐下。看著全是 越南 文僅有幾幅插圖的菜單,我一副“你點什麼我吃什麼”的可憐眼神。Jash笑笑,熟練地用 越南 語叫來 越南 大媽並說了一些 越南 菜名的食物。就在我異常崇拜地看著Jash時,Jash謙虛地擺擺手說是他 越南 朋友的功勞,常教他一些 越南 語。
在等菜的間隙,知道了Jash已經在 河內 獃了一年半,一開始也會抱怨文化的各種差異直到最後的完全適應,他通過在 越南 與 印度 之間倒賣工廠機械零件而謀生,目前單身。談到到對 越南 人看法時,Jash說大部分 越南 人還是友善好客的,但是思想普遍老舊,並沒有放眼看世界的想法。不過考慮國情,這也是合情合理的。在剛剛維持溫飽的平衡線上,應該的確沒有另一份閑情去看一個與自己關聯不大的世界。
Jash patted my shoulder and asked me to sit down on a roadside food stalls. Looking at the menus in Vietnamese, I showed my face with "I eat the same food as you ". Jash smiled and ordered the food in Vietnamese skillfully. I admired his Vietnamese and Jash humbly said thanks to his Vietnamese friends .
While waiting for the food, I knew that Jash had been in Hanoi for one year and a half. At the beginning he came, he complained about the problems from the culture differences. Finally he was adapted completely. He made a living by reselling factory machinery parts between Vietnam and India. When it came to the Vietnamese, Jash said that most Vietnamese are friendly and hospitable, but their minds were traditional and there was no chance for them to explore the world. However, if we consider the national conditions, this is also reasonable. On the balance line which they have just satisfied with food and clothing, i am afraid that there is no leisure to see the world which is not directly related to their lives here.
The behindhand education shackles people's minds. That banned restricts the ability to create wealth. The vital ability determines the level and perspective of life. Sometimes it is doomed to lost opportunities due to the national factors but not ignorance.
酒吧外。一各個低胸,穿著性感的 越南 妹子手拿酒單,競相叫賣。深怕一轉身,就錯過世界各國的旅客。
不遠處的現場DJ播放著時下最流行性的夜店舞曲,恰當好處的綠色鐳射光線和舞臺上扭動身形的 越南 妹子交相輝映。臺下的西方游客手拿酒瓶,和著音樂搖擺舞動。
在 河內 夜色的籠罩下,動感勁爆的音樂像是人們內心的一隻只野獸,衝破牢籠,肆意亂舞。
Walking further was the famous bar street. Outside the bar was also crowded.
Travelers from all over the world only needed a glass of beer to get closer to each other.
Drinking a few glasses of beer, I can't wait to share my journey with Jash.
Sexy Vietnamese girls were holding a drinking list outside of the bar to get more customers. DJ played the most popular nightclub music in the open air. The green laser lights from the stage were aggressive to shoot the audience. Tourists hold drinks and danced with the music.
The night of Hanoi and the dynamic music were like a beast inside of people, with night falls breaking through the cage and dancing wildly.
Took a shot, I walked to the crowds and danced with the music.
Laugh, alcohol, temperature mixed with the flashing neon lights, it seemed true and fake.
That night I have seen myself enjoying the moment, laughing with happy tears and being so real.
Jash時不時調侃我昨晚的瘋狂。說我忘情的跳到最後,感染了一大群西方游客,大家一起加入了進來。回來時還堅持要用Grab打車雖然那時候段只有出租車了。甚至還有一些背包客好奇我來自哪裡,聽Jash說這是一個獨自旅行的 中國 女生後,說什麼這個 中國 女生真是太有趣了等等。
因為是在Jash家的最後一晚。Jash決定晚上帶我去還劍湖游覽。順帶在還劍湖旁的游動餐車上買了現做的巧克力crepe。就在我邊吃crepe 邊和 Jash說著一些有趣的事時,我猛然一低頭。發現crepe里的巧克力醬順著三角形的紙袋滴落胸前的單反上,此時的單反可以說是一隻巧克力單反了。淡定的Jash問我有沒有紙巾,我慌忙地掏出紙巾胡亂擦拭。一旁的Jash建議立馬回家,一些巧克力醬似乎已經順著縫隙流入相機內部。一到家,Jash奪過相機做最後的搶修,濕毛巾打濕外部,再用乾紙巾一個一個細縫擦拭,最後用吹風機烘乾。在Jash一陣忙活後,我的相機似乎也活了過來。
Jep, the next day, of course, I had a hangover.
Jash teased me about the madness of last night. He said my dance infected lots of tourists to join with me. There were even some backpackers who were curious about where I came from. Knowing that I was a Chinese girl who traveled alone, they thought I was quite interesting. When I came back, I still insisted on using Grab(Kind like Uber/Didi) to take a taxi, although there was taxi at that time only.
I stayed with Jash for two nights. The last night Jash decided to take me to Hoan Kiem Lake. We bought the chocolate crepe together in a cute dinning car and walked along the lake. Suddenly I found that the chocolate sauce was almost covered my digital single lens reflex(DSLR) because the sauce dripping down from the triangular paper bag of the crepe. At this moment, inside of me almost creaming but really did not know how to deal with my €1,000+ camera.
Jash looked at me firmly and asked if I had tissues. Then I hurriedly wiped my camera with tissues. Jash suggested to go home immediately because some chocolate sauce seemed to flow into the camera already. Once arrived at home, Jash took the camera and used the wet towel to clean it and then wiped it with the dried tissues. For almost one hour “first-aid” my camera was alive again.
\- Summer golden necklace_designed by SerafinaStudio
就像對待自己的相機一樣,Jash非常用心的幫助了我。桌上是一堆擦相機後留下的餐巾紙。 印度 小哥Jash是一位非常體貼,樂於助人,責任心極強的沙發主。只要他在身邊,自己就不需要考慮其他的事情了,因為他會早早替你想到併在適時的時候告訴你。
As if the camera were his own, Jash helped me with great care. On the table there was a pile of napkins.
Jash is very considerate, helpful and responsible host I met. As long as he was around, you did't need to think about other things, because he would think early and tell you when it is timely.
次日離開之前。我請Jash喝了 越南 的滴漏咖啡作為感謝。
那相機里殘存的一些巧克力醬,浸染著我和Jash的有趣時光,同時那個染上巧克力醬的 河內 是我獨自旅行的第一站。
Before leaving I invited Jash to drink Vietnamese drip coffee for thanks.
But there is one thing that I have never told him.
The camera's power button can not open easily because of the leaking chocolate sauce. When it is warm, the inner sauce will melt into a liquid so that the button can easily move.
The chocolate sauce left in the camera is telling a beautiful story from us and Hanoi where let my camera get chocolate is the first stop for me in Vietnam to travel alone.
Let this lovely chocolate sauce exists in my camera.
As the temperature changes,
\- End -
Let us burn here or die there
If you like my thoughts then smash it
Leave your comments below and share it
Serafina Daydreamer

Be wild be yourself
Content creator I Life style I Portraits
凌晨5點。 河內 諾伊拜機場。
當身著軍綠色的機場邊警用力地在紙質護照上敲上過境章,面無表情的將護照遞給我時,伴隨著自己略帶羞澀地一聲“Cam on”( 越南 語謝謝),瞬間的興奮感猶如夏季猝不及防的雷陣雨。
5 am. Hanoi Noi Bai International Airport.
The border policeman wearing olive uniform punched the stamp on the paper passport firmly. When he handed me the passport expressionlessly, I replied "Cam on" (Thank you in Vietnamese). Yes, the moment of excitement was like a sudden thunderstorm in the summer, noisy but fierce.
Travel alone is not only with an unknown danger but also a courage to gain.
同一飛機的 俄羅斯 小哥們只穿著T-shirt,唯我獨尊地玩著滑板。地面與滑板時不時摩擦出厚重而尖銳的聲響。以及那個背著20kg背包的,不知去向的自己。
沒有流量,沒有WiFi,只有一張Google手機截屏線路。線路的最終點是通向 印度 沙發主Jash的住址。
經歷了30分鐘的問詢無果之後,只見一輛巴士忽然停靠在機場門口,我便胡亂的與剛認識的 中國 小伙伴跳上了這輛24路巴士。雖然不知道24路去向哪裡,但是至少它可以帶我們駛向市區。不一會,巴士便啟動了。透過車窗外,漆黑一片,此刻的 越南 還靜悄悄地睡著。隨著巴士停靠站數的增加,陸續有人上車。我也好奇地悄悄打量著他們。 越南 人普遍矮小,年紀大一些會帶一個斗笠, 越南 男生喜歡穿緊身褲,緊身褲一穿使得他們細小的腿越加明顯, 越南 女生倒是小巧玲瓏。
一 越南 男生徑直向我走來,示意我買票。我拿出手機,告訴他我想去的地方。他拿起手機,雙眉緊鎖地看著截屏線路。忽地,他便在車票背面寫上了一個數字遞給我。同時用手畫了半個弧,示意需要轉車。
The temperature outside was 10 °C.
On the arrival gate of the airport, Russian guys who were with me on the same plane wore only T-shirts and enjoyed playing skateboards. The ground and the skateboards rubbed a thick and sharp sound. Carrying a 20kg backpack and I didn’t know where to go.
Without data and Wi-Fi but i only had one Google maps screenshot which showed the way to my Indian host Jash.
After a 30-minute struggling to find a way in the airport, I saw a bus suddenly parked at the gate. Without hesitation I jumped into the NO.24 bus with new Chinese friends just met, although I didn't know where the bus was going. But at least it could take me to the downtown.
Outside of the window was dark. Hanoi was still sleeping quietly at the moment. As the bus stopped one stop, people were getting on the bus. I looked at them curiously. Through the observation, Vietnamese are generally short and older people would wear a bamboo hat. Vietnamese guys seem like to wear tight pants. However the tight pants make their tiny legs even more obvious. Vietnamese girls were small but beautiful.
In the bus, a Vietnamese guy came straight to me and gave me a sign to buy ticket. I showed my phone and told him where I wanted to go. He checked the route with his eyebrows knit in a frown. Suddenly, he wrote a number on the back of the ticket and also a half arc that means a transfer. You know I tried to talk with him in English. Although he did not speak a word, solved my problem with his body language. Honestly I was surprised by the power of the gesture.

從郊區緩緩駛向市區。色彩鮮明的低矮建築。飛速行駛的摩的。用竹竿插著的 越南 國旗。道路的塵土飛揚。身穿白色制服的學生。刺眼的橘色車燈以及灰色的天空。
你好, 越南 。
The sky was getting brighter.
The bus headed to the downtown slowly. There were short buildings with bright colors, speedy motorcycles, Vietnamese flag waving, students in white uniform, glare orange sunlight and grey sky.
At this moment, I wanted to say:
Hello, Vietnam.
印度 沙發主Jash家門口。
只見一位 越南 阿姨擺著地攤在賣菜,看見我非常友善的報以微笑。Jash的公寓是在一條弄堂里,兩邊是明黃色的法式建築錯落有致地分佈,鮮綠色的植物適時地出現在各個陽臺。偶爾也會出現一個小賣部,探頭望進去,橘黃色的暖色燈光下是玲琅滿目的零食。
用力敲打著鐵門,高聲喊著Jash的名字。應聲的是一個硬朗的 越南 男子,他走到內側鐵門口,用英語說著“No”以及一串 越南 髒話。我見勢,解釋自己來見朋友希望他可以幫忙開門。他要求我打電話給Jash,我解釋我剛下飛機沒有電話卡,並出示了 印度 沙發主發給我的詳細住址信息。 越南 男子這才略帶情願地給我開了門。鐵門內側靠左是一個小小的生活區,一張鐵床和一臺電視機。右側則是3台洗衣機。顯然,剛纔的 越南 男子是公寓的保安。
Indian host Jash ‘s doorway.
A Vietnamese aunt was selling vegetables on the side of street . She smiled friendly when she saw me. Jash's apartment was in a lane which are around by the bright yellow French buildings. The green plants hung down from the balconies.
Jash’s flat was on the first floor. I struck on the grate door and yelled the name of Jash. There was a strong Vietnamese came up to me. He said "No" in English and a string of Vietnamese swear words. I explained that I came to see a friend and asked him to open the door. He asked me to call Jash. I explained that I had just got off the plane without a SIM card. At the same time I showed the detailed address information that Jash sent to me. Finally the Vietnamese man opened the grating door. On the left of the iron gate was a small living area with an iron bed and a TV set. There were 3 washing machines on the right side. Obviously, the man was the security guard.

迎面砸來的卻是一句:What’s wrong with you?!
內心不是沒有緊張與不知所措,只是馬上恢復理智並解釋自己是Jash的 中國 沙發客。外國妹子一聽沙發客,態度一下子360度大轉彎,她說她也是沙發客。打開大門的瞬間是她懶散卻帶微笑的那句welcome。
尾隨著她進屋,我笑著搖了搖頭,自我調侃道, what a beautiful morning I have.
I knocked the door of Jash and shouted again.
5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes.
When I felt the shoulders were too tired to bear the backpack and I was going to lose patience, the door suddenly opened.
What came to me was the words ‘’What’s wrong with you?!’’
Looking up, I saw a strong Caucasian girl looking at me with her anger.
Suddenly I felt a little nervous and overwhelmed, but i tried to calmly explain that I was Jash's Couchsurfer from China. When the Caucasian girl heard my words, her attitude changed immediately. She said, “ Oh nice to meet you. You’re welcomed here. Actually I am also a Couchsurfer.’’
Following her to the flat, I smiled and shook my head, what a beautiful morning I had.
外國妹子慵懶地躺在客廳沙發上,還示意分半個沙發給我。原來外國妹子叫Emma,來自 美國 。 美國 緊張的就業市場迫使Emma選擇來 河內 當英語老師。Emma並沒有職業教師資格證但是憑藉著母語美語的優勢,輕鬆在 河內 找到工作並拿著遠高於人均的工資。迥然不同的文化並沒有激起Emma好奇的欲望,而更多的是對現實的一絲無奈。Emma一本正經地說她高大的身材至今沒在 河內 遇見一個比她更高的當地人。相比於 越南 女生,她感覺自己更像一個男生。她還說自己是一個素食主義者,但並不容易在 河內 吃到全是蔬菜的食物。說到這,Emma咬緊牙齒故作痛苦地一咧牙。
The Caucasian girl was lying on the sofa again and she would like to share her “turf” with me. Talking with her that know her name is Emma who comes from the United States. The tough job market in the United States forced her to be an English teacher in Hanoi unless she would be jobless in the USA. Emma did not have a professional teacher qualification certificate. However, thanks to the advantage of being native American, which was easy to find a job in Hanoi and have a decent salary that way more higher she can get in the USA.
Culture difference did not arouse Emma's curiosity, but more of helplessness to reality. She said she had not met a local here higher than her because she is tall. Compared to Vietnamese girls, she felt more like a man. Emma was a vegetarian and it was hard to eat a vegetarian diet here. Speaking of this, Emma naughtily pretended to have a painful face.

\- Summer golden necklace_designed by SerafinaStudio
看著Emma滑稽好笑的表情以及她1米7的身高,我禁不住呵呵大笑起來。而此時,客廳旁的一扇門打開了,只見睡眼惺忪的 印度 小哥走了出來。我想那一定就是我的沙發主Jash了。
Looking at Emma's funny face and her 1.70 meter height, I couldn't help laughing. At this time, a door next to the living room was opened. A sleepy Indian guy was just coming out. I thought that must be my host Jash.
Jash asked me anxiously why i was late. I shared my fun hop-jumping bus story and also the cheapest airport downtown trip with only 5RMB in my life. After a few simple conversations, Jash wanted take a break again because he just finished a party in the early morning. But he would like to take me to the night market later. This morning was last day for Emma to stay at Jash’s place and after that she packed all her stuff heading to a hostel.
沙發主Jash不算太高,1米75左右。有著一頭深黑色的短髮,以及深棕色黝黑的皮膚,俊朗剛毅的輪廓略微掩蓋了他 印度 血統的特征。
Jash is not too high, around 1.75 meter with the dark black hair and dark brown skin. His handsome facial outline slightly indicates the traits of his Indian blood.
He spoken fluent English with his incontrovertible confidence.
His eyes are always warm but quiet.
Jash和我行走在 河內 的街道上,身旁一輛輛摩托車像閃電般呼嘯而過,只聽見后座 越南 妹子清脆的笑聲。
巨大的以紅底黃色鐮刀為形的圓形大彩燈橫亘在馬路上方,彰顯著 越南 這個社會主義國家的特色。
Night fell.
Jash and I walked on the streets of Hanoi. Motorcycles flashed away just like lightning, only hearing the sweet laugh from the back seat of the Vietnamese girls.
A huge round lantern with a image of the yellow sickle was placed above the road, highlighting the future of being a socialist country.
With the streets gradually narrowed, the scenery became more and more lively. Several lantern stores seemed to be enchanted and the multiple strips of lights were like a colorful waterfall, shining brightly.
Crowded streets, people, street food, and backpackers from all over the world. People all get together to celebrate the coming New Year. I tried to capture all of these into my eyes as much as possible.

\- Clothes: Skirt_Reformation
Summer schooes_ZARA
\- Accessories: Head band_H&M
Summer golden necklace_designed by SerafinaStudio
忽地,Jash拍了拍我的肩膀,示意我在一家人數眾多的路邊小吃攤坐下。看著全是 越南 文僅有幾幅插圖的菜單,我一副“你點什麼我吃什麼”的可憐眼神。Jash笑笑,熟練地用 越南 語叫來 越南 大媽並說了一些 越南 菜名的食物。就在我異常崇拜地看著Jash時,Jash謙虛地擺擺手說是他 越南 朋友的功勞,常教他一些 越南 語。
在等菜的間隙,知道了Jash已經在 河內 獃了一年半,一開始也會抱怨文化的各種差異直到最後的完全適應,他通過在 越南 與 印度 之間倒賣工廠機械零件而謀生,目前單身。談到到對 越南 人看法時,Jash說大部分 越南 人還是友善好客的,但是思想普遍老舊,並沒有放眼看世界的想法。不過考慮國情,這也是合情合理的。在剛剛維持溫飽的平衡線上,應該的確沒有另一份閑情去看一個與自己關聯不大的世界。
Jash patted my shoulder and asked me to sit down on a roadside food stalls. Looking at the menus in Vietnamese, I showed my face with "I eat the same food as you ". Jash smiled and ordered the food in Vietnamese skillfully. I admired his Vietnamese and Jash humbly said thanks to his Vietnamese friends .
While waiting for the food, I knew that Jash had been in Hanoi for one year and a half. At the beginning he came, he complained about the problems from the culture differences. Finally he was adapted completely. He made a living by reselling factory machinery parts between Vietnam and India. When it came to the Vietnamese, Jash said that most Vietnamese are friendly and hospitable, but their minds were traditional and there was no chance for them to explore the world. However, if we consider the national conditions, this is also reasonable. On the balance line which they have just satisfied with food and clothing, i am afraid that there is no leisure to see the world which is not directly related to their lives here.
The behindhand education shackles people's minds. That banned restricts the ability to create wealth. The vital ability determines the level and perspective of life. Sometimes it is doomed to lost opportunities due to the national factors but not ignorance.

酒吧外。一各個低胸,穿著性感的 越南 妹子手拿酒單,競相叫賣。深怕一轉身,就錯過世界各國的旅客。
不遠處的現場DJ播放著時下最流行性的夜店舞曲,恰當好處的綠色鐳射光線和舞臺上扭動身形的 越南 妹子交相輝映。臺下的西方游客手拿酒瓶,和著音樂搖擺舞動。
在 河內 夜色的籠罩下,動感勁爆的音樂像是人們內心的一隻只野獸,衝破牢籠,肆意亂舞。
Walking further was the famous bar street. Outside the bar was also crowded.
Travelers from all over the world only needed a glass of beer to get closer to each other.
Drinking a few glasses of beer, I can't wait to share my journey with Jash.
Sexy Vietnamese girls were holding a drinking list outside of the bar to get more customers. DJ played the most popular nightclub music in the open air. The green laser lights from the stage were aggressive to shoot the audience. Tourists hold drinks and danced with the music.
The night of Hanoi and the dynamic music were like a beast inside of people, with night falls breaking through the cage and dancing wildly.
Took a shot, I walked to the crowds and danced with the music.
Laugh, alcohol, temperature mixed with the flashing neon lights, it seemed true and fake.
That night I have seen myself enjoying the moment, laughing with happy tears and being so real.

Jash時不時調侃我昨晚的瘋狂。說我忘情的跳到最後,感染了一大群西方游客,大家一起加入了進來。回來時還堅持要用Grab打車雖然那時候段只有出租車了。甚至還有一些背包客好奇我來自哪裡,聽Jash說這是一個獨自旅行的 中國 女生後,說什麼這個 中國 女生真是太有趣了等等。
因為是在Jash家的最後一晚。Jash決定晚上帶我去還劍湖游覽。順帶在還劍湖旁的游動餐車上買了現做的巧克力crepe。就在我邊吃crepe 邊和 Jash說著一些有趣的事時,我猛然一低頭。發現crepe里的巧克力醬順著三角形的紙袋滴落胸前的單反上,此時的單反可以說是一隻巧克力單反了。淡定的Jash問我有沒有紙巾,我慌忙地掏出紙巾胡亂擦拭。一旁的Jash建議立馬回家,一些巧克力醬似乎已經順著縫隙流入相機內部。一到家,Jash奪過相機做最後的搶修,濕毛巾打濕外部,再用乾紙巾一個一個細縫擦拭,最後用吹風機烘乾。在Jash一陣忙活後,我的相機似乎也活了過來。
Jep, the next day, of course, I had a hangover.
Jash teased me about the madness of last night. He said my dance infected lots of tourists to join with me. There were even some backpackers who were curious about where I came from. Knowing that I was a Chinese girl who traveled alone, they thought I was quite interesting. When I came back, I still insisted on using Grab(Kind like Uber/Didi) to take a taxi, although there was taxi at that time only.
I stayed with Jash for two nights. The last night Jash decided to take me to Hoan Kiem Lake. We bought the chocolate crepe together in a cute dinning car and walked along the lake. Suddenly I found that the chocolate sauce was almost covered my digital single lens reflex(DSLR) because the sauce dripping down from the triangular paper bag of the crepe. At this moment, inside of me almost creaming but really did not know how to deal with my €1,000+ camera.
Jash looked at me firmly and asked if I had tissues. Then I hurriedly wiped my camera with tissues. Jash suggested to go home immediately because some chocolate sauce seemed to flow into the camera already. Once arrived at home, Jash took the camera and used the wet towel to clean it and then wiped it with the dried tissues. For almost one hour “first-aid” my camera was alive again.

As if the camera were his own, Jash helped me with great care. On the table there was a pile of napkins.
Jash is very considerate, helpful and responsible host I met. As long as he was around, you did't need to think about other things, because he would think early and tell you when it is timely.
次日離開之前。我請Jash喝了 越南 的滴漏咖啡作為感謝。
那相機里殘存的一些巧克力醬,浸染著我和Jash的有趣時光,同時那個染上巧克力醬的 河內 是我獨自旅行的第一站。
Before leaving I invited Jash to drink Vietnamese drip coffee for thanks.
But there is one thing that I have never told him.
The camera's power button can not open easily because of the leaking chocolate sauce. When it is warm, the inner sauce will melt into a liquid so that the button can easily move.
The chocolate sauce left in the camera is telling a beautiful story from us and Hanoi where let my camera get chocolate is the first stop for me in Vietnam to travel alone.
Let this lovely chocolate sauce exists in my camera.
As the temperature changes,
\- End -
Let us burn here or die there
If you like my thoughts then smash it
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